That's the whole point... I DON'T believe what the news outlet spreads... It's incredible that they come out en mass against a supposed LARP and ban Alex Jones across the board... (no fan of AJ here... just pointing out the coordination)
Who thinks Mueller's 45,500 sealed indictments are all for Republicans? My theory is Mueller is working with Trump to get rid of the unsavory politicians and pedophiles. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg....
A Persecutor can indict a Ham Sandwich, but that doesn’t mean Shit... It is what he can PROVE in a Court of Law, that counts... What he can Prove in front of a Judge, with the Defense tearing his case to shreds... Remember, that many of the same scoundrels that worked the Ted Stevens Case, work for Mueller now... and the Judge in that case, smashed their case to smitheriens, and had a few disbarred...
The 'lie' is what the mockingbird MSM has been telling us since JFK when the CIA coined the term "Conspiracy Theory" to discount all those that questioned the government narrative of what happened on the day JFK was assassinated by a 'lone gunman'. It's not a 'secret club'. Anons have been around for some time. It's just that in this case they've been actively researching what 'Q' has posted on the chans since @ October 2016. Q doesn't 'tell' them anything. Q uses the Socratic method of 'asking questions' and the curious anons search the inet for answers to prove or disprove. Q might post a link to an article to corroborate, or point to evidence. THAT is what this whole Q thing is about. Thousands (millions now) of folks around the world researching and finding out what's been going on in plain site for decades. It's just that now it's becoming mainstream because the MSM decided it would expose 'the secret' to 'nip it in the bud'. It's a "secret" because they alone decided it was an alt.right conspiracy - to get the sheeple to disregard it offhand. Fortunately, a lot of the people are wise to the MSM manipulation - if they have a brain and aren't liberals who believe everything the Dems tell them like 'Russia influenced our election' (as if the US doesn't ever do that!) or Trump colluded blah blah blah. It's like Wikipedia. Who knew we would rely on an online compilation of 'stuff' that now we use like a dictionary? Sure, it can be edited...and IT IS edited (therefore not to be taken as gospel), but for research it is invaluable, if only to point one in a direction to discover 'other' links of information to investigate. Like wikipedia there's also a mountain of Q intel (just one of) that the anons have compiled on the net. The MSM is losing their control over the narrative and 'Q' is exposing it. The anons are creating maps of connections. A "who's who" of politicians and reporters sharing classified intel. Where the money goes. Where the guns went ... but it's "just a conspiracy"?? The reason Q chose the chans is because they're anonymous and the MSM would NEVER expose any of this. Kind of why Trump tweets ... to go around the MSM fake news filter. I'm not here to 'convince' anyone of anything. Believe it or no. I'm just making the 'Q' phenomenon known - ie, The Great Awakening. Now that you've heard about it, you are 'awake', you know about it and you won't be surprised when you hear about it again - especially after the coordinated MSM declares it an alt.right conspiracy! After all, you could be part of a 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy', or you could be a 'Basket of Deplorables', or you could be smart enough to know when you're being manipulated by politics. Anons via Q provided a roadmap that anyone can research. Q Map: left side bar has links to 'Players', 'local themes', 'Ex Orders', 'Resignations', 'Human trafficking' etc. Decoders... are folks who have more time than most to research Q posts and decode them. The Praying Medic is probably one of the most concise decoders I have found. Also has a utube channel. There are others. Explore! Question! Enjoy!
Believe me, it's "known". I could take this time to explain to you all the after affects and consequences which arise as a society becomes more radicalized, but it would probably do no good. I know, we all want this country to change, many want the world to change for the better. We all know something is wrong, and some people are just better at keeping their minds occupied with "other" matters to recognize what it is. Some people create fascinating stories and create conspiracy theories to try and solve the great puzzle which has become modern society because they, too possess this inextricable and insatiable desire to answer questions. But, at the end of the day, we're still going to be dependent upon electricity to remain complacent and mostly docile. We're still going to live in a world filled with very bad people who place greed above selfless service and duty toward the well being of others. We will still have liars and cheats and murderers infesting politics, because that's the only job they will ever be any good at. Once you realize that the entire social system is flawed, it becomes easier. And I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but we're not going to change what has already been started unless we collectively burn everything to the ground, unless we completely destroy every last vestige that is known as "government", and until we unlearn the multitude of falsities and errors our concrete jungle societies have dealt us. There isn't ever going to be an easy solution to what ails us. The only way to save humanity may ultimately end up costing us our humanity. We have become our own worst enemy.
