Ok, bare with me. (That was for Chell. Lol) I was reminded of a story the other day. It was in Reno, my first time. My buddies were playing BlackJack but I really didn’t know how yet. I made a bet or two, got nervous and stepped back. Repeat. Repeat. I suddenly feel eyes on me all hard. I look up and then look away. Just like a true Finn. I look up again and the dealer is still mean-mugging me. I look at my feet. I look up a third time and looked him in the eye and said and I quote....What the f@ck are you looking at mother f@cker?!” He replies “Nothing.” Good answer Pedro because I’m serious, I was ready to go up and over that table. I’m not sure exactly why I took it to that extent. I find out later that jumping in and out of the game is forbidden. Who knew? Lol.
Lately in my travels I’ve been extra observant because of “The Virus.” I’d mentioned Lowe’s having 400 cars in the lot. Sort of got called for BS. I could be high on the number, might be low. The lot was completely full. Driving by at 60 it was a WAG! Trump’s fault for the crowds right? The freeway is down about 25 percent I’d say. Masks are being worn by a good portion of folks now. Almost none two weeks ago. Something stinks for sure about this pandemic. There’s no way it’s as portrayed. Progressive Washington State would have a million deaths alone by now. *crosses my fingers, knocks on wood*
I just refer to it as noticing the details around me. The World is SCREAMING information at you. Yet most are too deaf, dumb, & blind to notice. My mother swears up & down I have ESP when on the highway. Even more so when I'm not the driver, as I can usually tell her shes about to get cut off 30-60 seconds before it happens. I don't look for certain types of vehicles, mostly, I look for movements. See sumone change lanes 50 yards back, right on another vehicle's bumper, front or back. That car is working their way ahead & will soon do the same to you. Well, I'm an asshole, so if they catch me in the wrong mood, I shut down their stupidity.
also known as being present in the moment..... people pay alot of money to figure this out. You could be a guru .... if only you werent an introvert
I’m going to use this in my defensive driving presentation. For reals. As soon as things get back to normal they want me to be an instructor. $avings all around. Watch until the end please. Electricity is involved.