Primed To Fight

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Yard Dart, May 23, 2016.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Oh good lord, I am an old guy!! Way back in the 90's, the Southern Law Center published a list of those that would be a threat to the .gov.. Survivalist and firearms owners were on that list.. Seemed to me that anyone that did not align themselves with the leftist ideal's found themselves on that list..

    And as I told a politicians flunky, if congress fails to turn the direction the .gov was moving in, this was in the 90's, the people would rise up and make a stand.. Hm?? Cows and sage brush... There has to be a point that is identifiable to the majority of the populace.. Something that pulls them away from monday night football and causes them to take notice.. And, people have to die! There HAS to be the martures..

    What will that be?? Come on.. We have some very bright peaple here.. What will slape the sheep in the back of the head and bring them out of that daze??
  2. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Do you truly believe the brainwashed sheep you refer to as "typical Americans" can be led away from a lifetime of indoctrination by us accepting (or even respecting) the narrative that guns are evil and everyone that believes teaching their kids to use and respect guns is a crazy?

    Do you really think this Washington Post writer would have been more sympathetic to the cause if there had been no children present? If there had been no guns present?

    The government is killing and imprisoning those who dare to speak out. Anyone who disagrees with the all powerful federal government and it's need to care for all of the people will be marginalized. Anyone who purports to believe that the Constitution is something other than an obsolete document composed by some long dead people with some "very strange ideas" must be silenced...if the right to keep and bear arms makes them harder to silence, that right itself must be marginalized and eliminated.

    This is not the time for Americans to hide their is the time to remind everyone why they are necessary for a free society and make it clear that we will not give in to the socialist hordes without a fight.

    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    Motomom34, GOG, Yard Dart and 2 others like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I'm getting the slight impression that you don't favour gay and transgender folk very much.

    You are right, to some extent. GLBTQI folk are not heading in the direction of rights parity with cisgender hetero-normative folk by staying in the closet that many cisgender hetero-normative folk would prefer that queers are supposed to remain in. Seeing openly self identified GLBTQI people holding down responsible jobs, paying their taxes, serving their country, and interacting with the rest of society in a positive productive manner gets some folks to thinking....that GLBTQI folk aren't broken, aren't perverts, aren't criminals, aren't threats to society, and just maybe should be treated with the humanity that the cisgender hetero-normative folk take for granted.

    Unfortunately, like GLBTQI folk, gun owners are often tarred with the kind of unflattering stereotypic images that tend to unfairly influence uncritical minds into believing that gun owners are a threat to public safety, are irresponsible, nutty deviates. Yes, much can be learned from the GLBTQI long march from the closet, closer to mainstream society acceptance.

    I have to say,

    SCOTUS | Yankee Gun Nuts

    Gun Nut Second Amendments Man to Death Over Dog Poop Fight



    Planned Parenthood Suspect: 'I'm Guilty...Warrior for the Babies'

    are not the kind of ambassadors that are helping gun owners any.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I was listening to a radio show that suggested the more down trodden people become, the more they are willing to listen to the truth. I do believe there is some truth to that. I think that more people are now questioning the establishment. I do not want to turn this discussion political but I think what we are seeing is people not blindly following the parties and getting vocal. Both Trump and Bernie are saying the system is rigged and people are agreeing. To me that says that people are starting to question. It will either light a fire or bring despair. Right now people are angry

    No the Wapo is a rag that is all about the agenda. I believe this was a hit piece and reading the comments, the number of left comments vs. right shows that this rag/paper caters to a bias that is not favorable to the constitution. As YD suggested, read the comments, it gives you a sense of what the papers readership mainly consists of and what they are thinking. Surprisingly I did not read any comments regarding the children in the pictures but I do believe that it was focused on for a reason.

    That is so true. Those two in Vegas- they go kill a few cops and shoot a lady at Walmart to start the revolution. I would rather be called a sheep then a supporter of these two. I have no desire to go around shooting innocent people because I am angry. Count me out.
    Rocky Road Lerp, Ganado, GOG and 4 others like this.
  5. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Again...never, ever say what you "won't" do. I will not say that I will never be the first to resort to violence...because experience has taught me that waiting for the other guy as a matter of policy is a good way to be harmed or killed.

