Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Disciple, Nov 27, 2010.

  1. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    I have heard an update on this issue........there was no vote on it last night due to all the phone calls yesterday......Lets fill those phone lines again and fill there email boxes. We have to work together untill the point they understand DO NOT PASS THIS BILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    New update..........This bill has passed through the senate 73-25..........It's time we get these meddling politicians out of our business..........
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Breaking News Alert: Senate approves overhaul of food safety laws
    November 30, 2010 10:44:20 AM

    By a vote of 73 to 25, the Senate today approved the biggest overhaul to the nation's food safety laws since the 1930s.

    The House has already passed a similar version of the legislation.


    For more information, visit washingtonpost.com

    This is a done deal folks.

    House leaders have indicated that they would accept the Senate version of the bill, however, in order to avoid the time-consuming conference process and speed the sending of the legislation to President Obama's desk. Proponents hope to have the legislation signed into law by the end of the lame-duck session.

    It does include the Tester amendment for smaller farms.

    Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), a farmer, added an amendment before Thanksgiving that would exempt small farmers and those who sell directly to consumers at farmers markets and farm stands.
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Eliminating politicians is a noble goal, but impossible to achieve. They are like jihadi fighters, seems like you whack one, two more pop up. It might be nice to plant something noisy in the Senate chamber while they are in session (the place needs redecorating anyway) but that would cause collateral damage by taking out the few good ones as well as the worms.

    Cross your fingers that it flunks in the House, or goes into conference committee for alteration, or gets put aside for the future to handle. It is now out there, and will never die.
  5. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    This legislature does not affect beef or eggs. The Agricultrual department is in charge of that. I really would want to know more about the numbers of "small farms" and how it would affect them. For instance, do most people buy the majority of their foods from a small local organic farm? Hell no- who could afford that? So, my real question is how much money do these small local farms make? Do they profit more than half a million a year? How "small" is a farm in that regard? Does the amendment apply to profit or sales before profit? My point is that without that information, to say it benefits big business is a bit misleading. It may create 2 different classes of farms, but I don't know of any "small" farmers that make 500K yearly. Most I know are dirt poor and barely make it. I do see this rising food costs because all big companies are going to do is pass along the cost of the inspections to the end customer. We will pay for this.

    The fundamental question is do you support the unethical, unclean, uncaring methods of the corporations or do you create more pointless legislature that likely won't have an affect and will increase costs for the end customer? All that I am certain of is this- its just one more reason to grow most my food.

    All the extreme perceptions regurgitated in this thread aren't necessarily supported by the facts (written legistlation). Somehow this started off as "all home gardening and canning are going to be outlawed". Step 1- read stated legislation.

    The Senate legislation would:
    --Allow the FDA to order a recall of tainted foods. Currently the agency can only negotiate with businesses to order voluntary recalls;
    --Require larger food processors and manufacturers to register with the Food and Drug Administration and create detailed food safety plans;
    --Require the FDA to create new produce safety regulations for producers of the highest-risk fruits and vegetables;
    --Establish stricter standards for the safety of imported food;
    --Increase inspections of domestic and foreign food facilities, directing the most resources to those operations with the highest risk profiles.
    The bill would not apply to meat, poultry or processed eggs, which are regulated by the Agriculture Department. Those foods have long been subject to much more rigorous inspections and oversight than FDA-regulated foods.
  6. Disciple

    Disciple Monkey+

    the only one could effectivly eliminate politicians IS NOT by placing a large noise maker in the middle of the two houses, They have to be voted out.
    Or we need we need to take Thomas Jefferson at his word and start all over AGAIN................Declaration Of independance...........This has been happening for a very long time now, like the late 1800 ( Teddy Roosevelt), and has continued till now it is getting to be a fascist society. Very few thinking they know best for all.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    small farms classified by the SBA are those making less than 500k.
    small farms classified by the USDA are those making less than 250k.

    the USDA has farm levels below that all the way down to those farms with sales of less than 100k.

    Folks, this is the start of the slippery slope. What is probably going to happen next is that the house is going to accept the senate bill as is. to avoid a fight with republicans in the next congress. as a vast majority of the R's voted against.

    I'm still looking for a complete list of amendments that they tacked on. The two dumb democrats from my state voted yes. Friggin' idiots. I guess they got more phone calls from monsanto, oops. I mean constituents for the bill than my measly phone call against.

    Anyway, still pissed and now setting up the punji pits. [js]

    Off to see if i can round up a complete copy of the bill with amendments as passed. ttfn.
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    just a little bit of perspective.

    In 2006, 631,636 people died of heart disease.

    over 550k per year die due to cancer related illnesses.

    An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released in a 2003 study by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company.with an associated cost of more than $6 billion per year.

    In the United States, motor vehicle–related injuries are the leading cause of death for people ages 1–34, and nearly 5 million people sustain injuries that require an emergency department visit. The economic impact is also notable: motor vehicle crashes cost around $230 billion in 2000.
    deaths from traffic accidents are 30k+ per year

    Table US-1. Number of Traumatic Occupational Fatalities by Year, US, 1980-1995.
    1981 7,061
    1982 6,378
    1983 5,784
    1984 6,113
    1985 6,192
    1986 5,624
    1987 5,813
    1988 5,710
    1989 5,679
    1990 5,384
    1991 5,219
    1992 5,032
    1993 5,286
    1994 5,406
    1995 5,314

    and Food illnesses affect one in four Americans and kill 5,000 of them each year, according to government statistics. and for the few billion that it currently costs those costs are for recalls, lost sales and legal expenses.So for now, it's safer for me to go out to the garden, lay on the ground and start munching the spinach in my garden, dirt and all , than going to work back in the manufacturing plant.

    granted it would be safer to ride a bike around. only about 600 are killed each year.
    or go horse back riding as only 240 or so die.

