Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Frank you might want to re-think the catapault test idea if one of the zombie's see the direction the projectiles are coming from. It could give your location away by giving them a general area to search. Because with their partners missing they are on alert. I agree with ghrit I would take a few to make some more defensive plans and regroup, give them time to decide to split up to look for their friends and then take them out one by one.
    oldawg likes this.
  2. hey, how about making something like a bull roarer and slipping off in some direction you want them to go (or perhaps flea from / avoid depending on their response)

    I have this site for a link on how to make one from a split off piece of wood

    At the very least it will be flipping em out and anytime you un-nerve a feral mutant zombie, it works to your advantage. They will have saucer sized eyes in no time.

    This fellow at this utube makes one with a piece of cordage and a plastic spoon.

    At this point I'd suggest not taking a direct attack approach, but rather hand back and perhaps rig more man traps and try to bait em into em somehow.

    The more you learn about how they react to stuff the more you can predict and manipulate them into situations that give the advantage to you.

    Pure Sun Tzu.

    chelloveck likes this.
  3. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Yep...A good haunting should do it...Right after they've had a toot or two...
  4. sarawolf

    sarawolf Monkey+++

    So glad to hear you are doing well Frank, may blessings and hope go with you. You are a survivor.
  5. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Today was interesting. The zombies split into two groups of three; one group went to check on the automobiles and the other apparently was hunting me. One man stayed with the two zombies I encountered yesterday, as they seemed to require some attention due to their injuries. I decided to follow the group that went to the old barn and was surprised that they failed to locate their compatriots in the well. It seems that once they noticed the vehicles were pretty much stripped, they closed a defensive perimeter and began working their way back to the encampment in sort of a Keystone Kop Commando manner; jumping and shooting at anything that made a sound. The hunting party joined them about half-way back to camp, probably drawn by all the gunfire. I think they probably would have scattered to the four-points if Thursday had not taken command. Two were placed on point and one trailed as a rear-guard the rest of the way back to their encampment and no more shots were fired. I thought about the Molotov cocktail because they were so tightly bunched, I believe I could have disabled the entire stick with a single fire-bomb. I am watching them all this moment from my observation point and I could no doubt, put them all down with my Barrett rifle, probably with an M4. They are almost directly below me, in the open with nowhere to hide. It is cloudy and will be a very dark night tonight; maybe I will have a surprise for them.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Sounds to me like Thursday is a dilemma for you. Zombie commander and maybe friend?

    I still think it's time to prepare to boogie, or at least lay low and hope for some complacency to set in.
  7. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    They have moved their encampment to base of the cliff and now have their backs to the wall. I could literally drop rocks on them from my observation point and it appears that they are laying three large fires for tonight; this is a new one on me? Always before, they were very careful about anything that might be noticed from afar, not wanting to attract attention to their farming enterprise but I suppose that now, they have their own survival issues to contend with. Surely they do not believe that I will attack? I could have shot them all half a dozen times already, if I were so inclined.
  8. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Drop a handfull of snakes on them tonight....
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    They would shoot you on sight Frank and believe you would do the same to them. It is their only frame of reference. Be very careful and as ghrit has recommended, lay low for a while or you may end up down the well yourself.
  10. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Mr. Gator, that is an excellent idea but unfortunately, my snakes are a little worn out from hanging from fishing hooks for the past few days so I have decided to use them as crawfish bait until I can catch a fresh bunch and figure a means of keeping them more active for longer periods. The fish hooks work really well for about a day and a half then they just sort of slump and look dead. I do have a rather large snapping turtle that has a nasty disposition and I am thinking about lowering it on a rope but that would give away my position and it might have to go to guns then. I would rather not engage in a gunfight, if it is at all possible to avoid. Maybe I'll move the turtle into the tree-house?
  11. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    What is the velocity of a eight to ten pound hornet's nest free-falling from nominally 100 meters? I wouldn't want to kill anyone if it were to hit them.
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    digging deep into my old brain, trying to remember my physics formulas, we have the following:

