
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by oil pan 4, Sep 22, 2017.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I also keep my "Above the Front Door" Pump Shotgun with one #9 Low Base, in the chamber, and the TubeMag full of 00Buck and Slugs, alternating... This is the "Go To" Weapon for the unexpected... The 30M1 Carbine has an empty Chamber but. A Full 5Round Mag... The AR10 has a Full 20Round Mag in place, but an empty chamber... Both .22Lr Ruger 45/22 Pistols have empty Chambers, and Full Mags... Momma's Dan Wesson .357 6" WheelGun that lives on top of the fridge, is loaded with JHP Rounds... and my Browning HiPower, in my Office, has one in the chamber, and a Full Mag of JHP 125 Grain 9mm Rounds... The rest of the firearms live in the Weapons Locker, with their Corrisponding Ammunition...

    The rational for the above disposition is, as the Shotty is the "Go To" Weapon, it is grab and go.. and ready to fire, the Dan Weeon, and Browning HiPower, are our Personal Weapons, so they are also Ready to Go... The rest of the Non-Gun Locker Weapons, are setup where they just need to charge the chamber, and they are Ready to Go, because if they are needed, we have had time to evaluate the situation, and choose them because they have a capability that the " Go To" weapons do not have... The Gun Locker weapons can be loaded, and brought to bare in just a few minutes, if required, but are Secondary Support weapons...

    For those that do NOT Know, we have No Young Children living here... When Young GrandChildren visit, we moved the FireArms within a Cihilds reach, even if they climb on something, to the Gun Locker, however the Three "Go to" Weapons are Situated such that even if an under 8 years of Age Child, climbed up on something they are out of reach.. All GrandChildren are now older than 8, and have taught from the time they could walk, about FireArms, and Safe Handling Practices by us, and their parents... This is a Family Tradition going back Generations...
    chelloveck and Witch Doctor 01 like this.
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