Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Anyone know the aspects of self-defense? Does the legal arm of the law apply to those without a residential address? And another thing I have heard is in such an event, you should not claim "self-defense", it is better to claim "you were in fear for your life". Self-defense has to be proved and in varying degrees. You feared for your life and you emptied your mag. Nobody can say how much in fear one person can be. What might not scare me, might scare someone else to death. So just be careful man and think upon whether you are willing to take a stand and keep what you have built or is it better to move on and try to set up somewhere else. Just don't act out of a irrational mindset. Be calm and collected.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Frank's an attorney, I am sure he knows more about the legalities of that than anyone here but that isn't the issue; he is living in a post TEOTWAWKI world and and I don't think they're too terribly concerned about what's going on in the rest of the world. His only bridge to reality is the cyber-link he uses to communicate with us.
  3. Hang in there frank, I may not care for lawyers as an overall group, but I"m coming to like you.

    Don't be driven, choose wisely, and act from a calm place and you will come out ok.
    RightHand and Seacowboys like this.
  4. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I checked back at the tree house this morning to feed Molly and Mr. Ghrits and found where Thursday had left the seed that I had requested. I left a note saying that I am going to be away for a few days scattering my guerilla-garden plots through-out the area. This should not arouse suspicions; Thursday is used to me just showing up at irregular intervals. He thinks I am a woods spirit. I took the seeds and Molly and Mr. Ghrits back to my cave. The smell that Mr. Ghrits left has abated considerably. I have been wiping all traces of my approach to the cave away and checked on my snake, he still looks pissed off down in his hole. I dug another pit and put sharpened bamboo stakes in it and have devised a variation of a trap I once saw in a documentary about the Viet Nam war. I will continue to keep an eye on Thursday from my hidden vantage point. Maybe he’ll get stoned and think I was imagined? No…that isn’t realistic. I will just guard my perimeter.
    Home-cave.JPG Punki.JPG traps.JPG
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Are you feeding that snake?
  6. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I just added a couple photos to my previous post. Whatever comments or suggestions you may have to offer would be most welcomed.

    Mr. Seacowboys, before the disturbing events of this week, I was able to capture a small rodent, a simple country mouse, as it scurried through my meager belongings. I quickly dispatched him into the snake pit where, I presume, he became dinner for my reptilian guest.
  7. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Nice cave. Was once in Kingston, GA and found a small cave close to where I lived. Thought it would be a good place to hang out if it could be worked on and improved internally. Seems like you got a good one. Now for the punji sticks, remember that some Vietnamese used fecal matter on the points of their booby traps as well. This encourages infections which can in time become deadly. Heard about people going on mission in South America and one guy tripped a wire and saplings that had been arranged haphazardly sprung up and embedded fish hooks in him. Fishing line is almost unseen and can make great trip wires. A lot of deadfall snares used to gather food can also be used against other enemies. Just remember whatever you place, remember where you placed them. Stay safe.
  8. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I would suggest when the zombies leave take care of Thursday first take all supplies from that back to the cave set up a fortified position go back place traps around Thursday's place for when the zombies return. Take out whats left and recover those supplies as well. Sooner or later one of the zombies are going to remember you then they have the advantage. The world is going to $h!t and being civil trying to co-exist with these people will not work and you will become a victim again and possibly not be as lucky as the first time. Violent acts must be met with violent acts in a time like to survive. No rules apply be safe.
  9. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    My bear skin still smells to high heaven, that Mr. Ghrits sure is a little stinker! I have been in quandary about what to do in regards to Thursday. I will admit that Mr. Alpha dog’s idea of going to guns was my first thought too but I am by nature, a peaceful man. I will kill if necessary but have always believed that a man’s intellect is his most viable weapon.
    I have spent the past days shoring my defenses and preparing for war. There is enough water trickling down a wall of my cave to supply all my needs. I have enough food to last several days, maybe even weeks, if need be. I do not believe that I can wait them out. It is apparent that I must be prepared to defend my life. I have my shotgun and plenty of slugs and buckshot. I do not believe they can take me from my cave, but what kind of existence is that?
    I took the advice of TailorMadeHell and constructed a variation of the dead-fall trap, using the large mill-stone that I found. It took quite an effort to roll it up hill above the trail from the old barn to Thursday’s farm but I managed it and devised a trip that will allow it to roll rapidly down upon unsuspecting visitors. I also constructed another variation using my wagon filled with stones and covered with the stinking hide of my bear skin rug. It looks pretty frightening and smells awful so maybe they will think it is Bigfoot or a Skunk-ape coming out of the woods after them.
    I have managed to locate several more venomous vipers and secure them in holes and sewn to saplings using fishhooks and monofilament line. They are pretty pissed off and bite at everything that comes within reach, along the approaches to my AO. I have my observation point above Thursday’s camp that he is unaware of. I have my crawfish trap that I check each day at the river and have an abundance of live crawfish stored in a pool inside my cave. My boat is hidden in a cane forest beside the river and I might manage a hasty retreat in it, if needed. I have several turtles in a cage made of branches inside my cave and a very a large Alligator snapper tied to a log outside the entrance by drilling a hole in the rear of his carapace and tying him with rope. He can bite a limb the size of your wrist in half (I have seen him do this). Now, I wait.
  10. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You've been a busy man Frank and I'm glad to hear that your first response is to use your intellect rather than firepower. I know that you are prepared to do whatever is necessary should your life be directly threatened but for now, I think you have chosen the wisest path for you. Don't let the isolation erode your good thought processes. We all have confidence in your ability to think through problems, review the multiple options and arrive at a reasonable solution. Keep in touch.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Frank, I think from your description that you can withstand a short siege. Do you have an escape route planned out if the siege goes long, or OPFOR is greater than your plans allow for?
  12. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Escalade.JPG I was awakened by a cacophony last evening and discovered that several zombies have moved next door and are sharing Thursday’s encampment. It looks as if they intend to stay a while, given the amount of supplies they brought.
    I will reconnoiter most of today. I am particularly interested in the motor vehicles they left back near the barn with a single guard. Apparently the Escalade was damaged a bit by the rolling mill-stone. They have two other vehicles with them and I am estimating the size of their force at ten men and the vehicle guard. The guard has my Uzi. I am going to get it back.
  13. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    Hmmmm. Makes you wonder why they have moved in.
  14. If only one guard and you do get the uzi back also be sure you grab the distributor caps off the vehicles n hide em so they cannot be started / used. or leave one with a booby trap (the least desirable) and disable the others then hope they attempt to retreat using the one vehicle they can start and you get some for free?

