Question,how bad will this winter be?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by oldman11, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    That's a certain trip to Jail.
    What I will do is check with the FFA and see if any license have been purchased, if not the drone owner can be charged with Federal violations.
    DuxDawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey


    If you can find one of these they work great. With practice you can tell 4 legged from two. You can hear the rain hit the ground. You can also daisy chain the probes to cover a larger area. We have two.
    Way back when I set one up to catch my oldest daughter trying to sneak out to meet her friends/boyfriend. Worked every time. Only limited by the amount of WD-1A wire you have..
    DuxDawg, VisuTrac, GOG and 5 others like this.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You'll need to find a place that YOU don't frequent, or you'll be featured in the pix and vids, and maybe miss the others.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Yep, we got that "The coming winter" is a metaphor, though winter is not weather, it is an annual season.

    Yep, elections tend to be cyclic too

    That, they certainly are, on both sides of the socio-political culture wars divide. Though the polarisation seems to have intensified during The present 'Dear Leader's' tenure.

    Yes it doesn't care what one's politics, religion (or lack of it), education (or lack of it), economic allegiances, etc, just needs access to new hosts to replicate and spread.

    Well, obviously it does make a difference who wins the will matter muchly to Trumpists should Biden win...It will matter muchly to anti TRumpists should TRump win. It should matter muchly to those who don't engage with the election by not casting a ballot...because the outcome of the election will also affect their lives significantly.

    In this I agree...crazy people who don't use sensible risk management and hazard management protocols are just putting themselves and others at greater risk of contracting this disease....people exploiting the chaos that exists because of socio-political anarchy will also die as will some of the intended victims.

    I am just happy that I live in Australia....The present Prime Minister is an ineffectual duffer who bumbles along, and though he is a self serving tw@t, he isn't an utterly malevolent twat. Australia will survive Scomo and his band of wannabe 'Dries' Wets and dries - Wikipedia

    Yes, that is what most sensible people will be doing; taking prudent steps to stock up in preparation for hard times. It doesn't need to be for TEOTWAWKI, but accident/ injury, loss of employment, separation / divorce, and any other of a number of things that are like to have a fiscal/economic impact.

    I make prudent preparations for a reasonably broad range of foreseeable contingencies within the financial resources available to me. If one is panic buying like the world is going to end tomorrow, then one has been doing the 'prepper' thing ineffectually.

    I had best not answer that one, the CoC and the mods take a dim view of openly questioning the sanity of one's interlocutory opponents. ;) Fortunately for me, Donald TRump is not a member of SurvivalMonkey. ;)

    Some staples were hard to get, or were rationed during the panic buying during the early phase of the pandemic when people were dying and were being hospitalised on life support in alarming numbers. That has stabilised somewhat...however, if the food (and other consumable goods) supply chain becomes significantly disrupted, sure, there will be shortages, particularly of imported produce. I good idea to shorten the food supply chain, and improve personal food security is to grow your own produce.

    Use the solar energy resources I already have, make use of kerosene lighting, use candles. Cook with solid fuel,
    and sublimate my sinful urges into producing electricity instead of indulging in onanistic pleasure. ;)

    and for the DIY kind of guy.

    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    To add to what I posted earlier and to echo what another one or two said. I am sensing that now is the time to go grey if not totally dark. I should have followed through with closing up my shop and retiring last spring and moving a whole lot farther out in the sticks in a far more Red State. Mrs T5R was not real keen on moving even farther out in the sticks and things got better for a while....... I could at least keep doing business. Then the calls and messages began demanding that we sell our food..... Yeah the store shelves here got REAL Empty Particularly in the meat and dairy cases. Then a SJW Commie bunch of TURDS started a social media campaign against the T5R and mass called every place we do business complaining that I am a Racist, Bigot and Homophobe and have Nazi beliefs. In a weeks time we lost all of our Winery Gigs from the pressure they were put under. It got real crazy for about 5 weeks before they moved on to their next evil small business.

