Run out of socks bugging out?? Try making a Portiyanki

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by chelloveck, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Oh, anyways, the point of my original post, concerning the homeless, was that one thing they prized, more than just about anything else, that the rest of us would consider commonplace (and easily overlooked) was socks. Just consider the problems that Geo. Washington had, with troops that were fighting up north in the wintertime, and oftentimes had nothing on their feet but rags!
  2. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Socks or barefoot is not necessary.

    Make and wear a set of Uncle Ho sandals.
  3. John Jacobson

    John Jacobson Monkey

    I want everyone to know that I am like a kid in a candy store.
  4. wastelander

    wastelander Bad English, bare with me

    Bare feet are the best boots one can get.
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