    Just thinking outside the box. Seems that when things get tough a lot of zombies will retreat and then return.
    chelloveck likes this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    When was the last time anyone ever saw "Zombies" driving vehicles? It seems to this observer that "Zombies" don't drive, or shot Uzis.... They most I have ever seen a "Zombie" do is move on their own power, and even that is very slow. "Zombies" do not seem to be able to run, either.... Frank must be encountering a different type of "Zombie" than any that have ever been seen before. ..... YMMV.....
  16. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    One concern about your cave...I don't know what type of rock it is made of,but you need to worry about ricochets if they start shooting into your cave.A ricochet will cause a nastier wound than being hit by a undamaged round...Just sayin'!
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    One of Molly's country cousins tried stopping a car this morning. Didn't work well at all.
    BTPost likes this.
  18. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    3 more of her Connecticut cousins had the same fate last night on my road.
  19. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Deviousness has its place in the scheme of things

    Nothing wrong with the way that your brain has rewired itself...I applaud its creative deviousness...that's the brain of a likely survivor.

    Hydraulics with a slow leak???
    Thaddius Bickerton likes this.
  20. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Hornet. Wasp. Hornet. Wasp.

    Today was a most productive day; I am so stoked! The weather was absolutely perfect and I have increased my supplies by five heavy duty 12 volt batteries, three alternators that I will try to adapt to run on water power to recharge my growing battery bank. I now have electric lights too. And eventually, the red leather seats in my old Escalade will grace the comforts of my cave. I have some 5 gallon cans of gasoline now.
    I found the car guard listening to some really loud music with a lot of chanting while sitting inside the damaged SUV. They had managed to cover the broken windows with plastic to keep the air conditioning inside, I suppose. He was almost obscured by marijuana smoke and not very alert because I was able to approach his vehicle from the rear and toss Mr. Ghrits right through the window and I do not believe I have ever hear a full grown man scream quite like that. He sounded like a little girl except for the expletives. Mr. Ghrit was not terribly taken with him either and there ensued a liberal marking of territory inside the SUV. The Zombie managed to get a door open , but fell while exiting and I was able to bust his head with the flat side of my Spetsnaz shovel and he didn’t bother to try to get up again right away.
    I reaquired my Uzi sub-machine gun and several magazines, two Glock 23 Pistols, and the .50 caliber Barrett with a case of ammo. My foraging additionally produced a straight razor, two ice chests filled with Nehi grape soda and deli meats, a large baggie filled with pot and another of assorted pills of some sort, several Slim Jims, a bag of Beef Jerky, two bottles of Johnny Walker Scotch, and a large jug of California Merlot. I now have an almost new pair of Nike running shoes, a pair of three-quarter length trousers that are much too large, and a very colorful athletic shirt featuring the Dallas Cowboys, though they do smell a bit of Mr. Ghrits.

    I have had all day to loot the three vehicles of things that might increase my comfort levels but there are still many things that will eventually prove useful. My zombie is in the well with the dead guy that Thursday shot last week. He does not sound at all happy about it either. I can’t imagine which smells worse, him with Mr. Ghrits spray or the four day old dead guy? He should be ok for a few days though, plenty of water down there and he can snack on his dead buddy if he gets hungry enough. Maybe I should throw him a few Slim Jims?
    Ms. RH? I did find a very practical use for those plastic T-handle bags you suggested that I keep, a while back. I used them to contain two large nests of some rather voracious insects that I plan to visit onto my new neighbors soon.
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