We may as well start getting ready for more and more losses of freedoms and liberties. IMHO, there is an irresistible force that has started rolling and can't be stopped. Hillary WILL be our next pres (the fix has been in for years now) and we are screwed, blued and tattooed. Kajun
I saw somewhere on here today that the vote to let the FBI look at browser history without a warrant failed by 1 vote. AND Ted Cruz (the idiot) voted to let the FBI have this power.
Ted just lost a tremendous amount of credibility with a large chunk of America!!!! Lying Ted at it again, as Trump would say......
I did verbal battle in the belly of the beast last night...WaPo comments during the dem "sit in". It's amazing how many of these people can write so many sentences that are totally devoid of fact, reason or logic.
This actually appears to be far worse and much more sinister. This says they don't have to inform the individual they are targeting at all. The letter will be issued to a corporatised ISP. The ISP is then required to hand over the info with orders to never speak of it. ie they cannot inform anybody in anyway that data is being compromised. The incorporation of everything business, including the very 'government' itself, was a move specifically designed to bring about this very outcome. Individuals might rebel and/or destroy their data/access. ISP's will do as they are told. Or else. We were never free. It's just taken those who would be kings a few hundred years and some change to master the art of the steal. It shouldn't be too much longer before they openly & publicly announce their intention to rule. 'What difference does it make anyway?' She just might be the one they've chose to make the announcement... Big Brother is soon to be complete in its make up. I wonder if Orwell was a time traveler? Had he already seen the future and tried to warn humanity? Or is it real life imitating art? Prescient? Crystal ball? Or 'insert your own particular flavor of world control conspiracy group' publicizing its intentions in plain site? Interesting times indeed. EDIT - Actually, you may have it right kellory...all they really need to do is write one letter and mail it out to everybody at once. Done. All privacy and pretext bypassed in one fell swoop. Expect your info to be looked at and if you find out we're looking...say anything to anybody and you get to come visit our must humble facility forever! Even though they all got the same letter and face the same threat. Musn't speak about it. Genius really.
At least the canary is still alive on this site. if you don't know what the canary is for ask a moderate