Never having lived in the real world, I couldn't say. Tell you what there, Dirty Harry, being able to move and engage 30 targets with multiple hits in under 20 seconds including reloads is a fun game and probably has no "real world" value, especially in a real world where most people with a concealed carry permit probably don't actually carry one firearm actually on their person 95% of the time because it is heavy, and difficult to actually conceal in the average joe day to day but what the hell, they can leave five or six of them in the car or on the dresser. I just never in my life saw somebody that would argue that reloading skills in a defensive or offensive, for matter, situation wasn't real world. .
Sorry, I would send you a "YouTube" of that night, but, it was dark, there were 3 of them and it was way before Youtube and I think you are not reading my post. I never did argue that reloading skills in a defensive or offensive condition, was not a good skill. I did say what I said about a spare loaded weapon. You seem to be getting a bit hot under the collar so this will be my last post on this subject.
well the aint gonna be in town for another week so i went and bought a taurus model 856 .38 special 2'' revolver. ill get the ruger next payday
My wife loves both of her 2 1/4" with hammer spur, the other spurless. Installing a Wolfe hammer spring (7 lb IIRC) really makes them nice shooters.
Be sure you can return it if it shoots hard to one side... usually the right. I've run onto four Rugers that do that, and they all had/need to be sent back for adjustment. Don't know what the problem is/was, but it happens from time to time with them. SP101 is a great little gun btw. jim