Science seems a bit behind on things...

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by OldDude49, May 15, 2019.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Biblical Scientific Foreknowledge Claim # 11
    Genesis 2:1-2

    Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 2:1-2 - King James Version

    Claim: "The finished 'Creation' confirmed the First Law of Thermodynamics. If there is a Second Law of Thermodynamics, then there must be a First Law (of Thermodynamics), and indeed there is. (impeccable tautological logic :rolleyes:)

    And this natural law confirms another scientifically testable statement in the Bible, it states that the total quantity of matter and energy in the universe is a constant. One form of energy may be converted into another; energy may be converted into matter, and matter may be converted into energy, but the total quantity remains the same. You can't get something from nothing, and you can't take something and make nothing out of it. If it could be shown that matter or energy was coming into being, then this biblical statement of a finished creation universe would be falsified: The opposite is true; it has been verified once again, a biblical statement has withstood scientific test."

    Since when did a bronze age creation myth story morph into a fully formed scientific axiom?

    This particular biblical reference (Genesis 2:1-2) is vague at best, and of itself offers no scientific 'like' clear explanation of the concept of 'conservation of energy'. Indeed, god's creation of energy and matter ex nihilo would be a direct violation of the very same law that some Christian apologists claim that the Bible has scientific foreknowledge of.

    If Genesis 2-1-2 is such a clearly self evident example of the natural laws of Thermodynamics, why did it take until well after Rudolf Clausius and from William Rankine published their scientific their work, before Christian apologists assumed any scientific foreknowledge by ancient scripture authors on the subject?

    Conclusion: The F.I.G. claim is:

    1. Self refuted by the very science it claims to validate its theological truth claim
    2. Yet another example of real science being retrofitted into bronze age theology.
    3. A failure as a valid example of scientific foreknowledge.

    For those who are experiencing some brain pain concerning reconciling Genesis 2:2-1 with the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, I offer this relatively simple way of understanding the 1st and second laws of thermodynamics, as a way of soothing the process somewhat. ;)

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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