^^ I agree. The rule of law is supposed to be our guide, or the glue, that keeps it all together. It worked for 100's of years and only recently has it gone completely off the rails. Who really cares about more than 2 genders for instance? Wack jobs going against the Judeo-Christian ethic from whence our 'rule of law' originated. Not trying to make this a 'religious' discussion, just pointing out the obvious, that societal breakdown begins when the generally agreed upon rules of engagement... are disregarded. Doesn't matter who's tenets are being used.
We have met the enemy, and he is us - Walt Kelly. Agree with Brokor, we may have to burn is all down in order to rebuild properly.
Say whatever ya want about Q, like he/she or not, it's just a message board, kinda like a forum, but they sure put out some unique and funny memes.
Horsefeathers. Its agitprop, if not out and out incitement. Hey, staff!! How is all this rubbish not a violation of CoC item 6 or 7? How is it related to prepping?
Well, if by "recently" you mean pretty much since the early 1900's, then okay. read more: 31 Questions and Answers about the IRS, Revision 3.4 Corporations rule these days. There is no Common Law.
It's about free speech! Just because we may like or not like, doesn't mean we don't have a right under the 1st to discuss it. Being awake is all about survival and preparedness. Having an understanding of events is all part of that. I am not a fan of AJ, but think he was wrongfully banned from his youtube, etc.,and several other conservative content creators are also under attach for so-called hate speech. Also, not a big fan of this guy, but in this case, just take a few minutes of your time to listen to what he has to say. Big reason I am not a big fan of his is, his way of blaming Jews for some of the problems we are subjected to. Watch and try to understand, if nothing else he does have a kind of funny presentation.
@Wild Trapper I agree, to a point, with merkun. And yes, free speech allows for open ended yammer with or without a basis in reality (as witness by that feeble minded wench in New York and mad maxine) and debate isn't a bad thing (but how many angels REALLY can dance on a pinhead, if you see the comparo.) Where the whole deal falls apart for me is trying to see how Q fits into the primary mission of this website, how being aware of off the wall possible connections relate in any way. How do those rants and ravings (or revelations, or whatever you may call them) fit into prepping? Is it insufficient to get ready for power outages, hurricanes or civil unrest? At this stage, there's no violation of the CoC (yet) IMO, so he lives in spite of merkun's wish. YMMV as always.
Corporations? “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” –Thomas Jefferson
The banks are corporations. All of them. Even the first one, The First Bank of the United States, a private corporation. Also funny you link that quote. Want to know the first time I caught it? A pamphlet circulated in the early 1990's, called Economic Solutions, by Peter Kershaw. It kind of places things into perspective for all the internet users today, doesn't it?
This is interesting... If "Q" is a LARP or a 'conspiracy' why take the time to hack it and make a big deal about it? Makes no sense as it just amplifies the cause. They just can't leave it alone....
Potential. It may have nothing to do with what they are now. Any grouping of minds is a threat. You might remember this little place in Waco, Texas that was burned to the ground with women and children inside, courtesy of Janet Reno and Bush. Also during this time period, multiple raids were conducted country wide, sending heavy assault military police units, helicopters, and trained attack dogs to shut down concerts, raves, or any large assembly that wasn't sanctioned. Demonstrations were heavily attacked and shut down by police, civilians corralled and arrested, detained in makeshift prison camps. All started by "Anarchists" funded by the FBI. We call these people "agent provocateurs". Many of them were police. The next great war will be waged on the cyber front. I've been saying this for years. They already have groups much like 'Q' out there who are cointelpro. False flag ops, foreign hacking units, CIA/NSA assets, you name it -all ready to hit and run. More people today are linked into the internet than ever before, but they are using smartphones and tablets with apps, Winblows software and tracking programs. That's all apps really are, tools to trace your spending and learn your habits so they can (A) market more effectively, and (B) dump the information into an AI (some claim for nefarious purposes). My point is, not too many people are actually using real personal computers, and even less are actively aware of what's outside the facebook, Google, mainstream corporate media "reality" bubble. And that's the whole point. People have been herded like cattle to slaughter, and net neutrality won't even be mentioned when the hammer falls. As long as the idiots still have their social media, all will be well in their world. Let's see them nasty Ruskies "hack some more elections". Anything to create the need for more corporate government control. And they aren't necessarily attacking Trump, they are using him to get what they want. Never let a good crisis go to waste, kind of philosophy.
It's beginning to look as if the UK and Hillary via the fake dossier is what 'hacked' the election. Of course there was no 'hacking', but exposing of the DNC corruption is what really went 'on'.
Just gonna drop this little meme in here I found over on another forum, don't know the source, but...