Self Reliance as the path to survival and saving money

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by monkeyman, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Re: self reliance as a road to survival and saveing money

    Just have to squat 10-15yearsandthepropertyisyours,quitclaim deed. Gottahopesomefilesaredestroyed in themayhem.

    It'll be an interesting time with no electricitiy I woner how society will take it.
  2. 264Win

    264Win Monkey++

    Re: self reliance as a road to survival and saveing money

    I could not agree with you more, It seems in today's world no one takes responsibility for there own well being. When I grew up my grandparents lived in the same house and we had a garden on three sides of the house that took up about 3 acres, we canned for the winter when grandpa did not work he was a roofer and tinsmith (heating and air conditioning now). We also raised chickens and I raised rabbits. I was given a buck and a doe by my great uncle because I complained of having to pick pin feathers all the time. It was less than 6mo. and I had taken over the chicken coop with little rabbits. I was 4yrs old at the time before I had to go to kindergarden any way. when I got married my wife also was a prepper and we had a large garden at our new home in the country. We now live in Alaska and can salmon and moose no garden here. We put aside some each week from regular groceries ffor a rainy day.[rnt]
    Shotgunpapa likes this.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Re: self reliance as a road to survival and saving money

    Wow, an older thread with so much info inside!
    I can see the need to keep this thread bumped up and going!
    Especially NOW!
    I personaly think any skills one posesses will become needed in due time.
    I have been steadily trying to get away from all the hi-tech gadetry myself, but as long as it lasts, I'm using it to my advantange!
    Rabbits, chickens, canning, dehydrating, gardening, and farming, is all things that will be in demand.
  4. Caerus

    Caerus Monkey+

    Re: self reliance as a road to survival and saving money

    I know this is an old thread, but it definitely has some good ideas for this lurker. I really wish we could have a couple goats (or even better, sheep!) in our little backyard, but zoning laws are pretty strict. They did just amend the law to allow a handful of hens, so I really want to have a few of those.

    Fingers crossed, we really expanded our garden this year and I'm hoping it goes well! I'm sure we will get lots of good info here.

    That is no more true than the myth that a dog/cat/horse/armadillo/whathaveyou has to breed or they will die. Don't worry about your bunnies being celibate for an extended time, it won't kill them. :)
  5. BrotherBobL

    BrotherBobL Monkey+

    As always great material, but as once said "you can take all man out of the city and man will still servive, but take man out of the country, and the cities will be over grown with country. Great article as always thanks.
  6. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I remember how my grandma used to milk the cows or sheep and then we drank it directly from the bucket... we would have sucked the cow, but were afraid to be kicked... :D
    We never got sick or anything...The only problem I had in the village were those small bloodsucking, jumping flies...they just loved me...and it wasn't mutual love... :D
  7. rictus

    rictus Monkey+

    If the lights go out, your neighbors and others will be at your throat in a week, or the neighborhood will be burning. Don't kid yourself about this. Staying in any known, findable, above ground building will be an invitation to get killed, and sooner rather than later, too. Even tents, if not really well concealed/camoed, and moved daily, in a thickly forested area, are likely to be noticed/attacked. The dumb looters won't last a week. Then they will all know to use darkness to approach, then fire/smoke to force you out to be slaughtered. Maybe you will be "lucky" and all they will do is butcher-run off your animals and steal everything you have.
  8. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Sounds like you have made it to me. We are in a very similar situation, except we finally paid our mortgauge of early this year. Yea !
  9. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Rictus, I totally disagree with you. Those of us that live rural with neighbors that are almost family from years of being neighbors helping each other when asked can for the most part rely on same in times of emergancy. I am in my 60's, served in the miliary in the mid to late 60's, and most of my neighbors are the same. Can and would be ban together to ward off people with your mindset ? You better believe it. Do we remember what we learned in the mud , the blood and the beer ? Count on it. I also believe that the largest part of the looters will be mostly in the cities, and at least a few weeks before even thinking of getting to our areas. Once they started up the mountains to get here, they would be spotted by various people long before they could get anywhere near our towns. Since they (the ones left) would be forced to walk, as the only 3 or so roads in our area would be quickly blocked (just helping out nature a bit) they would be easy prey 5 miles or so from town. Then my area is another 26 miles out , the last 6 mostly old wagon and buggy roads at best. You would need to change the way that you think for the most part or you will not live very long. Arn't you the same person I have seen on so many posts this last week that is going to dig a hole on state property and burrow down like a prarrie dog ? Then come out and "take what you need"
    MomMomKimmi likes this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yep, he's the one. No longer stopping off in the cage -- [boozingbuddies]
  11. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Thanks Ghrit. I thought so. Everything he jumps into is pure negitive and nothing but. I think he has been playing to many vidio games. Nadja
  12. KathyR2012

    KathyR2012 Monkey+

    Great Advice

    Great advice. I've thought about the rabbit thing but not sure I could actually kill something (obviously a city girl) unless I was extremely hungry. I've got the garden going though so won't starve.
  13. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Rabbits are a good source of Supplemental protein

    When you are faced with the pangs of real hunger, you'll be surprised what critters you'd be prepared to slaughter and eat. We have separated ourselves from what we eat, if we are not strict vegetarians, by outsourcing our slaughtering and butchering meat, and in some ways we deceive ourselves that the meat that comes neatly packaged on a tray and covered by cling film wasn't a living, breathing thing. I have shown my children when they were but young'ns how to skin and dress small game, like wild rabbits, and I am confident that they are capable enough that they could do the same if they needed to. They weren't morbidly interested in it, but it was an educational lesson in animal anatomy and physiology at the time.

