I am following the events in Libya closely. I have some friends working there. Some have made it out. Some I don't know about. Many people are still trapped there and surviving day-today. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts. http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum/general-survival/28083-bud-bug-out-lessons-libya.html#post156488
So sorry to hear of your loss Minuteman. Prayers sent and a blanket prayer given for all Monkeys world wide and the people affected by the Mideast uproar especially Libya. May the Divine Spirit send angels to guard over us, and may we look up for our salvation. Hurry Jesus, defeat the evil ones.
Many of you have been following the thread(s) about monkey tsneds living in Japan about 150 miles SW of the Fukushima reactor. He has been able to secure a 03/17 outbound flight for his pregnant wife, 4 year old son, and himself. I know that all of us are greatly concerned for the safety and welfare of all residents of Japan but we have a personal concern for our members so tsneds will be in our thoughts in the coming days. I hope he can keep us posted on his progress, journey, and what he has learned that will help us all as we prepare for the uncertainties of the world. What many of you may not know is that we have at least one other monkey with family in Japan. Bear, one of our founding members, has family that he has been unable to contact. While Bear quietly goes about helping others, he has been silent about his family concerns. I hope he doesn't mind that I am bringing this to the attention of our community. For those of us who are inclined toward prayer, two of our own are in need. For those whose beliefs do not include prayer, good thoughts are certainly in order. Both Bear and tsneds will be front and center in my thoughts and prayers.
A fellow Christian and Warrior has measothelioma (sp) and needs prayer. Russel has taken his last round of chemo and is awaiting test results to see what if anything can be done to cure him. I would without hesitation trust this man with my life and fortune. Please keep this decent honorable man in your prayers. Thanks jim
Felicia ,The Miracle Maiden This little lady and family are special friends of ours and I wanted her to have the chance to give her testimony and her courage to all that would listen and continue to raise her up in prayer Felicia, The Miracle Maiden, will be a special guest on the following radio stations, sharing her remarkable story. Hear about how a very tragic accident brought believers from all over the world together. Moved by the Rauch Ha Qodesh entire congregations, families, a radio show along with thousands of Brothers and Sisters fasted and prayed for this daughter of the Most High Eloah. Truly, when the Body of Mashiach comes together mountains shall be moved! Listen in to this amazing testimony that even left those in the medical field astonished. Callers are welcome! 1. Faith Radio June 29th, 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time, 5:00 P.M. Pacific time. CLICK HERE FOR RECORDING 2. Hebrew Nation Radio this coming July 4th, 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time , 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time AM 1220 KPJC WRBG FM 99.5 FM http://hebrewnationradio.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=4 98&Itemid=121 Felica's miracle healing story coming soon! http://miracle-maiden.FollowersofYah.com,The Miracle
I am asking those Monkeys who are believers to hold my father up in prayer.He has fought cancer and won on two occasions and now has been told it is back.please keep him lifted up in prayer...Thank you!
This may sound shelfish but I ask for prayer for myself, I just recently recieved a book for christmas The Resolutipn for Men from my wife. I have had to read this book one chapter at a time. This book has changed my life. I have never lived the way the lord wants us to. Please pray for strength for me to become a better Husband and daddy to my children.
RustyB, Faith precedes the Miracle.... and Prayer precedes Faith.... You are half way there... I will pray that you receive the Faith, that is required, for you to be Blessed with the Miracle, and desire of your heart. It takes a Big Man, to be humbled, by a Good Woman, and to understand, that Personal Change, is required, and be willing to head down that road. I know, as I had to travel that path, and it wasn't easy, or pleasant, but I am a Better Man, for the Journey. Never give up on a Good Woman, They are a Treasure, more Precious than Gold, or Pearls..... ..... YMMV....
I add my prayers to BT's. You have taken a good step and are heading in the right direction. Keep praying and remember it is a daily walk. You have to decide each and every day that you are going to be the best you can be and strive to accomplish it. Some days will be harder than others but perseverance is the key.
Prayers needed for my 12yo daughter Please! My 12yo daughter Hazel was doing ground work with her horse that we recently rescued. Well the mare spooked,and jerked her head up.When she did this,she head butted my daughter and litterally shattered her whole face. She is in ICU@Arnold Palmer in Orlando as I'm writing this 1500mi from home,but headed that way. Matt
I know how something like this can shake you right to the ground. Many prayers being sent your way for you and yours.