Sex and Pregnancy During SHTF/WROL

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by lonewolf88, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    Men and women found time for sex even during the siege of Stalingrad.

    Some younger women may be a little fearful of birth without hospitals, but women are not cowards and they will have children when and where they choose.

    They can weigh the risks and accept them when they decide to.

    Sexually transmitted diseases are a whole 'nuther issue, because they can wreck a woman's fertility in the absence of modern medicines. And her health/life, too, of course.

    After the Crash, I think women will choose their partners with excruciating care--and God help the horndog that comes sniffing around for their young daughters.

    The cure for that will be buckshot.
    Ganado, chelloveck and T. Riley like this.
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    @T. Riley
    I've seen the 3rd world. As the climate was tropical the "houses" had a 3-4' wall surrounding them. Then an open space of a few feet until the roof. As the home consisted of one room when the parents engaged in sex; there wasn't any privacy.
    As most cabins had but one room, when mom and dad had intercourse my guess is whoever lived there knew it.

    IMO, babies will be needed and our notions of privacy will change. We see intimacy as a pleasure our ancestors saw it as a need to increase the workforce.
    Ganado, UncleMorgan and T. Riley like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I'm told that throwing a handful of nickels and dimes into the woodheap kept some youngsters occupied for a while.....the downside was removing splinters from the hands of hasty, careless searchers...... ;)

    My folks dealt with that problem by sending us kids to Sunday School....Jesus was surely my parent's saviour for uninterrupted Sunday Morning glories.
  4. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Pretty sure our ancestors were just as motivated for the money shot as we are. "Honey, it's time to make another field hand" is not exactly a panty dropping line.
  5. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    Hey....if your gonna go out, go out with a bang!
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    It would be prudent to learn to be a midwife and KNOW something about delivering babies ,not just fantasizing about it .
    I delivered both my children the first with a birthing coach and the second just my wife and I, that's the way she wanted it.
    There are books on natural child birth , I recommend that if one plans on being a father, he best learn the rest of the responsibility.
    Post SHTF there will be no phone nor any other communications to locate a midwife.
    IMO it is a skill that should be taught in school ,It's more a fact of life than math or English .
    chelloveck and RightHand like this.
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I, and many others here are "hams". There will be communication, weather or not the grid, Internet and cells die. Keep a spare radio or two, in a Faraday cage, or buried underground, and you too could have contact with others of your kind.
    Get you ticket and training now, have your contact later.
    chelloveck likes this.
  8. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    How deep do you have to bury them? Are you suggesting like in a 6 in. sealed PVC tube?
    chelloveck likes this.
  9. I think there would definitely be less sex. So much going on and overall survival taking priority. I just don't think your mind would even come around to that much until you really were in a stable position in life. Definitely an interesting survival topic that you never really think about.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I would suggest you speak with @BTPost, our resident comms guru....he will be along shortly....;)
    chelloveck likes this.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    A sealed container of some kind, for sure. Now, without knowing a damn thing about earth shielding against EMP, I'll take a guess and say burial must be below the lowest level that the water table can be in your AO. The thinking here, and maybe here only, is that the water itself will provide some shielding, tho' VLF emissions will penetrate earth and water to an extent. No, I do not know how deep the penetration can be.
    chelloveck likes this.
  12. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Put me down for "strange places". Bow chicka bow wow!
    chelloveck, T. Riley and Bandit99 like this.
  13. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I think the childbirth aspect of the thread bears discussion and preparation but other than that, nature will take its course whether we think about it in advance or not so that portion of the discussion is irrelevant.
    chelloveck likes this.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ok, EMP and CME both are RF Emissions, and therefore follow the Skin Effect Laws of Physics.... If you plan on using Earth Ground as your shield, you need to get it at least 1 ft below Ground Level... Since it is Electronic Stuff (Radios) You need to put it in a Sealed container to keep the Water and Moisture OUT. I pack my stuff in Sealed Mylar Bags, and then stack those, in a BIG TupperWare Tub, that is buried, down 2 Feet, under Soft, Wet, Salted Soil... The Salt improves the Ground Conductivity, which helps keep the emissions above, the Container.... I live in a Fjord, with 3000' mountains on both sides, so the chances of an Overhead EMP Burst are Slim, to None, so the Power Density at my AoO will be significantly Less, than what would be found in the FlatLands. Also VLF Energy, will dissipate far faster, than Higher Frequency Emissions, so for ME, at MY AoO, I am very comfortable, with my protections.
    I have Radios, Genset AVRs, Laptop, Notebook, Ethernet Switches, and other Electronics in my EMP Proof Storage...

    and on another NOTE, Alaskachick is a High Risk Labor and Delivery RN, and has delivered more Babies, that 90% of the ER Docs, in most Hospitals.....
    chelloveck and kellory like this.
  15. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    I've been having fun reading this thread, but let me give you a cautionary tale.

