Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Kathy in WV, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Kathy in WV

    Kathy in WV Just runnin' the ridges...

    We had pigs born on the 15th! 11 total... 1 was stillborn and during the first night we had coyotes come down and mom was agitated and stepped on 2. We've held steady at 8 since then. Just thought I'd update that we FINALLY have the bacon bits on the ground, lol. Pics are coming if I can get them attached since I moved them onto the SD card...
  2. vonslob

    vonslob Monkey++

    congrats. Ummmm bacon, pork chops, the list goes on
    Kathy in WV likes this.
  3. Kathy in WV

    Kathy in WV Just runnin' the ridges...

    20141028_113913_1414890952931_2.JPG [​IMG][​IMG]

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2014
  4. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Self propelled bacon makins. Very nice.
    Kathy in WV and ghrit like this.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Congratulations Kath.....very nice!! Cute little bunch of bacon makers!!
    Kathy in WV likes this.
  6. Kathy in WV

    Kathy in WV Just runnin' the ridges...

    Thanks guys, I love this breed of hogs. They are so nice to work with. And wow do they grow nicely!
  7. M000X1

    M000X1 Monkey

    I'm looking into picking up hogs/pigs next year to raise for butchering? Trying to get myself a little more self sufficient all the time and I figured why not have a left over disposal, bush cleaning dirt turner?

    Anything they don't like? Any tips on fencing to keep them in?
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Anything they don't like? Any tips on fencing to keep them in?"

    Concrete block, concertenia wire, welded steel stockade fencing, backed up with cameras and armed guards should be enough, but with pigs...you never know.
    M000X1 likes this.
  1. Alanaana
  2. Alanaana
  3. Alanaana
  4. Alanaana
  5. Yard Dart
  6. Yard Dart
  7. Benjamin A. Wood
  8. Benjamin A. Wood
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