Class VI FFL discount and big reliable trucks and trailers will make a guy a quick buck, if you're into camping at gun shows over big hunks of the Country and have the people skills to do table sales.
You're right. Only one pistol chambered for that caliber with all that ammo will result in overfeeding and chronic pistol obesity. You need at least two more to soak up the excess!
Seems like gun shows in most states just are not happening. That was my original idea for selling silver, but the problem is most of the gun shows happen at the time of year when silver is down. The one year I could have made a killing there's no gun shows.
Next time gun prices aren't ridiculous I'll get a marlin camp carbine. (They shoot 45acp and take 1911 mags) I sold a crap load of 9mm and 380 and have a crap load more to sell. Not sure how much there is to sell because I barely scratched the surface and haven even started to dig for it.
The Marlin Camp Carbines are a bit few and far between, especially in .45. I ran into one some years ago at a small town gun show, but finances at the time dictated a "no sale". So when I retired and finances were a little better, ordered a Mec-Tec Carbine Conversion Unit. They make them in 9mm, .45, 10 mm and available to fit on 1911 or Glock frames. MechTech Systems | Pistol Carbine Conversion 1911 Glock XDM (I don't get any kind of a commission, just think they're cool) You simply remove your slide, and slip the conversion on top of the frame where it locks, so there's no FFL, 4473 or background check nonsense because it's not a firearm.
Gun broker price is usually up to $1,000. They're kind of weird and rare so they're not being bought up like all the cool stuff.
i reload 30-30,30-06.7.62x39,45 acp,44 mag,44special,357 ,38special,40 s&w and have 20k 22 ammo stored,then there's bp lead ammo then 50 cal,45 cal 56 cal for my howdah 12 Gage,20 gage several hundred lbs 7 shot and at least 5 hundred lbs lead and soon 32 acp
Not at all. I assure you we have more than enough arms and munitions to last us until our last days. Ethics. I don't believe in gouging folks just to make a buck. I've made a very good living with my businesses and don't need to. 98% of our ammo are my own reloads. Rimfire and 8mm Mauser aside, the factory ammo I keep on hand is mainly for testing firearms that I repair or build. I do on occasion sell or trade brass, but always for a fair price. I've never bought PM's-lead included, with an eye for profiteering. I've invested in it for my family's future period. I've never felt the need, and frankly don't understand your need to continually make derogatory and boastful posts about how you're happily screwing people for profit.
That they are. I fell in love with them back in the 80's when a buddy let me shoot his and swore I'd have a pair someday. It took me quite awhile-because I'm a cheap@zz but I finally got a pair. Love them both but the .45 is my favorite. It eats any type of bullet very well. I mainly use the same ammo (200gnSWC) that I use in the 1911's.
I admire the ethics of not wanting to screw folks over by selling an inferior product at inflated prices. However, buying a product that is new for a low price, and then through the passage of time and today's market forces would cause that same product to sell for a higher price is not screwing the customer. Buying low and selling high is an American tradition that we all hope to utilize with our own investments whether in stocks, PMs, or land. The old saying of the price being "whatever the market will bear" comes to mind, though there is a thin line between market forces and price gouging. One's conscience does indeed come into play on such matters, and I would hope each of us has a guardian angel that always keeps us in check. Selling a product to someone who wants it for a price that he or she is willing to pay is actually providing a service to that person who was formerly without. I have no desire to sell ammo, but I do include decent amounts of it to my adult children as Christmas gifts. Sadly, the high prices this year have made their 2020 gifts a good bit smaller than I had intended.
Well then don't ever sell any stocks, bonds, PM or offer any kind of specialized products or services for sale. Sounds like something Bernie boys would say. "People shouldn't be allowed to make money off other people". The only remedy for that is complete and total central planned economy communism. I don't see how "an auction is screwing people". The price will only ever go as high as what someone is willing to pay for it. Every auction for say 9mm FMJ ammo that goes for 80 cents a round is some one that didn't "buy it now" for a dollar per round.
I have conducted market research on shot gun ammo. I bought a crap load of shotgun ammo from the late 1990s through 2010. Was on the east coast then, shotguns are great for hunting and home defense. I always bought the good stuff, rem, win, fed. I had a lot, then I inherited a crap load from my dad who bought a lot of cheap stuff 12ga, still very effective. Looks like lots can be as small as 50 or 60, but go over 500 or up to 1,000 and your limiting your buyer pool. Seems like smaller lots of 50 to 100 for premium legacy brands and lump together bigger lots of the cheap stuff, at least 100 per lot. Shot gun ammo is big, heavy, takes up a lot of room, isn't very water proof, gets deformed if not stored properly. Plus this is rifle country out here. The last 5 years I have been going more towards suppressed centerfire rifle and pistol.