    They learned that taking the life of an animal, for the purpose of sustenance was sometimes justifiable, but that otherwise, one needs a good reason to be morally justified in doing so.

    Rabbits are a good food source that reproduces readily, that has a multitude of benefits in a permaculture gardening, fur, consumes vegetable scraps and weeds, produces good organic fertilser for the garden, and in a mobile ark, can be used as a tractor to prepare garden beds for production.

    Just be aware that rabbit meat is lean , and doesn't have much in the way of fats and minerals necessary for human nutrition. An exclusive diet of rabbit meat can have very adverse effects.

    Rabbit starvation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    cjsloane likes this.
  14. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    wildernessgal> Would you please share more with me about this,
    I have no knowledge of any documented genetic resistance to worms in goats. It doesn't mean it doesn't exist.... just that I've never run into it and I'd be very interested in learning more since we bought a goat for delivery next spring. I totally agree with you here, "I've said before when T.S.H.T.F. all of that sorta WASTEFUL behavior will be a no go, 'cause I don't think many realize WHAT IT TAKES TO TRULY SURVIVE/do it for yourself. It takes A LOT MORE WORK THAN ONE THINKS.... PEOPLE ARE GONNA HAVE TO SCALE-DOWN/CUT-BACK on what they are currently use to as it won't be PRACTICAL/REALISTIC in a new more old fashioned/more primitive world. And me thinks, that most have no "realistic clue" about what it entails to maintain THEMSELVES... let alone even including what you'd have to grow to maintain LIVESTOCK."

    KathyR2012> "not sure I could actually kill something" Pretty much the only thing I've ever killed in my life other than mosquitoes was a deer and that was many many moons ago. I was on a double date and the driver of the car hit it. The deer was in rough shape. It was obviously in pain and had no chance of surviving... blood from every orifice and what I now know was a compound fracture. I begged our dates to put it out of its misery but they wouldn't. I took the tire iron from the trunk and killed it because I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I'd left a poor dumb animal to suffer like that. That was that.... I threw up everywhere on the way home. I've killed once and can call animal control on feral cats when I know they put them down but still worry about being able to kill a healthy animal... here's hoping that if both you and me are "faced with the pangs of real hunger" we'll be able to override our emotions.
  15. Survival 101

    Survival 101 Monkey

    My head hurts with the little I know!:(
    IndieMama likes this.
  16. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Don't let it. Ask any questions you have about anything you'd like to know. There is an expert on almost any topic here and all are glad to share, even if it means sharing again and again.
    Survival 101 likes this.
  17. Survival 101

    Survival 101 Monkey

    Thank you so much. Its the realization that you take so much for granted and have to imagine a time when you won't have all the luxuries and have to be self reliant. I have got to get my house in order so to speak lol. Appreciate it.
  18. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Yes, it can be daunting.

    You need to start creating lists of things you might miss (or need) in terms of :
    Short term: (the most common and likely) 1-14 day disruption
    Medium term: 3 week to 3 month
    Long term: 4 month to a year

    Start with the basics like air, water, food, shelter and then work your way up from there.
    it makes no sense to spend a bunch of money on End of the World supplies if they don't also meet the first two tiers.

    Building blocks. Calm and Level. Ask lots of questions.

    Welcome to the Monkey
    cjsloane and Survival 101 like this.
  19. Survival 101

    Survival 101 Monkey

    Thank you so much. I came across your "DEYO FOOD STORAGE PLANNER" and it was awesome. That will really help me a lot to get started.. (Message posted on that thread).
  20. Evil

    Evil A rock n roll girl loving life!

    I hope to be 50-75% self reliant within the next few years. I have a huge garden that produces WAY more than we can eat. I am now learning to can to preserve my harvest. I have this year added 7 different fruit trees to my grow. I have enough petrol and natural gas to keep me for a little while (nothing in our house uses gas). I have the plans to start storing water run off (5 spouts with 100 gallon barrel each). My next 2 steps are solar and animals. Solar is just an issue of upfront cash to get it, and animals I am on the road A LOT so caring for them while I am gone will cause me to have to pay someone. . . But I am getting there. These plans are as much about being self reliant/off grid as to save money and be healthy (GMO's freak me out)
    chelloveck likes this.
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