    Geezus why don't they just do a pareto chart and address the biggest issues first.

    I'm seriously thinking that our elected officials have their heads so far up some beholden benefactor that they don't even care about us 'real people back at home'
  9. Pixie_moon83

    Pixie_moon83 Monkey+


    VisuTrac, you are right in that aspect. They don't care about us 'people back home.' We are not real people to them. The badger does not care about the ants he smashes when he tears into the dead log for grubs. We are ants. We are small in eyes of politicians, but ants are strong in numbers. The ants will drive off the badger when the whole colony turns out. We need more people to open their eyes and understand. We cannot drive off the badger without the whole colony. Why are people so dense.
  10. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  11. epd160

    epd160 Monkey+

    Does anyone know if they voted on it? I tried to find out at the Senate website, which was pretty useless....
  12. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    see posts 22, and 23..... info is there....
  13. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Oh, it passed yesterday but it has been stalled because it originated in the Senate, not the House like it is supposed to. It might die this year only to brought up next session. Reid said this would give them opportunity to pass the immigration Dream Act and other crap. Brother!
  14. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    No that is not right. And yes this is in previous posts also..... The house had their version of this bill. Then senate just passed their version. Then the house leadership indicated, they would accept the senate version as it is. It may well go to the Prez quickly.
    In fact the following is from the Washington Post, today, Wednesday, ....

    The Senate voted 74 to 25 to begin debate on the bill, suggesting the measure has strong bipartisan support and good prospects for passage. The House approved its version more than a year ago, and food safety advocates have been pushing the Senate to act so differences between the two measures can be reconciled and the legislation signed into law by President Obama by the end of the lame-duck session.
    Debate on the bill is expected to begin Thursday and could last up to 30 hours.
  15. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Sorry, I stand corrected. They are fixing to poke America in the eye. Don't touch my junk or my tomatoes. Yes, maybe now, the rest of the couch potatoes will snap out of the TV daze and revolt.
  16. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    I agree with VisuTrac that this is the slippery slope. It's a steep one, too. In the near future, your most important garden implements will all be .30 caliber.

    Monsanto will be a real beneficiary of this legislation in the near term. Heard today on Glenn Beck radio that George Soros owns a pile of Monsanto stock. It's the second largest component of his portfolio according to Beck.

    It's all about money. You cannot patent anything natural. However, when a plant is genetically modified, it CAN be patented. Since GMO seeds tend to be quite productive, there's big money in it due to increased yields. But, the stuff is not good for you. Also, if your neighbor plants Monsanto GMO seed and it cross-pollinates with your heirlooms, you can be sued for patent infringement. Don't laugh - Monsanto's already sued farmers over that exact issue.

    GMO foods are one of the primary culprits in the astonishing rise in food allergies. GMO corn, for example, has a mold engineered into it that insects don't like, making crops quite insect resistant. Great for profits, never mind that many humans have real problems with mold allergies. Let this paly out for a decade or two and you'll see all sorts of more severe problems from immune systems compromised by fighting GMO molds.

    The first I read of this GMO crap was years ago when someone was trying to splice scorpion genes into some crop to keep animals from eating it! More recently, I've read that several European countries have banned GMO food and crops. (Need to verify that and get a list!) People need to put two and two together, and understand the EVIL behind all this stuff.

    They're willing to kill us for profit, and they own the regulatory process, as we've just seen again with this vote.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Well we got a reprieve from the tyranny for now.

    The bill expands government authority and control over America's 2.2 million farms, 28,000 food manufacturing facilities, 149,000 food and beverage stores, and 505,000 residents and similar facilities. It increases inspections of all food "facilities."

    Because it taxes them for the privilege, the House must pass a new version of the bill to be sent back to the Senate. The Constitution requires all tax bills to originate in the House, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid [own2], who opened the session with a five-minute soliloquy on football, should have known that. :: Investors Business Daily

    Boy am I glad that the shot themselves in the head on that bill. The fight is not over but maybe just maybe in the 112 republican controlled legislature, this thing will die and not be resurrected like a stinkin' zombie.

    All I have to say is 'Yahoo!!!!'
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Now if you want to get really worried ...

    google Codex Alimentarius and see that this food safety bill is not just a US thing. The United Nations and World Health organization have been trying to get a treaty on world wide food standards. They have been working on it in one form or another since the 60's. Or just click here

    So when the black helicopters start conducting observation flights in US airspace with the blessings of the world governments (yeah i put on my [tinfoil101]) I may feel the need to start shootin'. Anyone know of a SAM for sale that I can get for cheep?

  19. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    Soros just bought a huge chunk of Monsanto stock. He invests in any thing that will destroy our country. He's the evil puppet master.
  20. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Too bad he's hiding behind his master's skirts in China...... I have a good length of stout rope I'd like to fit him for......
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