Now time to vacate dad's 357 and 38spl hord. Since the only 357/38 I have is dad's 3 inch 357 rossi which my friend who is gay for smith's says is a real good 686 copy. Dad did buy premium self defense ammo for it. Since its a little 3 inch six shooter it's not like it's a big game getter or long range offensive thing. Pretty much up close self defense gun and likely wouldn't get the chance to shoot off hundreds of rounds in those types of situations. The reload pile is sufficient and there are partial reboxed factory ammo I don't really see as being sellable, got 3 different makes of 357 ammo stuffed into a box that doesn't match any of what's inside. I worked up some hot 38spl or light 357 mag reloads that are just about perfect for that little gun. The 38 and 357 piles should bring up to 30 pieces of silver each.
I never knew you could get sore from listing ammo on online auctions. I'm emptying out 20mm ammo cans. When this shit is over I'm refilling those, buying more 20mm cans or what ever is big and cheap and filling them too. One thing I'm not selling is 44 mag. I don't have much factory ammo any more. Most of the factory ammo I bought has been fired and brought back into the fold as reloads, plus 44mag has always been expensive to buy but cheap to reload so, don't lose the brass... yeah. I found some empty ammo boxes which is nice so I can have something to put reloads in besides a zip lock bag. Found some 357mag and 38spl fired brass and found some 44spl and 44mag sized, primed, flared and ready to load, must have ran out of bullets at one point and put them up. So the 44s got turned into live ammo and the 38s and 357s got sized and are in the tumbler.
People are so desperate I can put partial boxes of "self defense" handgun ammo for sale and they'll get bids. Went to the range and picked up a lot of 5.7x28 brass which is very unusual, some 45acp and some 30-30. There was lots of 380, more than I have ever seen and didn't bother with it as I have like 1,500 new primed 380 shells.
The 5.7x28 ammo is like 8 days out and is already going alla akbar!!! Buck shot and slugs are about 9 days out and most and already bid up to around a dollar per round. Went to walmart the other day and bought winchester 12 gauge 2-3/4 inch 9 pellet 00 buckshot, nice fresh 2020 production for a little under $1 per shot, including sales tax. My shells I'm selling are 10 to 15 years old, stuff I inherited from dad, probably at least 15 years old. I'm keeping these, at least till next bluegaflu. Seems like a good way to keep a good ammo hord on hand, grow the ammo hord and not end up going into teotwawki with a bunch of 20 year old ammo. Cheap 22LR is consistently going for 10 cents per round. Time to sell. With prices like that I should be able to get at least $900 for my 20 year old 22lr ammo pile. I would buy it when it was on sale at Walmart and it was under a $ for 50.
I was expecting the shotgun ammo to underperform; to the effect of sell a hundred, ship it, minus gunbroker fees be able to buy a 120, maybe 150 possibly if I was lucky. Worst case scenario sell 100 old ones and buy 100 new ones. Nope I was wrong big time. It's probably going to turn into sell 1, buy at least 2. I'm reorganizing and will go forward with less buckshot and slug ammo. As this is rifle country (with high ballistic coefficient bullets).
Don't ever sell primed brass. It's a curse. A year ago, in the before times I bought 1,500 new Remington primed 380acp brass for cheaper than I could buy new brass with out primers for. After selling all my 357 factory ammo I'm a little lower on 357 ammo than I would like to be. Only inherited my 357 in 2016. Got 250 for 32 cents each, that's only a few cents more than new 357 brass. Way cheaper than buying plandemic priced brass and outrageous plandemic priced primers. Since I upgraded the the M1 carbine to the peace carbine I neglected to buy more ammo for it, I only got it in 2017. Got 1x fired mixed head stamp sized primed and shipped for 25 cents each. Some people are trying to get 20 cents a shell for sized 1x brass. It's no coincidence I bought primed 357 and 30 carbine brass. I'm running low on small primers. I knew I had lots of primers, well upon closer inspection they were almost all large primers. Oops. So I have an illogical number of large primers, but no where near what I would consider a large number of smalls. Maybe moving forward keep an inventory... So if you need something brass and primers related try to buy primed new or 1x brass.
Yes,I think one thing we all need to do is keep a inventory of our loaded ammo. Thought I was low on 9 mm but after looking I found 1200 rds that I had forgot about. I at least try to keep 1000rds of everything I shoot except .32-20 .