    Acceleration = 32 ft/sec which would calculate an approximate velocity of 9.74 meters per sec
  13. 32ft/ second / second for acceleration I believe. Every second it gains an additional 32 fps to the current velocity. Of course I have messed up my calculations a lot since the stroke, so double or triple check my thinking.
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    My thinking is at 32 ft/sec, a constant, it is approximately 9 seconds which calculates to approximately 9.7 meters/sec with no impedence.
  15. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I do not believe that I could have asked for a more effective means of dispersing my unwanted neighbors. I managed to get the second hornet's nest into a plastic bag without getting stung myself and suspended it above the encampment, then cut the bottom from the bag, allowing it to drop directly into the small gathering of zombies that stoked the three fires.. It landed on one of the zombies and I believe it may have broken his collar bone, as he was the last to get up and leave the area being swarmed by the 1.5" long angry wasps and he was only swatting with one arm. The rest vacated post-haste, leaving behind even what they held in their hands while swatting wildly in every direction. Even the two injured men managed to vacate the camp under their own power, being certain that none of their buddies would come to their rescue. All of their supplies seem to have been abandoned but I do not believe I should risk going down there to scavenge, as the wasps might still be a little pissed that their domicile was fractured into shreds by impacting from 100 meters and Thursday is probably sharp enough to wait in ambush; Oh...I forgot that Thursday is deathly allergic to wasp and bee stings; oh well. I do not imagine that they will have a very pleasant night in the dark with no supplies...If they decide to go to the tree-house, I sure hope they are careful. I think I'll go back to the cave and listen to a bit of music to relax me. I found a really interesting ensemble called Mississippi River Crooks and a song that I really like called "Big Brother".
    RightHand likes this.
  16. ok so i was working at a the masonic lodge and heard a loud crash out side.....
    i run out to try to help but the car exploded before i could get there.! the loud yelling and screming was down right ugly. reminded me of some things i was made to do in the war. a guy comes out from around the rubble... looks as if he could need some help...
    then i notice another one down the block. fighting a kid for his money or somthing..
    as i got closer to help the guy at the car. wait a min.............!!!!!!!!!!!! Run............
    its zombies. its started i thought it was all bull ####!!!!!! run back in the lodge and bar and lock the doors and tell my brothers to what had happien. we wait to see if it blows over for the night we are lucky enuff to have food and water for now. we get the wife and kids ready to be picked up soon but for now they need to bunker down and hold fast
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Spensperson, I wouldn't confuse these "Zombies" with the ones you watch on television. "Mutant Ninja Zombies" is Frank's politically correct euphemism for referring to a segment of our society that believes they are entitled to all our stuff, even if they have to take it by force. He is making an effort at avoiding cultural and racial labels so don't try to confuse the issue.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    don't confuse us with a new plot in a parrallel universe!

    I thought for a while that Spens was writing a parrallel universe narrative to Frank's world. Zombies, and goblins in a PAW milieu represent criminal miscreants (aka bad human beings). The idea is to dehumanise the bad guys, so that discussion about eradicating them with extreme prejudice will be somewhat less icky for civilised people presently living under a rule law of sorts. It is also a very thin tissue fan that folk can use to cover themselves against exposure as inhuman monsters who are contemplating doing what might be quite illegal and possibly morally unscrupulous presently, but possibly quite necessary as a matter of personal survival in a WROL environment. (we aren't the bad guys of course and neither are we zombies nor goblins).

    Spens...perhaps if you read the back story, you might be in a better position to contribute to the morality tale and survival thriller that is Frank Lee Ticious, Attorney at Law's violent and oft times very smelly world! : O

    Perhaps ask some insightful questions of Frank...or perhaps offer a suggestion or two to some of those knotty (smelly, stinging, biting, sh1tty) dilemmas that Frank seems to find himself in from time to time. For instance...Frank has become something of an amateur herpetologist, but his venomous snakes don't seem to survive very long secured to mantraps with twine and fishhooks...any suggestions??
  19. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Hornets 2 Zombies nothing…apparently Thursday isn’t the only one of them allergic to bees and wasps. I was correct that they would seek refuge at the tree house and I think that snapping turtle must have bitten one of them when they climbed into the entrance hole. I watched today and there are only four that are still ambulatory and one of them has a big bloody bandage on his hand where there should be fingers. I could only identify one Glock and some kind of handgun with the magazine forward of the grip and did not note any other weapons. There are six zombies, including Thursday, that look a little worse for wear. I don’t think a couple of them will make it. I guess they don’t have any antihistamines? Maybe I should take them some tea? I think I will do that, and maybe a bottle of this Johnny Walker with a bunch of Chloral Hydrate mixed in….hmmmm…
    I think I will destroy the weapons they dropped with a few rounds of .50 BMG and leave the Johnny Walker there in their camp for when they finally get enough nerve up to do some scavenging.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The question begs to be asked. Where are you going to find chloral hydrate?
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