Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    He looks pretty playful
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    The delights of sleep walking at heights?

    When the sirens of an ambulance,
    awakens the walking sleeper,
    It's as well the habit of somnambulance,
    Is not that of a lighthouse keeper,
    And if you are a sleeping walker,
    Who lives in an arborial abode,
    Just be sure you know your way,
    Asleep to your tree house commode!

    RightHand likes this.
  3. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    I would workout some type of teather system you never know what could happen. You could sleep walk, panic in the middle of the night and walk off the edge. wear it during sleep and if a point came to where you had to defend your tree home. Thats another thing carry some hand weapons up rocks, spears put together some type of security system around the base of your tree. to keep the possible attackers at a distance and make sure if they hit the trap it would disable them. The reason I say also use the teather system in a possible attack is tunnel vision taking care of the threat could lead to walking off or falling off. With the teather make sure to measure down the tree and put some hand holds that way if you do fall you can get back up to the platform.
  4. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I have a large steel fire-plate that I must drag up from the old barn and I will use my pulley to raise it up to my house then I will be ready to move in. I am sure there are numerous other additions and improvements that will take place, but this is just a shelter from the dew, light rain, and above the ground so I no longer have to worry about animals trying to take over my cave while I sleep. Thursday was a big help. As it turns out, he was a carpenter by trade before he discovered the pan flute. I still don't trust him with the location of my cave.
  5. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I almost forgot to post a picture of my tree-castle!
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You might rig up a way to pull your ladder up when you are asleep to keep the curious at the base of the tree.
  7. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I have come to realize that being removed from the cacophony of my former life has heightened my senses. When I awoke this morning and listened to the sounds that surrounded me, I was able to fairly accurately determine the time based on which birds I was hearing. It is truly amazing how much we miss of life when we stop listening and stop seeing.
    Seacowboys likes this.
  8. Trapping hogs .

    Down in the okefenoke swamp this ol boy wanted to trap him some wild hogs.

    (leave aside that a good dog grabbing the ears is the best method, coupled with a net / hog tie. but dangerous and can't be done alone)

    so he makes a plan and throws some corn out in an area where the wild hogs were feeding. does this for several days until they get used to the free food and he can even see em in the edge of the clearing as he brings the food.

    After a week or so he brings a section of fence and puts it up as he is throwing out the feed. While initially untrusting the piggies still come in and get their free corn and nothing happens.

    Slowly over time he ads more sections and throws out more corn till there is only one open gate section left and the hogs are still slipping in and out and eating the free corn.

    Then he throws out a last batch of corn, and as they go into feed closes the gate and the hogs are trapped.

    The moral being if you want to stay free don't eat the free corn.

  9. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Seems to work on obots too.
  10. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Let me first start off by saying, I find all of the back and forth on the subject agreeable. It will only heighten ones thought processes if given a scenario, you look into what you know to find out how to survive. It is also beneficial to glean from others, the information that you do not know. How do you start a fire? You learn how, then through practice you actually do it, then for giggles you throw in different scenarios of a what if nature. This is how we learn. Trial and error so that when the day comes and we need those skills, they are there for us.

    I find also that some people on here cannot see the forest for the trees. Oh the new guy with the weird story, the sneaky wording and frankly acting like a ghost, is a dumb sheeple who's up to something and must be put down. So, if Ticious is a fictitious character with some kind of weird bent, so be it. To this point he or she has never attacked anyone verbally, has accepted ideas and conversed in a mild manner. If this person be a phantom of the internet, then in the end all they did was to get all of us together and exchange ideas that maybe someone was wondering about and wasn't quite ready to step out of their comfort zone and ask.

    However, if the person happens to be in a real situation, then it is our duty to help out where we can with information of a beneficial nature. I was also homeless due to circumstances beyond my control. While in that position, I have met many former wealthy people, stand up characters and others that would make your head spin if they told you how simple it was for them to get to living on the streets. You think it takes an act of congress to put you there? Not in the slightest. Most are only one action away from it at any given time. One choice can set a chain of events into motion that make take you years to recover from, if you do at all.

    We are here to help each other. If you need to, before you start posting, pick up a book and read it, lay down the beer for a while and just generally get your head straight. People do not know everything about everything. We may like to act like we do, though when you fall on your face, you will know the reality. So do not put down on someone because they are different than you.

    Now as far as the mystery goes, do you really want to know or do you like that even if it proves futile in tracking someone, it was still a great exercise in planning and tweaking your own preps? And another thing, how many more people can actually try to make us look like a bunch of nuts? Most of us can't tell certain people because they think we are nuts. Do we care? It would be nice to awaken some of them from the sleep they are in, though when it comes down to it, we have to look out for our immediate families and friends that will listen. In the Bible, Noah told people of the flood. They didn't pay any attention to him. They drowned. Point made.

    So, on with the show.

    Just random info totally off topic - In Spawn, the character guy who was Spawn, Al Simmons, I like that name.
  11. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    For those of us in a MAG or loosely held group this is a chance to practice working out problems together, a round table of ideas and solutions. Besides, Frank is also showing some of us our on weak points in mind set. So until he gets his new kingdom up and thriving we'll continue to follow and help where we can.
    Alpha Dog, BTPost, chelloveck and 3 others like this.
  12. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    A slight chill in the air tonight and as I was sitting by the fire after my evening meal, I could hear the haunting sound of Thursday's Pan Flute in the distance. I was thinking of the family I left behind, my aged mother and father, my brothers and I am wondering if they are well, safe, healthy (my old parents in particular.) I'm a bit lonely tonight. I try to keep such thoughts at bay, they are not helpful in my circumstances, but sometimes they won't be chased away or locked outside of my consciousness. I still have much work to do and have to concentrate on my plans as well as my day to day existence.