    Sorry, but we don't get to dictate the "spark" that starts anything...Mr. Murphy/God/Fate have reserved that for themselves.
    GOG, BlueDuck and Dont like this.
  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    How about we stay on the OP subject and not make this another thread on gay rights......
    ghrit and 3M-TA3 like this.
  7. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    Rights were removed by death of a thousand cuts going back decades and barely opposed.
    As others have said other groups that hold less then 1% of the population did so at that pace, as a full frontal assault
    by LGBT and alike would never have made it one foot. But slowly over decades it happened. The issue now is does time
    exist to take back the rights we are losing at that pace, I say no. As at the same time we would be working at progress so would the opposition. They did not sleep why many a conservative did. It is encouraging to see many waking up, but at the same time many are becoming P.C. with what the smallest part of the population is dictating.
    So then the question comes how do we take back America without bloodshed?
    If it was to come like that it would not be as simple as portrayed on TV, or " wolverines " We have seen the stickers
    everyone wants to be a patriot until there is patriot sheet to do . But at the same time our economy and stance in the world
    could not be sustained if we had major civil unrest. But it does seem that being prepared and making sure our youth are also prepared, for in 20-30 years when many of us will not be able to be on the line, we must have others that can be and will understand why.
    I for one hope after November there is a turn around or a slowly and we can begin to take back what we are losing and what was lost.
    It wont be easy and I have faith we are not too far gone yet. Where that "yet" is at is hard to say as it seem in Oregon we are pretty far along but in other areas of the country there is greater hope. In any event the progressive moves and lies need to continue to be exposed so our youth can be ready as well as ourselves, we owe it as our duty to our future to not forget and not fail at this task. My kids were and are surrounded daily as both their mom and dad carry daily all day every day, church, Walmart where ever. Its important teach our youth this is normal. When I was a kid police came into schools and there was shooting classes and kids did not fear firearms they respected them, the same way we were taught to respect fire and the ocean. Now we see a huge move to put fear into children, my kids are old enough and we live in a very conservative area of Oregon, but this need to be gifted to all children and young adults.
    Mountainman, Dont, Yard Dart and 3 others like this.
  8. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I think you are missing the point it's the media not responsible gun owners... the perception is strengthened by those in positions of perceived strength who vie open carry as a precursor of violence... I personally have a beef with idiot's "Open carrying AR's and AK's in Walmart...

    Sure it's legal but the negative press and bad feelings does nothing for positive gun carry...

  9. John Grit

    John Grit Monkey

    I posted it will be the government that sparks the next civil war (if it ever happens), not sane citizens. Crazy people who want to jump the gun will just be killed or sent to prison. No one will support them or try to protect them from the government. I REALLY do not want to kill good people because I have a disagreement with the government. I REALLY do not want to kill cops. That's just me. I know it all seems strange, but that's the way I am. I've written novels about a possible future America where citizens are forced to fight back. But in the story they are facing a government that makes the Nazis look like humanitarians. The population that loves Socialism all live in the cities and those who have rejected Socialism/Statism live in the rural areas on farms. The country is 100% divided and the government has decided to no longer tolerate those who live free in the rural areas and has started rounding them up and killing them. The disagreement in the story is about a lot more than just one thing or the other; it's about the right to live.

    One of the reasons the gays and transsexuals, etc, have gotten their way is because they were fully supported by the media and children were indoctrinated in the schools. Those same organizations are against us. As much as they've helped the gays, etc, they have and will do all they can to stop gun owners from making any headway.

    One thing some here don't seem to realize is the fact we have won many battles over the last 3 decades or so. When I was a young man the thought it would someday be legal to carry a gun concealed in this state was just a fantasy. Yet it's been legal 3 decades now and most states now allow some kind of concealed and open carry. Gun owners have a lot of political power, despite the media and government schools lying to people.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
    Mountainman, GOG, Dont and 2 others like this.
  10. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    @John Grit - what I said stands...never say what you will not's not rocket surgery, it's not a death wish, it's not crazy, it's basic common tactical and strategic matter how much you want to fictionalize it.

    Sorry I gotta disagree because I have watched so-called responsible gun-owners peddle this perception. Your "beef" is another example of such. If you want to help the enemy, fine, that is your choice...but at least be honest with yourself that you are doing so.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
    GOG likes this.
  11. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    If reference to open carry, I think it falls or should fall along the lines of yelling fire in a crowded theature.
    I mean if a person is just doing there thing why is it and issue. When I was younger gees everyone had firearms and open carried
    and no one freaked and ran away. When I see an open carry person I see tow things a person I am keeping an eye on as well as their body language and I see person exercising their rights. It all conditioning, the media works hard to demonize firearms and then Bob and Joan America follow suit and never bat an eye and ergo is the problem. I guess humans are retarded animals at heart. But only sheep usually will follow another sheep off a cliff, and that is what we see here people seeing frightening things that are created by the media and legislative progress elite.
    I guess the idea is , ok so we see Jimmy Bob carrying an AK-47 down the street people look but would they look if everyone carried down the street? Chances are no, why not I mean a 1000's Ak-47 should be more dangerous yet the public would accept that more then they would one guy. Its all perception and all trained, remember ww2 was all about fear and perception Germany gained allot of ground often not firing a shot, it was propaganda, fear and perception. One would think it would take tanks and guns, nope just the fear of is enough to make people throw away their rights the question this Monkey asks is why are we so easily persuaded to just toss away righst when no true fear exist. Its why educating our children is crucial.
    Just my take,
    GOG, Dont, Yard Dart and 1 other person like this.
  12. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Chell, Chell, Chell, I have nothing against anyone. I however do draw the line for you to swing your arms at my nose. Cross the line and risk getting spanked. My point is that ONE PERCENT of the pop now lords it over the other 99%. What ANYONE does behind closed doors with consenting adults is THEIR business. Two men, two women (OK, I might watch), one man and one woman, I don't care, it is their business and they should keep it THEIR business, not demand I watch or condone it. But when they do it in the streets, force me to watch and force my children to learn what you do and demand them to follow you, demand and get special laws and rights that no one else can have, then it becomes MY BUSINESS. Now ONE TENTH of 1 percent is demanding special rights and privileges, which they are getting. Where does it end? Rights for all? Or special "rights" for only special interest groups that are willing to stand up and riot in the streets if they don't get their own way and no one else can have, and no rights for anyone else?

