Shortage on Canning Supplies

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Motomom34, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I buy Classico spaghetti sauce. It comes in an Atlas canning jar, and costs about the same as similar sauces.
    HK_User, GOG, sec_monkey and 2 others like this.
  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    No shortages here, somethings a little harder to find, but not too bad! Was at the local Bi-Mart the other day and scored more vac seal bags on sale, and noticed the shelves plenty full of the canning stuff, and in most every size! With what y'all are posting, might have to go back and bulk up and get crackin!
  3. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I'm on Ball's website now and they're showing a box of 12 wide mouth lids (no bands) at $8.99.
    HK_User, Gator 45/70, Ganado and 3 others like this.
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Got pricey didn't they :)
  5. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Sobospider, HK_User, GOG and 5 others like this.
  6. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I get that brand too but never considered using those jars for canning. Never took the label off to see that imprint. Have you tried them and if so, water or pressure?
  7. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    My lifetime license comes with 6 per bow season. I used to hunt for fun—this year I’m looking to use all tags.
  8. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    I have used them In pressure canning and the lids fit. I even contacted the company and they said they were not designed for home canning. But, I think that was just CYA talk. I have also used salsa jars for high acid pickles. I water bath them and put into the frig to age.
    HK_User, Gafarmboy, GOG and 4 others like this.
  9. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    Not a lid to be found here. Vac bags are getting hard to come by also.
    HK_User, Gator 45/70 and ditch witch like this.
  10. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Classico does not condone canning in their jars.
    The Classico jars are great for non-canning purposes
    Can You Re-Use Classico Pasta Sauce Jars?
    HK_User and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Water and test first with cheap food, Boss says they are hit and mis
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Ball 42000 Wide Mouth Canning Jar Lids, 36 Packs Of 12
    by Ball
    ITEM: BL-42000-36PK
    UPC: 744539018524
    Ball 42000 Wide Mouth Canning Jar Lids, 36 Packs Of 12

    Out of stock presently, which is typical for them this time of year. But if you order, they do get them in and send. Best prices I've found over the years, though about twice as high as the last time I bought. We keep 3-4 thousand in stock all the time.

    Like ammo, silver and many other things....the time to buy is before they get popular.
    One of our empty jar storage cabinets.

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
    Cruisin Sloth, HK_User, GOG and 4 others like this.
  13. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    The best use for reusing jars like that are for dry storage or making candles in. LOL I buy dill pickle spears in gallon jars and they make great dry rice, bean, and pasta storage. I stopped buying spaghetti sauce in glass and started buying it in the half gallon and gallon sizes just for the larger plastic containers............ drawback to them is if not careful my thing of a ma jig that sucks the air out of jars and seals then tends to implode the plastic containers if I am not careful :) And for the sealing part using the lids that come on those, I remove the paper like coated liners used commercially and replace it with a generous coat of wax, makes a airtight seal every time with the jar sucker.
    Motomom34 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    as i recall, Ball has more stock in Oct or Nov... not sure which... its pretty normal to be low on canning supplies on the shelves this time of year.

    Can you reuse those classico jars? i thought the spiral on the glass did not match canning lids... then i could be thinking of prego.

    i think there is a lot of money to be made if you can figure out how to rerubbarize jar lids
    HK_User and Gator 45/70 like this.
  15. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    HAH lids just went on sale.
    Wide Mouth

    This IS prime canning time for sure, so it's not surprising to see the store stock depleted. That said I am glad I picked up as many Tattler lids as I did. Fixing to order a bunch of replacement gaskets to have on backup. So far my gaskets are all still good but I've heard people say they can get wonky over time.
  16. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    Only certain people will know what the meaning of " wonky" is. :D
  17. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Well with regards to Classico canning jars, and purely for entertainment purposes, they'd be fine for putting up my crack peppers if all I did was boil them in the brine for 20 minutes, then pack the jars, put a lid on, and flip them on the counter rather than actually use a canner.

    Which of course I would never do. Because that would be wrong.

  18. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    Our DG store has a lot of it.
    Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  19. Gafarmboy

    Gafarmboy Monkey+++

    Here in South Georgia, canning supplies are almost non-existent. Several associate's work in grocery retail, meat market manager, store manager, etc. All say that canning supplies are flying out the door. My wife says that she has never seen such shortages in her life. We have Tatlers but my better half is Leary of using them. Old school all the way. Prices are also way up.
    Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

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