Q The Plan To Save The World

Discussion in 'Tin Foil Hat Lounge' started by GuitarPlayer, Aug 2, 2018.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Having viewed the OP Q Anon Video....it is apparent that the video producers have merely strung together a number of bald assertions, and assumed a number of supposed correlations between a passing parade of lurid factoids and amorphous, though strongly hinted 'dark forces' , without providing any actual evidence between the 'terrible' world events that are portrayed, and the actions of the supposed deep state cabal that are assumed to be instigated by the 'real' 'criminals'. Just because the whole production is wrapped up in 'patriotic' imagery, and appeals to 'god's' blessings does not turn baloney into anything more substantial than paranoid conspiracy theory pap. This thread is properly positioned in the tinfoil hat forum, so it has at least that going for it.

    Q Anon's imagery is pretty much paranoid political pareidolia....the Q prism pointing in the direction of supporting their preferred propagandists the 'good' guys.

    It would seem that Q is actually supported by a number of AltRight personalities...Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, et al. Although the Q Anon film clip gives the impression that Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, blacks, whites and other ethnic/racial groups are mere dupes and victims of the grand global cabal of government and corporate 'criminals', they seem to believe that Trump, and his menagerie of swamp critters are the great white hope against Q's imagined dastardly cabal...the only problem is that Q Anon attributes just about any and every brain fart that Trump has, with almost god like significance...Sometime's a brainfart, is just that...a brain fart effortlessly made by someone who has constantly been found out as telling lies, misrepresentations, distortions, just plain crazy sh!t (Nambian covfefe anyone?) or badly thought out throw away lines for his MAGA zombies. However, all that 'presidential' noise is taken uber seriously by Q followers and they invest meaning into presidential nonsense.

    Goodness....No need to rely on the MSM to identify Q Anon as an AltRight conspiracy theorist movement....though I suspect that a number of folk wearing the Q Anon livery at Trump rallies and other venues are perhaps not necessarily conspiracy theorists, but are joy riding on the coat tails of the true believers, like a bunch of Flying Spaghetti Monster / V for Vendetta re-enactors.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
    Zimmy likes this.
  2. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

  3. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Capt. Tyree and apache235 like this.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Re post#22, The original image was photoshopped to convert a couple of O's to Q's...it's what Q would do....:LOL:

    It wasn't even a very skilled photoshop....note the tail on the left hand fake Q obscures the base of some kind of signage....but undoubtedly it'll take in a number of MAGA zombies. :ROFLMAO:
    Original image via Talk emerges that Hillary is plotting her 2020 comeback | Daily Mail Online

    As to a possible rematch, the Democratic Party would be out of their minds to even contemplate Hillary as an endorsed candidate.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    RightHand likes this.
  5. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Tell someone who gives a shit, it's just a meme, supposed to be funny, not necessarily truthful, so just troll along almost everything I post, geez, almost like having a nagging wife and MIL or something. We get it, you don't like anything conservative. Do you bow at the feet of these liberal loonies?
    Alf60 and GuitarPlayer like this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    No. I don't bow to anyone.... I get the joke embedded in the meme...and understand that it's just some culture wars tribal affirming stupidity.

    I'm not sure why you would think my reply trolling....I'm just amused at the ineptitude of the troll (conservative or otherwise) who created the meme....if indeed the error was actually unintended. The meme's fakery is probably funnier than the memetic payload, though MAGA zombies would not probably be bright enough to pick up on that.;)
    RightHand likes this.
  7. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    GuitarPlayer likes this.
  8. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Monkey+++

    I tried to like this twice...
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    We need more shit like this.

    I don't care if it's convoluted. I don't care if there are no real links being made to how it has actually happened. I've done my damn research, long before the internet was around. I know what's up. The hardest thing to do isn't to inspire people, to draw them to your side, it's breaking them of their habits, their pre-existing condition and belief in the efficacy of government.

    Do you want my proof? Here's a small portion, a glimpse of what I have saved for you through the years...

    Globalizing The Future: The Death of Nationalism
    SLAVERY by CONSENT: How Sovereignty Was Lost - & What To Do
    Your Mind - A Balance of Power for Freedom
    The Fed
    The U.S. Government is NOT a government - It's a CORPORATION
    Cancer and Modern Medicine - A True History and Expose
    The power of nightmares, I,II,III
    ===> FDR and Emergency War Powers (Explained) <===
    Military Industrial Complex (Corporate Oligarchy)
    Senate Report 93-549 / Wikipedia / Data Source
    History Encyclopedias and Dictionaries - The Public Papers of H. Hoover (pgs. 1084-1088)
    IRAN/RUSSIA/CHINA and the Coming World War
    Law - Emergency War Powers (Explained)
    Law - Public Law 109-364 (H.R. 5122) Oct 17, 2006
    Geo Political - Senate Report 93-549 War and Emergency Powers Acts
    The End Of Suburbia - 52 Min Documentary On Peak Oil

