Tax dollars going to support minority businesses is nothing new. It has been going on for about 40 yrs(maybe more). A nooby can come here, get a small business loan, miss payments(tacked onto the end), draw welfare, housing, med/etc. and rent you beds merely straightened out instead of fresh sheets. Or sell you inflated convience store priced goods while his buds drive you around in their cabs we are paying for.
Never took you for an admirer of command economics -06 ??? Sounds just like the kind of largess given to Enron and given willy nilly to other big business interests.....only that G'Dubya was the one handing out taxpayer funded largess... Sheeple: Government Handouts = 35 Percent Of U.S. Wages, But For Michael Moore, That Is Not Nearly Enough <broken link> Huge Handouts for US Companies I think that America has less to be concerned about, regarding some "towel head" taxi drivers getting government subsidies....or some small businessmen charging what the market will bear...(are you suggesting that entrepreneurs can't charge what they damn well like.....what kind of free enterprise advocate are you??? You one of those commie command economy price control admirers???? ). Yep...blame it ALL on the immigrants...Scapegoating outgroups may make some good ol' boys feel better within themselves...and at the same time allow the ol' boys the luxury of ignoring the problems created by those who are native born to the country....hhhmmm.
TR: "Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country."