    In our family, the closest thing we had to SHTF was the Crash of 1919. That was in the old country. A lot of the awareness I have of survival thinking comes from the stories of what happened to us as a family after WWI, the immigration to the US in the 20's and the farm Grandpa put together after recovering from the crash in '29 here in the States.

    Let me skim over the the first 20 years of this story. Grandpa was on the losing side in WWI, and struggled for years to make it. He finally scraped enough money together to join other family here in Ohio. He brought Grandma and my eldest uncle over and then set about making himself a millionaire. He lost everything all over again in the Thirties and was back working as a janitor for the Wurlitzer family until he got back on his feet and built a completely self-sufficient farm in a northern suburb of Cincinnati, with the idea that he was not going to get caught again.

    So what does this have to do with sex? At some point after the move to the farm in 1939, Grandpa was approached by the daughter of his older sister. She and her husband were destitute and needed food and shelter. Grandpa let them live for a while above one of the larger sheds. It was a nice enough accommodation. Grandpa also fed them. Things were cool until the niece announced she was pregnant. Grandpa threw the couple out with extreme prejudice. His thinking was that he did not take in these people just to have them start producing more mouths to feed. It created a permanent schizm in the family that exists to this day.

    You can argue one way or the other about Gramps' decision. However, here was a guy who'd faced starvation at the Front and starvation and privation to the point of having to leave everything behind and head for another country. He'd seen the worst of it, and was doing everything to keep his family from ever facing the same hardships. A guy like that, well, you can see why he would consider the action he took.

    There is another aspect of this story that bears airing: the niece's husband had been out catting around and got himself a good dose of Syphillis. Remember that there is going to be damn few doctors post-SHTF, and even with modern medicine, there are a lot of stuff out there that the docs can't cure. This guy died a raving lunatic with the spirochetes eating his brain. KYHillChick, my Girlfriend, was a sex educator for Cincinnati Children's Hospital before retiring. Believe me: there's stuff out there that makes Korean Three-Day Fall-off look tame. They'll all start spreading like wildfire in a post-apocalpytic environment.

    My point in bringing this up is that SHTF is deadly serious business, and an act as simple as swapping body fluids can have dramatic existential consequences.
  16. lonewolf88

    lonewolf88 Monkey

    Raw sex and use are condoms/diaphragms/female condoms are no different now. Noone knows for sure how women will think during SHTF. Could be more bolder women or there could be more fear mongering women. The way I see it, life is too short to be so picky and overly cautious. Sex is natural. The Vikings did it in barns. I don't think many women think with an open-mind and with logic when discussing sex or asked to have sex. Atleast now they don't. Maybe it would change in SHTF. All we can do is guess and speculate. Its a major assumption to think men only want raw sex. I think anyone with self-respect and caution, will have condoms. Both now and in their BOB for SHTF. With that said, I don't think sex is such a big deal, if you have protection, its fun and pleasure.

    As far as pregnancy goes, I agree with some of the previous posts. The below video could happen in SHTF.

  17. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    maybe less sex for men but not for women. Women decide when and where in most societies and the biological urge to make babies .... its a force of nature when a woman has that urge to have children. lol

    The logistics of pregnancy and child birth is worth discussing. But having sex or not [ROFL][ROFL] there will be sex!

    This is has been a fun discussion.
    chelloveck and T. Riley like this.
  18. runswithdogs

    runswithdogs Monkey+++

    Some women get very very dangerous to be around if they arn't getting their normally scheduled stress relief.
    In a SHTF scenario..... do you really wanna be trapped in close quarters with one?

    Just saying...:cautious:
  19. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    So we all survive when the SHFT and set around and grow old together till the group dies off if things don't get back to "normal". What the hell is the point of that? I want men and women in their 30's with growing families and something to live and fight for in my group. Sex and childbirth is a part of getting back to normal. I never remember being too tired or afraid of anything or anybody to not be interested in sex for more that one day.
    Ganado likes this.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    @shaman , So your saying take it now while you can ,OR embellish that this could be the last few times !!
    Good thinking ..

    Good post & story !
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