One thing to remember is that we're talking college aged "kids" most of whom had probably never been taught the fine art of self protection, never taught to react swiftly and without mercy in self protection. Even as adults who think about safety and security, we might not have reacted as quickly and decisively as we might think. Let's not blame the victims
I think that what we all have to remember is that these are basically kids who have spend their lives in a generally liberal/anti-self defense academic environment. Unless their parents taught them the mindset of defensive action.
April 30/May 1st---all signed up for the CCW class. Laziness on the subject can end with me, but I certainly don't want to be in a situation where I am at the mercy of some lunatic like this ****er.
You've gotta take a class now? I guess I was grandfathered in, I've had mine since '91, but I've never heard of having to go to a class. Regardless, congrats on becoming one of us gun toting, right wing lunatics! That's something you'll never regret doing.
Yeah, this is going to cause trouble for gunowners. I work in a public library, a gun-free, zero-tolerence zone. Where do you think every bum in town goes during the day? To the library to look at porn on the internet. I think it is only a matter of time before one of my coworkers gets hurt. I really feel vulnerable in here sometime. Most big city libraries have a security desk with armed guards for just these same reasons. As someone has already mentioned, these sorts of bad things always happen in places where everyone is 'gun-free' by law. No nutjob ever went to the gun show to shoot up the place. I'm glad I just recently bought a handgun. That may get harder to do soon. BTW: when I first heard about this I turned to my girlfriend and said "Please let him be a muslim who bought his guns illegally from an illegal alien," but unfortunately it didn't work out that way.
Blackjack, most states that are "shall issue" states in regards to concealed carry permits require a class (in Texas it is an 8 hour class, or maybe 10 I forget as it was six years ago since I took the initial and the renewal was a lot shorter) fingerprints, and a thorough back ground check. It's ashamed the 2nd Amendment isn't enough.