school shooting in CT

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CATO, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Catullus

    Catullus Monkey+++

    In the long term ammo will be targeted. In the short term...I was at my neighborhood gun shop this afternoon picking up a few extra "things." He said that a few guys came in and bought all his off the wall AR's(he was already out of ammo). Has anyone else seen this going on at their local shops today??? As a businessman I would think that buying AR's, like tomorrow, would be a wise decision if you have the cash laying around. The gun store owner said that he expected prices to double in our very near future.
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Naw, they need to ban psychos. Guns are blameless. What a coward.
    ditch witch likes this.
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You don't want to live in CT tonight. the CT gun owners, who were previously viewed by our liberal neighbors, as part of the troublesome population of our state, have become evil incarnate. It is as if each one of us took a high powered "assault" weapon loaded with (as one radio personality said) a 100 round magazine (huh) and unloaded it in full auto on those children. Another said that the "gun population" loves it when these things happen because more firearms are sold after an event. No only do we love it, but the gun manufacturers and the NRA also love it. Need I repeat more of this feeding frenzy?

    I doubt if there is a single person, coast to coast, ultra liberal to ultra conservative, those calling for a total weapons ban and to those believing in our right to own them, who doesn't have a heavy heart tonight. However, I refuse to feel guilt because I am among those who choose to be armed, only sadness that these children have died at the hand of a murderer, whatever his weapon of choice.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    JABECmfg and Brokor like this.
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I by chance went to wally world and meijers tonight. Know what i didn't see?
    .223, and 9mm. both stores only the expensive zombie stuff for 223 (1 box) and over priced tula for the 9mm (6 boxes at 17.00 ea). And a lot of empty shelf space.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    It's a tragic event that will add to the collection of tragic events to be used as political munitions to lay an assault on Constitutionally protected rights. This train is headed full-steam toward complete draconian legislation, and the more this happens, the more the war drums will beat.

    Of course it doesn't make sense; it doesn't have to make sense. There is enough motive for the .Gov to reason up enough legislation to further empower itself without common sense to factor in. When emotions run wild, it's a sure bet common sense will flee like Scooby-Doo to a ghost.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    The Dunblane school massacre did it for the UK. I doubt it's gonna take more than one more to turn every politician publicly against the second, even if they privately support it.

    My tin foil hat collection is practically humming a symphony right now. I will never get any sleep tonight.
    VisuTrac, oldawg and Brokor like this.
  8. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Every morning when I walk into work I walk past armed security. The main lobby has security doors and we manufacture automotive components. Malls hire off duty policemen to patrol. Gold, silver, precious metals, bonds etc. all travel in armored vehicles with armed security. We patrol our parks, many monuments with armed guards. A court room has armed security and a metal detector and everyone must pass through it.

    Our schools have a "gun free zone" decal on the front doors which are unlocked.

    We protect monetary items better than we do our children. How many times will this happen over and over again until someone at least locks the doors?
    Gator 45/70 and CATO like this.
  9. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    "Authorities found at least three guns at the scene, including a Glock 9mm and a Sig Sauer 9mm — both pistols. The weapons used in the shooting were found in close proximity to the gunman’s body, Vance said.
    Also found was a Bushmaster .223 assault rifle, which was discovered in a nearby car." So the .223 never made it into the building. merely along for the ride.
    "Police reported Lanza was dressed in black tactical assault-style clothing, and may have been wearing a bullet-resistant vest." They don't know? His body is right there on the floor guys. Take a look!
    "Meanwhile, state police told Aiello they were looking at the strong likelihood that the gunman gained entrance to the school by shooting out a window right next to the front door."
    They gonna outlaw 12ga. shotguns too? That is what the cops in my area use to breech doors, or force entry.
    Only thing that would have stopped this whack-job, was a few well placed rounds, from a CCW. True gun control means use both hands.
    I'm sorry for their pain and loss.:(
    JABECmfg and ghrit like this.
  11. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    kellory, ghrit and tulianr like this.
  12. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    As tragic as this is IIRC there were similar incidents in Australia and Scotland which were literally the straws which broke the camel's back and led to nationwide firearms confiscation.

    IF this happens here and insufficent numbers resist it will truly be the last nail in the coffin of this Republic.

    Or it'll be one freakin bloody civil war. Then while we're busy here, Iran lobs a nuke at Israel, Syria gases itself, North Korea throws a nuke at South Korea and/or Japan. And then the real fun begins.

    I'm starting to think the Mayans were right.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  13. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

  14. Catullus

    Catullus Monkey+++

    They are already sliding into the headlines on CNN. Also heard on NPR today that all victims were killed with the Bushmaster.
  15. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I looked at some of the older news stories that stated clearly it was found in the car. They've all changed.

    No, nothing stinks here.
    oldawg, JABECmfg and Brokor like this.
  16. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Tell a lie, tell it often...

    Alinsky would be proud.
    oldawg likes this.
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    + 10,000..No truer word's spoken !!!
  18. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    ok here goes --on the medical examiner says that some victims had as many a 11 wounds on them and that a 223 ar was used you know the one they found in the car outside--maybe the rifle went back to the car when it was empty ---just how many shots were fired in that school and how many magazines were used to shoot so many----I still think there was more than one shooter and has the police elaborated on what and how many casing were found ---I truly feel for the family's but if it was a false flag event then the person responsible should be hanged then drug behind a truck to use children for their ends --all the changing stories makes me think I smell something rotten and its not in Denmark --sorry for being so upset
    NotSoSneaky likes this.
  19. JABECmfg

    JABECmfg multi-useless

    I was able to catch this story on CBS early Friday afternoon. Body count was at 18 when I tuned in.

    Among other things said by one of the talking heads - "AR-15 is a brand that is associated with colt," and he explained that one of the things that makes it so lethal is the "much bigger bullet that comes out of that cartridge than you see in a handgun"... OK, a journalist is stupid - nothing new, right? However, right after those things were said, he went on to clarify that there was no indication that it was in fact an AR that was used, that at that point, they had NO IDEA what type of weapon was used in the shooting.

    I don't think this is reason enough to go tin foil hat just yet, but it's pretty clear that the media already had the AR in their sights, and the fact that the Bushmaster was found at the scene does certainly play into their hands, doesn't it?
  20. goinpostal

    goinpostal Monkey+++

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