Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You have, indeed, had a good day Frank and I applaud your decision by think through the situation and act in a manner that was beneficial to you and your future. You are in a much better position to defend yourself and your belongings than you were 24 hours ago.
  2. I'd add something but I'm sitting here with a silly grin for ya. Don't bother with the slim jims, he is a cannibal, so let him eat long pork. That is justice, much better than the old so called legal system you have managed to leave.

    When legal once more always equals justice, then things in this world will have a chance to become nice and not so grubby.

    If you are in the south, with a hot summer coming on, the cave ought to be much more comfortable than a tree house. Now if you can just rig up a water wheel and shaft drive to spin those alternators

    (Not sure if they will work like a generator, but somewhere I remember reading that if you have those diode things in em and do something with em they will act like a generator -- oh boy another thing to research)

    seems some had the diode thingy outside of em and some inside, and it maybe something else than a diode and I just cannot recall the right name. Been a long time since autoshop, and about half the cars back then still used gen over alt.

    a car is a veritable gold mine of stuff dont forget that it has a ton of metal / wire / piping, heck even the carpet in em can serve many purposes.

    And window glass, how about making yourself a solar oven for stealth cooking?

    and a wing mirror just because they come in handy if you have to work on yourself or need to see around corners etc. Even reflect more light around if you plan carefully.

    Well brain drizzle is on pause. later n good luck frank, hope things keep working out for you.

    /laugh to self dumped the mutant into the well. poetic, simply poetic mumbles to self as walks off to see what is in the pantry for a snack n to make some coffee.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have been enjoying revisiting a number of posts in this thread and after having re-read post number 340, I have decided that you may well be the Frumious Bandersnatch, Mr. Ticious!
  4. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    That is an interesting observation,mr. Seacowboys; I am still winnowing.
  5. Just be careful if ya start seeing jub jub birds. wonder if they be good eating?
  6. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I caught another zombie today. I imagine he was sent to relieve the car guard but I heard him coming while I was removing wheels from the vehicles. I took the stereo system from the Escalade today too. I will really enjoy listening to music tonight in my cave; it has a natural reverb, much akin to a cathedral. Most of my music collection is intact so the quality of life has improved considerably.
    I didn't mean to frighten the zombie so badly but I guess his buddy screaming from inside the well is enough to make anyone jittery, but he really should watch where he steps, when he tripped the wire that released the wagon of stones covered with the stinky bear skin, I can only imagine what went through his mind but what went through his pants is another matter. I suppose they will rinse out, as a matter of course. I now have another pair of shoes too; my wardrobe is growing every day. Maybe when he comes too, he will be enough company to his buddy in the well that they can take turns yodeling? That is the sound it reminds me of...sort of an African -American version of yodeling.
    I looked up the pills I found using an on-line PDR; they are mostly a sedative called Chloral Hydrate and another called Methaqualone. The zombie I caught today had what I believe is a package of heroin.My gun collection just keeps growing.
    "The Cranberries Zombie live - YouTube"
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Make sure the well is deep enough that they can't stand on one another's shoulders and get out.
  8. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I thought about that Mr. Ghrits and I believe my solution, while temporary, is most effective. I dangled two poisonous snakes from treble fishing hooks just inside the opening and I might place one of my large hornet nests across the top as well, but they still need at least two more zombies to reach the surface standing on each others shoulders, if they can learn to cooperate. Apparently Zombies are not very smart.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Hm. Maybe converting that well to a cesspool would be a useful way to dispose of night soil. Hm.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    It is a good idea that you are taking all their clothes, not just for your own use but to insure that they cannot bind them into a rope to help them escape.
  11. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Just remember even with them being at the bottom of a well they are still breathing and should still be considered a threat. If their friends find them or they were to get away your cover is blown and you have not removed the size of the enemy force. If you dont want to do it by hand just cut the snake lose and let them do it for you maybe drop a couple more to make sure. Just watch your back my friend
    oldawg likes this.
  12. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    My, I do believe these guys are hunting me. I returned to my tree-house to recover a sharpning stone so that I may sharpen this razor that Zombie #1 was so kind to give me. I generally am very fastidious and I am so much looking forward to a shave and a hair-cut. I recognize that a straight razor is somewhat limited in tonsorial creativity, so I will shave and give myself a Mohawk! This is so very Native American!
    But I digress; when approaching the tree-house, I could smell pot burning. I am no tactician, but I do not think smoking anything is wise while awaiting the arrival of your quarry; especially if he is carrying a Benelli shot-gun. I have decided, as much as is possible, until they decide to raise the bar, to attempt only solutions using less than lethal tactics. Therefore, I had loaded a number of shot-shells with a mixture of rock salt and fiberglass particles from a piece of old derelict boat I had found near the river.
    To continue my narritive, two zombies were sitting behind some poison ivy vines, passing a pipe back and forth. Each had a M4 carbine and wore a load-bearing vest of extra magazines. I could tell by the ACOGS mounted on each rifle that they were probably once owned by me and knew them to be very accurate, so I was very careful not to let them see me and possibly shoot me as I sneaked to within about 10 meters of them and shot each of them several times with the salt-loaded shotgun, causing them to abandon their weapons and run blindly towards the creek and right into one of the pits I had dug and lined with bamboo spikes. I knew that I did not have time to take them both to the well before more came to investigate the shots and screaming, so I took their weapons, ammunition, and shoes, allowing them to keep the fiberglass and salt saturated clothing and beat-feet back to the bat cave.
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Frankie, it's time to lay low for a while and distribute your stocks into caches in some other area. They ARE going to find you and set you on the road again. Don't get too comfortable. Those kids do not play nice. Give them some time to get complacent.
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Frank, I'm impressed! You are becoming quite the survivor. You will defeat them by your intellect (and chemically unaltered mental state.)

    I'm not sure any potential mates will care too much for the Mohawk but I suppose you will be more comfortable and it suits your new demeanor. Are you also planning on a loin cloth? Just kidding.

    I'm pleased that you will try to avoid any lethal responses unless the "zombies" give you no choice.
  15. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I have noticed that Thursday is no longer playing his pan-flute but the zombies have some loud music with a lot of drums and bass and chanting' I think it is war music.
  16. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    loin cloth? That might make a very nice change of pace from my worn kilt. It is summer and the insects do not seem prone to dining on me; why not? I'll use one of the legs from those baggy pants I took from the zombie.
  17. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I was just kidding Frank. In the future, I'll be more careful about my comments and humor
  18. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I am studying the trajectory from my observation point of Thursday's encampment to the center of their ground and believe that I might be able to devise a catapault that will deliver items of interest to them. I have a pair of carp fish that I speared yesterday that maybe weigh an approximation of my surprise....I think I'll launch a couple of fish this evening to determine how accurate a catapult can be. And maybe I'll launch a few snakes.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    you have gasoline and a few old bottles, Frank. Why don't you launch a few molotov cocktails their way?
  20. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    might catch the whole area on fire. worse yet, might catch the pot fields on fire. be clouds of smoke Frank couldn't avoid. Fire is a situational weapon as using it you have to be sure it can not effect you!!!
    oldawg likes this.
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