Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wildbilly, Mar 8, 2022.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Well, there's the crackpot calling the kettle black...methinks you have far more experience with such things than I. ;)

    No, Putin waited until a useful idiot (# .45) was no longer useful for Putin's domestic and strategic purposes. Putin delayed a while after the change US administrations, perhaps taking advantage of the internal political conflict between the TRumpist losers and the Democratic Party winners. That breathing space has enabled Putin to prepare his military and political resources for his invasion of Ukraine.

    Opinion | Why Didn’t Putin Invade Under Trump? It Wasn’t Personal.

    A Ukraine War and the End of Russia - Zeihan on Geopolitics

    What's he going to do? Support the improvement of NATO's defensive capabilities...and help Ukraine from becoming overwhelmed by Putin's military invasion.

    Putin's invading Army is a $hitshow of incompetence by incompetents, which, instead of succeeding at a swift blitzkrieg campaign along multiple axes has become a sitzkrieg war of attrition which Putin's pawns are losing in loss of manpower and materiel in exchange for small increases in occupied territory.

    4. are merely putting your own words into my mouth, as If I had said them...and putting a question mark at the end of your sentence doesn't satisfactorily disguise that lazy, lame example of rhetorical dishonesty. You are just relying on other readers' inability to discern the distinction. It has to be said...that before a WW4 could occur, a WW3 would need occur, else it would simply be WW3...and no...I'm not suggesting that a WW3 would be a good thing, and I would not advocate for that either.

    Stop listening to the voices in one's head that are saying dumb things...

    Post #60 of this thread RUSSIA vs UKRAINE is not the dumbest post I will have ever read, I am confident that your future contributions to the genre will easily excel the inanity of post #60 for sure.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  2. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    1. Name calling. Good tactic.
    2. Calling yourself a winner and your opposition a loser. That's not an argument. He waited because "breathing space"... your theory makes no sense. Everyone knows that Trump threatened to nuke both Russia and China if they threw their weight around. It's not really a question.

    3. Nobody wants war unless they have an agenda. Whats yours?
    4. The cold war was WW3. Most people agree.
    5. You want me to stop listening to God?
  3. STGThndr

    STGThndr Monkey++

    There's more than ONE American who will not "side with" Ukraine, as unpopular an opinion as MSM media hacks make that choice to be. NOT our war, and Ukraine govt is as corrupt as anything seen in Russia.
    In addition, a LONG history indicates that Ukraine is a rebel province of Russia, and actively worked against Russia, in part because of the American-run and funded bio-weapons labs uncovered.
    On top of that, the eastern third of "Ukraine" is Russian majority and Russian-speaking, and has been actively persecuted by the current Kiev regime. The only reason eastern "Ukraine" is part of present-day "Ukraine" is because Khrushchev, himself Ukrainian, redrew the maps and "gave" the Russian areas to the Kiev regime back in the USSR days.
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
    Minuteman likes this.
  4. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    .. .. dis is incorrekt .. ..

    .. .. Khrushchev wuz not Ukrainian .. ..

    .. .. dere aint no stinkin labs like dat .. ..

    Russia Is Lying About Evidence of Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine, Russian Biologists Say

    Ukraine war: Fact-checking Russia's biological weapons claims [ BBC ]

    What are Ukraine ‘biolabs’ and why have they become an obsession for Fox News? [ ]

    PolitiFact - There are no US-run biolabs in Ukraine, contrary to social media posts [ politifact ]

    How ‘Ukrainian bioweapons labs’ myth went from QAnon fringe to Fox News [ theguardian ]

    China amplifies unsupported Russian claim of Ukraine biolabs [ AP news ]

    .. .. gonna say it agin and agin .. .. da laptop wuz reel .. .. dis oder crap is FAKE .. ..

    .. .. russi_a plus chin_a is pushin all dis FAKE chit .. .. stop postin provably FAKE rooskie plus chineesee propaganda .. ..


    da reel soviet/russia_n biological weapons program facilities wuz based at

    Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia

    Pokrov, Vladimir Oblast, Russia

    Vozrozhdeniya Island, Aral Sea, Soviet Union, Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan

    Sverdlovsk, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia

    Stepnogorsk, Soviet Union, Kazakhstan

    Leningrad, Saint Petersburg, Russia

    Obolensk, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Omutninsk, Kirov Oblast, Russia

    Kirov, Kirov Oblast, Russia

    Zagorsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Berdsk, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia

    .. .. we know all dis cuz 2 of da top folks in da soviet biological weapons program defected ta da West .. .. dey gave us all da intel .. .. which wuz later verified by oder sources .. .. plus oder stuff n things .. ..

    chelloveck likes this.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    It is an established FACT that there were multiple biological "research" labs throughout Ukraine. It is an established FACT that the US military, through the Pentagon and DOD were funding them.

    Were they bio "weapons" labs? You can argue what the meaning of the word is, is if you want.
    But if you deny the existence of the labs and that they were funded by billions of dollars by the military industrial complex then you are full of der'mo.
    If you believe that the MIC spent those billions of dollars on purely humanitarian research then you are the one buying into the propaganda. You have not only taken the blue pill, you are taking them by the handful.

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