    You've got the right spirit, all of you who dare to question "reality". There's a conspiracy happening, it has been going on for centuries. However, not everything is tied together all neat and proper. The exponential rate at which we are heading toward radicalization continues, and the more we see people resisting and asking "why", the better our chances will be to (in the least) give these corporate pigs a tough time. You see, if you ever do get to the bottom of this rabbit hole, you will find that it's really damn hard to stop an object in motion. And this is no small potato, it's a juggernaut of epic proportion. Even if we do "rout out" the criminals, we cannot forget the entire system, every shred of "government", from Federal to State, to every single local municipality, even you, the "person" --is incorporated. Picture an ouroboros if you will, the serpent eating its own tail. It's commonly believed to be a symbol for infinity, but it is also indicative of the perpetual state in which we live. The entire system, what we call society, is absolutely manufactured and structured to necessitate perpetual war and strife to fuel itself. The monetary systems of much of the world rely upon deceitful private ownership and the manipulation of currencies. The Holy Triumvirate as I call them (Britain, the Vatican and the U.S.) have invested a great deal in controlling resources globally, and behind it all resides the ever present hand of Zionism. In short, if we take down even one leg of the tripod, we would have done little to hinder the great work of those who may seemingly be striving for the Roman dream...a New World Order. If we attack corporate heads and politicians, it does nothing to curtail the existence of multinational corporate cartels. How many people even know that their Congress can make corporations, or the fact that "government" as we call it is a cartel in and of itself, investing in other corporations? If you own the controlling stock of corporations, what privileges do you have? Every State, every municipality, are corporations, and every corporation must produce and submit an annual financial report to varying extent depending on State "law". Everything I have mentioned here is covered in the links I have provided. It's only going to take you twenty or thirty years to fully digest most of it, hell that's how long I've been at this and I still don't have every 'T' crossed. Just be careful telling people you've got all the answers, because chances are somebody like ME is going to happen by and call you on it. The internet has made it possible for every chubby fingered, Hershey Bar eating clone to gain access to a plethora of data. This does not make them any more intelligent or enlightened.

    You are being lied to. There is no such thing as "government" in the traditional sense. Nearly everything most people have come to believe is actually a lie, in one manner or another.
    Dont, RightHand, Yard Dart and 2 others like this.
  10. GuitarPlayer

    GuitarPlayer Monkey++

    Here's something to watch

    Capt. Tyree, Zimmy and Wild Trapper like this.
  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Or not.
    ColtCarbine, RightHand and chelloveck like this.
  12. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Or maybe, I did watch it, but it's a rainy day here and kinda bored. Some of it just looked like speculation, I have to admit, I'm not sold on much coming out of this whole Q thing, but, we C! Still in all, I think a lot is being exposed that MSM has been covering up for many years, since way back, actually before my time and I'm not a young guy. I think my waking up was in Vietnam.
    GuitarPlayer and Brokor like this.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Oh, I am sure there's something to it all, at least it's possible. But the problem with looking for patterns is that we tend to see it in everything. The Number 23 (2007) - IMDb

    On the flip side of all this 'Q' nonsense, I think Anon and alternative media really is the future for information.
  14. GuitarPlayer

    GuitarPlayer Monkey++

    3M-TA3, Wild Trapper and OldDude49 like this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The first thing I need to see from some media, I don't care which one or group thereof, is credibility. These days, there is no such thing; what info is out there is unreliable mostly, and fabricated more often than not. It appears to me that GuitPl is as bad as the rest, pushing an unreliable source of rumor and innuendo pointing to things that just cannot be confirmed without believing in magical revelations.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If that's what you call "truth", I'd hate to see what a lie looks like.
    Look, I've been on the ground doing the research for many years. To me, all of this 'Q' business is nonsense. Who really cares if there's some sort of secret Q Club? And as far as Trump being a hero who is going to rip apart government and weed out the bad guys, drain the swamp --I guess we will see, right? I am betting nothing will change, for reasons I stipulated in my first post.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The "Anon" of today, is NOT the Anon of a few years ago....Many, if not MOST, of the original Anon Folks have Grown Up, Have Jobs, Children, and REAL Lives, these days.... Oh they still have a Liberal Bent to them, but it is amazing how far toward the Center they moved, when their Kids started arriving, and going to School, and such.... They still have the Knowledge and Tools to do what they used to do, but the motivation of the "Young Rebels" has mellowed as they aged.... ....
    mysterymet likes this.
  18. GuitarPlayer

    GuitarPlayer Monkey++

    Oh, I don't know... didja happen to notice about 2 days ago ALL the MSM reported Q as an alt.right conspiracy?

    Interesting that they ALL did so on the same day. They ALL got their marching orders from 'somewhere'... the question is 'where'???

    ALL that coverage for a LARP! LOL That's hilarious. The real LARP is the MSM which is so much more believable.... (slaps knee and guffaws!!)

    Now they're banning (coordinated effort btw) all the controversial posters...

    Pop some corn and watch the show is what I say....

    Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 7.39.31 PM.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Well, seems to me that you have chosen to believe what that "news" outlet spreads. That's your privilege and while you wallow in rumor and questionable "facts", I'll wait.
    Good question, tho' about who is jerking the chains. Occam's Razor seems to me.
  20. GuitarPlayer

    GuitarPlayer Monkey++

    Yet another. Killing the Mockingbird (media)

  1. Bishop
    Here is how you make a warfbow. [MEDIA]
    Thread by: Bishop, May 17, 2019, 0 replies, in forum: Bushcraft
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