That's cheap man,I was looking in a locale store yesterday, About 2 bucks a pop for 44mag.Hornday stuff
Do y'all remember when .22 lr was in short supply and the sky was the limit price-wise? That is where we are now with all ammo, and it's gonna stay that way, for at least a year or two....maybe more! Y'all are gonna have to do some things that you might not like #1 If you need ammo, man-up and buy some ammo...whatever it costs! #2 Stop shooting holes in paper targets and beer cans, if you don't know how to shoot by now you're never gonna learn! #3 Stop can buy meat cheaper than you can kill it. #4 Let this be a learning experience and always have plenty of ammo! I heard from a friend that a local pawn shop was selling .30-30 Win. ammo for $100...for a box of 20 and 9mm ammo is $1 a round!, but if you need ammo...
I found out the hard way that ammo doesn't float very well. The ATF is going to require gun owners to take boating safety classes.
Don't know about #3 there 25 cent round of .223 results in a fair amount of whitetail protein. I can't imagine being able to buy that for a quarter. Same round puts down a 430lb pig for another quarter (dresses out about 265) Or a 1400lb steer (dresses out around 800)
Steaks (like this Porterhouse), roasts, etc. Hamburger is made mostly from trimmings or lesser quality cuts from the front quarters.
After seeing how little ammo is left in the shop, I am reconsidering selling a few thousand rounds of factory ammo since local shops are paying 80 cents a round for .45ACP, .223/5.56, 9mm, 30-30, and other what used to be "common" calibers. The only thing holding me back is that I really don't need the money for any projects right now as they are all funded, just waiting on stamps. Nothing has piqued my interest lately that I haven't already submitted paperwork for.
Went to Academy today. Not one single round in any caliber or gauge. I mean zero. No black powder supplies; no powder, primers or bullets. No serious archery supplies. In my 70 years I have never seen this. I do t think on hoarding, it’s investment buying. I sleep in peace over a small fortune every night.
Then the problem is when you need money no one will want second hand ammo unless you are practically giving it away. I don't need the money but I do it any way.
What will be worth more in a barter society when the dollar crashes from government massive over printing --- ammo or worthless paper?
Or what is MUCH MORE likely, and has been going on for decades.....simply increasingly worthless paper that is still in use. (we're over a 100 years into that game plan) If we get to the point of a barter only society, we're at the most extreme end of a SHTF world.....odds are, most won't survive it anyway. That kind of social collapse simply means death for most, despite the popularity of it in survival literature. The govt won't abandon fiat if the dollar collapses, they will simply renew the game with a 'new' backed if they are absolutely forced to do so, but with the ultimate goal of weaning us off any kind of real backing so they could go right back to creating fiat out of nothing, which has proved so successful for them. I'd never "cash in" anything of real value (food, ammo, gold, silver) unless it has a definite shelf life (2 year old watermelons for example, ain't worth much ) OR I need the currency of the day to purchase something else because we're NOT a barter society. To convert real value to paper for a paper 'profit' in a world of declining paper value seems a fool's game to me.
Two year old watermelons have value if they were heirloom and you had processed them for seed. Same could be said for most fruit and produce.