Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I am back to my cave and Molly is well. What is left of civilization is much worse than I had feared. I returned to my former urban dwelling, only to be attacked by black-clad soldiers and dog-catchers but was able to escape with the help of Mr. Ghrits.
    As much as I am enjoying my idyllic retreat to the wilderness cave and my animal friends, it is my obligation to my fellow man that compels me towards my next adventure. I have signed on with the ACLU as an under-cover warrior, intent on defending the last shreds of our beloved Constitution. Since I have learned the true value of exchange and no-longer require the use of FRNs to exist, my first love, the Law, has taken a new dimension. Ono Libre!
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Glad you made it back, Frank. Have you checked on your neighbors yet?
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Bravo Frank! Warrior on
  4. Frankie? Cheaper Than Dirt has M16 A2s that have had the lower receiver cut into three pieces with all the internals cheaper than Gunbroker has the carrier, bolt, sear, disconnect, trigger, safety, and auto-sear. They also have stripped lowers for about a hundred FRNS. Those new carbonfiber lowers don't even have the bench so all you gotta do is drill the hole for the autosear and drop the parts in. Only problem I got is that as a moose, I don't have an address to send them to: Does your cave have postal service? One of my paramours is willing to lend me her credit card if we promise to send her some of that bat-poop of yours.
  5. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Moose! That is awesome. Have it sent to the ACLU office in Columbus to my attention. I have been working on a plan of legal attack. We'll form a living trust and make you the Trustee. A Living Trust is a legal tax entity and therefore, can purchase NFA items without a background check, finger printing, or permission for the County's high legal authority. The scrap parts from Cheaper than Dirt are not considered a firearm and are totally unregulated. We will not drill the single hole in the lower receiver that actually allows installation of the critical part, the auto-sear. This will not be a violation of the existing laws by any stretch of the imagination but they'll probably arrest you anyway and the cameras will be rolling! There is nothing that I have found in Nexus-Lexus that precludes a Moose from being a Trustee in a Living trust. I think we got em, Boy!
    BTPost likes this.
  6. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    We have legal precedent. The ninth Federal Court of Appeals over-turned a conviction of a man that had five home-made AK 47 machine guns, three years ago. They said that since they were constructed for his personal use, they were not subject to laws of interstate commerce, the BATFE did not have a right to tax them and therefore, did not have a dog in the hunt, so to speak. They did give the fellow 20 years for robbing a bank, but that is not relevant to the firearms violation charges.
    BTPost and ghrit like this.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Frank, you might actually be onto something there; I remember reading about the 9th overturning that conviction on appeal and was amazed that no-one grabbed onto it and pushed it further. And if they put the moose in jail, they'll have to fix the hole in his belly.
    Also, I am a trustee of a Living trust that has purchased machine guns and silencers so I know that information is accurate. it amazes me that anyone could ever be convicted by a jury trial for an NFA violation, given that it is NOTHING but a tax and it connot possibly be Constitutional to jail someone for demanding to pay it and own something that they arbitrarily decided couldn't be manufactured any more for private use.
    Maybe we can get some of the ass-kissing trolls from Arf ( to chime in?
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Frank? You gotta talk to your moose, buddy... Pink Moose.JPG
    ghrit likes this.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    That gives new meaning to Mort's hole in the belly.
    RightHand likes this.
  10. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  11. I think I'll wear my new pink suit to the BATFE office when I go to register my machine gun.
    RightHand likes this.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Don't forget the falsetto voice.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Sea, You owe me a New Keyboard.... I have diet Dr.Pepper running out my nose, and all over the keyboard, after seeing that Mort Moose Picture.... That was a REAL Hoot...... [lolol]
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I think Frank's taking a pounding today...Stay dry Frank.
  15. Frankie? Let me make sure I understand our plan here, ole Bud? You are now "of council" with the ACLU? You want me, a moose, to become a trustee in a Living trust formed for the sole purpose of purchasing NFA weapons? Am I right so far? I am supposed to purchase commonly available "Parts" to construct a machine gun from a semi-automatic rifle; an AR15? You will accompany me, along with a representative of the press, to the BATFE office in Atlanta, where I will hand them a completed Form 4 with $200.00 for the tax and demand my right to manufacture a machine gun and have it legally entered into the registry? This is in direct opposition to the rider that Senator Rangel attached to the Firearms Owners Protection Act at the last minute, the one that the NRA supported? The one that made it illegal to manufacture or import any more machine guns into the registry for ownership by citizen, in spite of our Second Amendment rights prohibiting such a law? I understand that as a legal "Tax Entity" that the Living Trust is the one making the application with me as the representative trustee and that I am to demand my rights as a citizen to pay my taxes and be allowed to exercise a Constitutional right that has been unlawfully infringed? You are absolutely certain that there is no Georgia or Federal law that specifically prohibits a Moose from being a trustee? Are you certain that if they decide to arrest me, I will be quartered in a holding facility with cable TV? I would hate to be unable to see "All in the Family" reruns on A&E.
  16. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Moose, I can assure you that in the entire Georgia Code, there isn't a single mention of Moose exclusions in any manner. I do not think the actual payment of the Tax is Constitutional either as your use is personal and naught to do with "Interstate Commerce" and therefore should be tax exempt but we'll claim that on our tax returns more than likely. I'll have to ask my accountant, Righthand?
    Moose, we'll take this all the way to the Supreme Court if need be. You will be a true American hero! An icon; a Bastion of Liberty! if they don't have cable, I'll bring you Blueray DVDs of every episode!
  17. Frankie? Are you a hundred percent certain that this isn't that shit you been fertilizing with your bat-poop talking?
  18. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm of the opinion that Frank is correct - your tax return (you will file a return, won't you) is the place to claim remittance of an unsubstantiated tax liability. You'll probably have to fight long and hard on that one because once they have your dollars, they are not inclined to return it or admit an error.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    hey guys? I'll send you the $200.00 just to see if it works. Good luck. About damned time the ACLU stood up something Constitutional except for Homo-parades and abortions. Are you really going to wear your pink vagina suit?
  20. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Frank, where do you receive mail so Sea can send money? I think he might have to make a special trip to Georgia just to deliver it
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