They would be Christian missionaries I suppose...more intent in saving souls for Jesus, than helping remediate the mess that earlier Christian colonialists had created in the first place.
And you would be wrong. One Christian NGO here, simply runs a bakery & restaurant. Another builds schools, housing, water filtration systems, etc. Yet, they do not force anyone to attend services they may hold, although the people are certainly invited to do so.
That happens to be something that bugs the hell out of me. The killing fields, of which there were several that I know of - not sure how many all in all - are money makers for a few. I would NEVER pay to go see them. The proceeds don't go toward anything positive. They are just tourist attractions. But, to answer your question, apparently not, sadly.
chelloveck: They would be Christian missionaries I suppose...more intent in saving souls for Jesus, than helping remediate the mess that earlier Christian colonialists had created in the first place. If we follow that logic on your side of the fence should we not go back to Rome and blame the lack of acceptance and inclusiveness and the God status of the Caesars, to murder non threatening Christians on liberal atheists or go back further to ---- well you see what I mean if we are going to resurrect the dead and blame them and then strap it on the back of a new generation of more enlightened people that is ridiculous. It's easy to blame, not so easy to forgive and that is what leftist and atheists can't stand is, to let go, that is exactly why race relations are becoming do violent and mobs riot because people that do not believe in a coming judgement think there will be no retribution. Aleister Crowley a self avowed satanist Stated, "do as thou will" the same atheists who killed the Czar and his children, "the end justifies the means", in today's jargon "if it feels good do it". Remorseless soulless anarchist, that fight for selfish freedom and fall into the bloody pit of socialism communism fascists Stalinist Maoism recycled failed policy and ideals, a polished turd bought out into the light again and again and like all shiny "free" things people fall for it. Gullible is too lame a word for people that think everyone will follow rules and accept the same pay or the same healthcare Stalin, MAO, Pol Pot, didn't not or of his conspirators . Venezuela is a shining example of socialism. People that cannot see socialism is a lie and failure are mentally disturbed, as the old saying goes the definition is insanity is, if you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. The smart Fools will keep repackaging and polishing that turd and roll it out again and again. It amazes me that some people that escaped form oppressive government go somewhere else and plant their flag and try to convince the new country to accept the same type of governance with them as leader. Ho Chi Minh a perfect example came here looked at all our glory and because he could not thrive here or empress his values he went back called us names and convinced half his country communism was the way. Look at them now ? are no better off than the 1960's hell who wouldn't want to live there after so many died for that and it is markedly worse than when the french were there and that is pretty lousy, another shining example of a rebranded socialist dream.