shotgun basics vs myths

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by tacmotusn, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    I think we are saying the same thing. [applaud]
  2. Frisian

    Frisian Monkey

    Groovy Mike, Good post, lots of detail, and I would agree with most everything you posted.
    Let me just say that my experience with pumpgus is somewhat different than yours...

    Let me preface this by saying that were I to be told I had to go forth for good reason using a fighting shotgun I would most likely use one of my semis.
    But this would be because of its increased firepower, not because of any reliability factor.

    As far as reliability, a pump has always been known to be top notch for reliability, except for shooter induced malfunctions, namely short stroking.

    Either platform when used within the parameters we both outlined will deliver good performance. It's when people expect too much one way or the other from the shotgun and have not observed first hand what the gun and load will or will not deliver that their becomes a problem.
    groovy mike likes this.
  3. Marlin

    Marlin Monkey+

    I favor a SXS 12ga Mag 'Coach gun' w/a good pistol for back-up sort of a 'new york reload'
  4. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    I am a 12 GA fanatic for close range self defense. I cast and load my own buckshot and slugs and with a suitable shottie my slugs are good to 125 yards

    Racking to scare is real newb/hollywierd stuff.. bad idea that you guys have already well trashed and with good cause

    Also note where your shotcup/wad goes when patterning. This could be very important in a hostage situation or where you MUST fire past a friendly to take out an active attacker

    I consider the bump in the night shottie to be a different animal than the one I will use for the Zombie apocalypse/planet of the apes uprising scenario

    Here is my bedside shottie.. Mossberg 500 with steel heat shield, front tritium post, short range ID LED light, tac star sidesaddle and choate side folder. 18 inch barrel, 6 shots and easy to maneuver in the home. I keep a Federal 3 inch magnum load of #4 buck in the chamber (never use small birdshot unless you fear over penetration in walls is an issue and even then I recommend the magnum goose shot duplex loads of BB/#2) and 5 12 pellet 00 loads in the mag. My max range inside the home would be 35 feet

  5. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    And here is my apocalypse shottie. FN SLP MK 1 22 inch barrel, 9 shots. Tac Star Sidesaddle, Nordic oversized bolt handle and bolt release, procyon strobe light, 3 point sling, holo reflex sight

  6. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    Here it is with a muzzle cover I made for it. I am currently making a padded sheath for it for horseback and side by side deployment. It also has a chamber side 2 shell elastic shell holder for quick chamber loading

    Pic won't load, maybe later

  7. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    One more thing.. with a pump YOU are the semi auto action. In combat the second you fire you should already be pumping that baby and if possible top off the mag
  8. xls

    xls Monkey

    I got a few rem.1100 setups in 3"mag with tactical. stocks
    The one we use holds 7 rounds of 2-1/2"
    I forget the barrel lenghts (have been shortened)
    has wide post front sight /glows low vis white .
    in 2007 I was out for an extended period. and 1 night a meth adict from down the road came home to the wrong house, my wife on one end of the house and my daughter on the other end, with said bad guy.
    by the time my wife was woke by the breaking in and grabed the gun the said guy had walked through the living room into the kitchen. she located the perp, seen to the security of our lil one and called the 3 minutes it took the law to arrive she was faced with that dreaded situation, he began to come down the hall toward the rear of the home, she informed him to stop, startled and stoned he pulled a pocket knife and .....4 shot prevented his advancement. she wasnt worried for the knife and simply removed his ability to hold anything. Then the law questioned/jumped her for AIMMING and questioned if the shot was intentionl???.
    later a cop told her it looks better if she simply shoots all over and looks like it was an accident.
    I told her the cop was a F-ing idiot for risking a life for a report.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If you are pulling back on the slide as you squeeze the trigger, the slide will start moving as soon as the shot is away. That should remind you to continue the motion, slam it forward again, and preload to move it on the next shot. Practice that, it isn't instinctive unless you shoot doubles at trap.
    tacmotusn and BTPost like this.
  10. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    I do doubles and yes you should get an advance pressure going as you fire
  11. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    I shoot my Rem. 870 this way and fellow hunters think I am firing a semi auto. It has become second nature to eject while riding recoil and ram the next round into the chamber as snapping back onto target. I never thought too much about putting it into words. My 870 is much better at doing it than any Mossberg pump I shot or owned for short periods of time. Some of my friends who are Winchester fanatics say their Win. Pumps are smooth like the Rem. and perform well when doing this as well.
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