    Mrs T5R out of the blue one day said "This is Nuts How far back into the hills can we move? and How soon can we move?" So a week ago we decided to close up the business for 2020 and 2021 look for some real isolated land in the 200-300 acres range. And have found some real good prospects close to a couple of good friends....... but not to close. Going to take a week very soon to go physically eyeball the prospects and decide on which one. Getting to late in the year to make a big move like this one will be. Farthest one is a 1o hour round trip drive and closest is 9hrs round trip and no matter how I figure it we are looking at a minimum of 22 trips with box trailers, 20' flat beds and the 30+5 gooseneck. We should have been doing this last spring but it is what it is. And well I am kind of glad I sold the place I had bought to relocate to.......... it was too far out for the wife in April but in September it was way too close to the nearest neighbor in here new opinion. Figure it will take the better part of Spring and Summer next year to get everything moved and things set up and another year to get back up and running.

    There is going to be one big difference between there and here. NO ONE will know where I live and where my land is outside of those who have to know. The wife can retire in December with a Fed and State Pension and I could have retired 4 years ago but for some sick twisted reason I like running the Chuck Wagon. Which I will start running again in 2022 in a smaller town about 30-45 minutes from most of the land prospects. Or I may just say screw it and go sustenance level homestead. After this year I have a generally unfriendly outlook towards the general public.

    So yeah I think things are going to get real bad and whether folks know it or not or just don't want to admit it. We are in the middle of TEOTWAWKI on the other side of this insanity America is going to be a much different place. It certainly is not the TEOTWAWKI that everyone thought it would be and there are 3 main drivers Pandemic, Social Unrest, and Political incompetence or corruption the jury is still out on if it is one , the other or both. Wait until those foreign powers that really hate the USA have their puppets already here start attacking critical infrastructure in the midst of all of the chaos already unfolding. It really is not that hard to take a power grid down or contaminate a water supply. Anyone ever consider how bad it would be if a coordinated attack on every bridge and RR across the mississippi river with simple truck bombs that takes out every crossing from East to West? Nope the Big attacks have not even started yet, that use the simplest things to create the most damage and disruption. The USA has a whole lot of critical soft targets that could be hit at any time.

    Too late to hop on the Crazy Train it has already left the station.... Now we just get to sit back and see what it high balls into and destroys along the way.

    Just hope I don't have to make mods to the Uhaul truck I bought to Escape IL. Next Spring :)
  6. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    The HOAX nay be over
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  7. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    The main problem I am having at the present time is the complete loss of both a feeling of security and a clear vision of the future. At heart I am very conservative in the old sense, I fear and don't like change. I have in the last 80 + years learned how to put up with almost anything, four years in military was a post graduate course, but change. When a large percentage of the population insists that change is necessary and both the nature of the change and the amount of the change are open ended, it causes me concern. When it insists that my moral, cultural, political, and historical view of life, must change and that my belief in God is also under attack, I become very upset. Then add a view that my views on work, income distribution, nature of ownership values, system of money, production of power, use of resources, etc are incorrect and must also change as they are wrong and are "holding them down", for some strange reason I feel threatened. I have not bought into the new religion and given my heart to BLM or what ever it is they believe in and thus I am a threat to them.. My intentions are to ride it as best I can and hopefully die before it gets too bad. If I were 21, I am afraid it would be like Star Trek and the Borg, assimilate or die, as the other side views any real compromise as impossible and has the view that resistance is futile. Have no idea if the present low grade civil war will continue or if it will lead to a full scale de facto war, but the old order is under attack and the new order undefined. Not a situation that gives any one, on left or right, any firm view of the near future.