    Molly and the babies and Mr. Ghrits, nocturnal all, are more amusing than Laurel and Hardy. They provide much needed comic relief. I've become quite fond of them all which is a surprise to me, never having been overly attached to animals. When I originally semi-settled at the cave, I had thought a dog would be a welcome companion but I am finding that the species is less important then the attachment.

    I've been scavenging for material that can be used to build a hog trap and enclosure. If there is one thing I have learned it is that one must be creative and not bound too tightly to conventional means, materials, or processes. The more creative I am, the more creative I become; it seems to feed on itself and give me both confidence and freedom to try new things.

    It has been a good day.
    chelloveck likes this.
  13. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Make sure you stay warm and dry. Hypothermia is a killer. As far as company, imagine for me the animals would be alright. One of the things I don't care about is having to have anyone to talk with. It's okay, though doesn't mean my existence is nil if nobody is around. As I have found, pets make great people.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  14. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Today began but I do not know if it will ever end. I had almost found contentment in my simple existence, but this has been interrupted in the most harsh manner and I do not yet realize my recourse.
    This morning, I surreptitiously followed Thursday to his weekly rendezvous for supplies. I watched from the trees as four very familiar looking individuals watched as a fifth man that I did not recognize, carried boxes to the old barn from a Gray Escalade with red letter interior. The Escalade had those big wheels and small tires that seem to be in favor of urban Negroes these days and at first, did not look at all like the one stolen from me until I saw the vanity plate still attached “99NoCoN”. If I had brought my shotgun, I might well have killed them all. I cannot begin to explain the range of emotions that ran through me while I watched the Mutant Ninja Zombies that stole all my possessions and threw me into the river to drown, carrying food and other supplies, including the trade items requested by Thursday to trade for more bat poop. One of them carried my Uzi sub-machinegun and another had one of the M4 carbines with a pair of magazines. Once they finished unloading the supplies, one of them lit a marijuana cigarette and they passed it around. The zombie with the Uzi laughed and pointed the stubby weapon at a nest where a robin was feeding her babies and unleashed a burst of automatic fire that destroyed birds and nest in an explosion of blood, feathers, and twigs. The one with the M4 did a magazine dump into the walls and roof of the old barn and before the magazine was empty, Thursday and one of the other two Zombies produced a Street Sweeper and a pair of Glocks and began shooting up the seasoned old wood of the barn while laughing at their wanton destruction. The unarmed man looked nervous.
    What happen next, keeps replaying in my mind’s eye. The group reloaded their weapons and prodded the unarmed man towards pile of stones scattered in the weeds and I realized it had once been an old well with a gaping hole where a tree that had grown beside it had blown over, leaving a gaping crevasse almost completely hidden by the stones, underbrush and fallen tree. Thursday , almost matter of factly, walked up to the man and raised his Glock to the man’s head and shot him right between the eyes. The man’s body dropped like someone had cut the strings from a puppet, then Thursday unzipped his shorts and urinated on the dead body before pushing it with his foot, over the edge and into the well. The other four Zombies high-fived each other and turned to leave.
    body in a well.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Your precautions about keeping Thursday at arm's length just paid off.
  16. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I'm sure you don't need to hear advice to take every precaution to ensure your safety. At least you now know the true character of your man Thursday and that he is not the slightly comical "farmer" he seemed to be.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Lay low, Frank...this has gotten complicated. If I read this right, Thursday helped with the tree-house but doesn't know about the cave shelter?
    Don't give any indication to Thursday of what you have seen, your life is in danger. What ever you do, do not let him see any defensive measures that you might decide to take.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    When there is zombies in da ville...keep da low profile man!

    It seems like Thursday's status changed to your back matey. You may have to relocate your hide...and take Mr Ghrits and Ms Molly and family to a safer place while you decide what to do in sorting this zombie infestation Brother Benelli a thorough cleaning might be a good idea too. You really don't want to be shareing a well with Mr Jonah either. Now if you are thinking of taking the zombies on with Brother'll have to get up close and personal...which means you will need to take careful note of personal camouflage and concealment...and methods of moving, quietly and making maximum use of cover.

    Personal Camouflage and Concealment - PUADEFCM001B - Use personal camouflage and concealment in a threat environment FILES/CAM AND CONCEALMENT.pdf

    Personal Camouflage from FM 21-76 (

    Camouflage and Concealment
  19. I would think that you have to assume that Thursday has at least attempted to describe the location of your tree house to others and that for some reason he plans to allow you to proceed with what you are doing.

    Perhaps to obtain the fruits of your labors once you are finished? I cannot say, nor can I offer you detailed advice on how to meet this problem short of SSS.

    I noted you are interested in Hogs, well according to the novel: "unintended consequences" Hogs gotta eat also and so you do have an option to get one last bit of use out of both thursday and his fellows.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  20. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I do not understand duplicity. I know Thursday to be a musician and woodland gardener that I barter with, trading fertilizer for survival essentials. If I had not witnessed with my own eyes, I would not believe him capable of cold-blooded murder. I saved his life. Now I find that not only is he capable of such a heinous event, he is apparently the kingpin of a group of Mutant Zombie raiders.
    He helped build my tree house.
    It occurs to me now that the alcohol stove, the Kelly-kettle, the hammock and sleeping bag that I had noted was similar to the ones I had taken by the bandits, were in fact, the very ones stolen from me. I cannot go back to my tree house just yet; I must find a place to be alone and reconcile this new and frightening chain of events. I actually considered killing the Zombies myself, once I realized who they were and this is so far removed from the man that I am that it appalls me. Should I retreat and abandon all that I have built to insure my survival? I know that I will not be able to pretend things are normal; I am not a duplicitous person in spite of my chosen career as an attorney.
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