    I have a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to Keep And Bear Arms. Please feel free to show me where there is any "right" for GLBTQ, other than "PURSUIT of happiness"? If they can pursue happiness by what they do, why should I not have that same right? If people are afraid to USE their Rights, they have NO rights, and if they WANT to give up their rights and live in fear, live like sheeple, get sheared like sheeple, and butchered like sheeple, more power to them and the faster they get what they ultimately deserve the happier I am for them. However, I do not wish to be a sheeple, I DO wish to have my Rights and live as a free man.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
    Mountainman, GOG and Salted Weapon like this.
  13. enloopious

    enloopious Rocket Surgeon

    I don't think moto was saying not to train your kids, just how the media is going to use it against us.

    As for the issue, we need leaders and we need everyone to be a leader. That is paramount because when your leader gets taken out there has to be a next in line. The good news is that when people fight for loved ones they usually win over paid thugs. Yeah I just called our military paid thugs and I will call anyone who attacks my fellow countrymen thugs and a lot worse.

    We need media. We need a real journalistic outlet to follow this movement and report on what is going on and I propose getting one started. Maybe I'll start a thread on that...
  14. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I don't see this as an "enemy" I see it as a realistic view of our current society... If that's your opinion so be it... I disagree and believe that folks who believe your way are playing into Hillary's pocket... but that also is your right... you also should be honest and realistic with your self...

    I've said my piece and I'm out of this conversation....
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
    Legion489 and chelloveck like this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    1. I was not the one who started referencing gay folk or gay rights....

    We can thank legion for that

    His attack on homosexuals and transgender folk began an irrelevant deviation into "haemorrhoids the size of a bunch of grapes"
    I brought his deviation back into relevance by describing how acceptance might be achieved, citing the growing acceptance of LGBTQI folk into the mainstream of society, and citing the kind of negative role models who were harming broad societal acceptance of gun ownership.

    My take home suggestion is, if the more commonly publicised gun owning folk out of the closet, are nutbags and murderers, then law abiding gun owners will tend to increasingly experience difficulty gaining broader community acceptance, and freedom from the regulation of their gun ownership.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
    Ganado, Witch Doctor 01 and Motomom34 like this.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Not your problem. Leave it be or start another thread. There's nothing wrong with failure to rise to the bait.
  17. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    First off, if it's time to bury them, register them, hide them or whatever, it's time to load 'em up.

    Secondly, there's a media pogrom against preppers, RTKBA and assorted and sundry. Remember, it's for the children. Oh yes, and the safety and peace of mind of the elite.

    Thirdly, I don't want to be involved in any organized outfit. If I'm going to step in it I want a say so.
    In my neighborhood we have a confederation of armed friends. Got two nurses and a dental hygienist too.
    Pax Mentis, Mountainman and Motomom34 like this.
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Oi! No in-fighting. We've got enough troubles with TPTB. Fighting amongst ourselves only helps TPTB.
    3M-TA3, ghrit, Ganado and 2 others like this.
  19. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Just to be clear...anyone who tries to deny me my unalienable human rights...or denigrates me for standing up for them, is my enemy.
  20. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Interesting take on the article...with some interesting videos at the end:
    WAPO: The Fast-growing, Armed Movement that Perceives a Dire Threat to U.S Liberty - Truth And Action

    Another article that is worth reading, whether one agrees or not:
    The American People Have Been Conquered: “Change Through Peaceful Means No Longer Possible”
    "Today Americans exist as a conquered people. They have lost the Bill of Rights, the amendments to the Constitution that protect their liberty. Anyone, other than the One Percent and their political and legal servants, can be picked up without charges and detained indefinitely as during the Dark Ages, when government was unaccountable and no one had any rights. Only those with power were safe. In America today anyone not politically protected can be declared “associated with terrorism” and taken out by a Hellfire missile from a drone on the basis of a list of human targets drawn up by the president’s advisers. Due process, guaranteed by the US Constitution, no longer exists in the United States of America. Neither does the constitutional prohibition against the government spying on citizens without just cause and a court warrant. The First Amendment itself, whose importance was emphasized by our Founding Fathers by making it the First Amendment, is no longer protected by the corrupt Supreme Court. The Nine who comprise the Supreme Court, like the rest of the bought-and-paid-for-government, serve only the One Percent. Truth-tellers have become “an enemy of the state.” Whistleblowers are imprisoned despite their legal protection in US law."
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
    GOG, Dont and Mountainman like this.
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  4. Motomom34
  5. Coyote Ridge
  6. Yard Dart
  7. Yard Dart
  8. fl4848
  9. Motomom34
  10. Motomom34
  11. Yard Dart
  12. Yard Dart
  13. Yard Dart
  14. Coyote Ridge
  15. Yard Dart
  16. Motomom34
  17. Meat
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