    While not meant as an attack on Chell, what I am reading about happening in Australia and New Zealand and the Corno restrictions, would seem to indicate the complete loss of freedom to resist the cultural Borg, being arrested in some areas for having the impure belief that it is your right to go on social media and talk about having a meeting to challenge the lock down ordered by the un elected officials that run the country. May well be coming to this country as well. Public participation in a riot is ok, but in religious service other than Muslim, is not.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  8. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    The shame of it is that you are being forced to abandon your pursuit of happiness by scum that envy your productivity. In the words of a certain swamp dweller, "Just choot 'em." (if they ask for it, of course.)
  9. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Local news saying the fire is headed toward the Portland urban interface, So a lot of folks gonna need to run. Once they are displaced it starts here. on top of everything else starting on the west coast we may see the first refugees.
    I too think that the pile on of issues us meant to break us. There will be blood, and carnage, Someone thinks that can rule from the rubble , but I believe they underestimate the regional differences of our country.
    If we cant keep it together it will fall apart into a number of countries, with the SHTF that comes with that
  10. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I would rather talk about the weather. Currently the virus has killed less than TB does on a yearly basis. From what I read, the vaccine has already harmed folks in the testing phase. Who are the crazy people that will be acting up and killed by the hundreds? All I see is a nation that has a brainwashing problem, young, old, left or right. We are a nation that is thinking us and against them, whoever them is. What I saw was that $1.50 was tacked onto the cost of a dozen eggs in April. When supplies run short the cost goes up. I see supermarket shelves that are still bare. Many folks woke up this spring and are preparing. I believe America's cushy life-style has ended.

    PS- @chelloveck those shake flashlights are not long lasting. I had a few and they died very rapidly. Solar flashlights have a longer shelf-life IMO.
  11. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    I didn’t know TB killed that many . Were did you get your information?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    From the CDC (if you still trust their numbers) from 2017

    Readers Digest version (Yes, I am old enough to have held/read a RD - often)
    • Heart disease: 647,457
    • Cancer: 599,108
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
    • Diabetes: 83,564
    • Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
    DuxDawg, Gator 45/70 and GOG like this.
  13. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It should be noted that many of the new cases of TB, being detected some 70% are from non US born individuals.
    Tuberculosis — United States, 2019

    Tuberculosis in 2017 hadn't killed as many people in the USA for the whole year as Covid19 has in 9 months in 2020
    Data & Statistics | TB | CDC

    It should be noted from the above list, that with the exception of Influenza and Pneumonia, nearly all of those diseases are not communicable via droplet / airborne infection.


    The thing is, If born in the USA, one is less likely to become infected by the Tubercular pathogen than Covid19 which is highly transmissible, and if one does have Tuberculosis and it is detected, the disease is most often treatable if detected early, whereas there is no known reliable curative treatment yet for Covid19 yet, and a vaccine is still some time yet to come for mass immunisation availability.


    Until reliable vaccines and treatments become available:

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Oh I am not being forced to that whole mess actually was drumming up more business than was lost. Southern IL outside of a few pockets is still largely very Deep Red and their antics were not lost on a whole lot of places that wanted to book us, simply because when they started slinging poop I picked it up and rubbed it right back in their face very publicly.

    I am guessing most folks would not have the balls to post this on their business pages now days......... I do :)
  16. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Yes I know that not as many people died from TB in the United States but if we’re looking at the world as a whole then it does kill more than Covid has. We do know that Covid numbers have been tampered with. The point I’m trying to make is that this world could face a much more severe pandemic then Covid.
    DuxDawg, Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    If the CHICOMS keep playing Dr Strangelove with bugs it is a certainty..
  18. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    In the matter of disease it is not the CHICOM I worry about, it is the fact that the present over population of the world, the ability to travel world wide, and the uncontrolled experiments of the interactions of mankind and the rest of the world, as well as the new techniques in biology that allow individuals rather than states to modify diseases, may well lead to a repeat of the historical mass pandemics that mother nature gave us. Some, like various forms of the Black Death, have been estimated to have killed off 1/2 of Europe's population. One estimate of the die off of the native population of the Americas was about 90 % with the new contact with the rest of the world.

    The present diseases in the swine population, which in medical terms closely resembles the human population, would seem to indicate that even with massive control measures, killing rather than isolation, modern methods may not be able to limit the real impact of a major pandemic. Add the political and economic effects of either over reaction, or never letting a good crisis go to waste, and we may well be in for a rough ride sometime in the future.
    DKR, Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    On the one hand, we bemoan diseases and fuss about finding a cure to save more of the mouths needing fed. Then we fuss about too many mouths. Well, now what? We continue to try to find ways of stalling Momma Nature's plan. P'haps it's time to just let her run.
    Gator 45/70 and HK_User like this.
  20. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

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