Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Oh ..god! The smell is worse that I could have imagined. My eyes burn and I believe my sinuses may have suffered permanent damage. I am getting nauseous and think I may have contaminated my food supply and I may be in danger of giving away the location of my encampment. I can't wear these clothes any longer...I am out of soap and it didn't help. I do not believe my rabbit gum will be of any further use....I thought there was a raccoon dining on my meager stores while I sleep so I decided to trap him. Oh my god; it was a skunk.
    STANGF150, ghrit and RightHand like this.
  2. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You poor guy. I was sprayed in the face once by a skunk, liquid dripping down my glasses, so I can commiserate with you. It travels up your nose and embeds itself in the nasal hairs. Long after your body is scent free, you will be smelling skunk and afraid others can smell it as well.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I had a similar experience once and they scrubbed me raw with tomato juice, didn't help much, in my opinion. I did have a dog get sprayed once though and was advised to purchase several bottles of a product at the pharmacy called "Summer's Eve" it is a douche, I believe, a feminine hygiene product of sorts. I rinsed my dog several times with that and it really helped with the smell but every time old Blue walked by for me to scratch his ears, I got the most irresistible urge to go visit a girlfriend that lived down the road.
    oldawg, STANGF150 and ghrit like this.
  4. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Sniff...I am quite sure I will find no feminine hygiene products about here. My hair and beard smell of skunk, Thursday will certainly think I have been smoking his skunk marijuana. Everything in my camp smells of skunk or maybe all I can smell is skunk? I am boiling my kilt in sassafrass root, hoping to leach some of the horrendous stench away. I am trying to cut my hair and beard with my knife but so far, I am bleeding more than shaving. I cannot possibly spend the night here, maybe I can spend the night at Thursday's camp? He has a Hennesay Hammock and a Silver City sleeping bag, almost just like the ones I had before the zombies took my Escalade. He has a stainless Kelly kettle just like mine too. I am glad he recognizes quality. Maybe he will make me some tea; I don't feel well. And I just found a very large engorged tick attached to my scalp.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Where did the Kelly Kettle come from, or did I miss something?

    I'm still not ready to trust Thursday very far. I think he won't be too happy if you foul his sleeping bag, either ---

    Tomato juice works, or at least it did once on a Cocker Spaniel mix.
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    RH and I were talking about that tick, Frank; here is the gist of our conversation, it doesn't offer much useful information though...
    I did enjoy it
    thank you
    Frank found a tick on his head
    doesn't feel so well??? remember, deer ticks are tiny

    this was a big tick
    it is still attached

    is he going to remove it himself or ask Thursday for help

    I think he should get some advice about ticks first
    Thursday probably isn't going to e very receptive

    you're right - what does a city boy know about ticks

    Naked blad bleeding man shows up smelling like skunks in the middle of the night...

    He might use some of the pine pitch to cover the tick and smother it
    supposed to work using vasoline.
    he can't see it so he has to do everything by touch

    touching it with a hot ember is supposed to make it release too, but I have never had much luck with that method

    I've tried the tip of a freshly burned match without luck either
    Since he can't see it, he's guessing it a tick

    I tried fingernail polish to smother them without luck, they just died in place
    doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a tick, even by touch

    I've circled them with the top of a bottle of alcohol but they stayed buried. That's why I still have the residual mark from that last bite
    Depends how small they are. I've had them and just thought it was an itchy spot or a scab of some sort only to discover later it had legs

    the only successful way I have ever actually removed one is by the method they say not to use, just pulled them off

    that's what I end up doing. I have a tick removal tool - doesn't help.

    Chat Conversation End
  7. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Frank, since I have quite a bit of experience with ticks, Sea asked me about them after you sent him that PM with your problem. We both agree that you will probably just have to grab it as close to your scalp as possible and yank it out. You'll probably take a little skin with it so be prepared to wash it well then keep it exposed to the such a bit
  8. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    My last thought is that you probably don't want to apply a hot ember to a spot on your scale you can't see - you might end up with more trouble than you started with. Notice that Sea doesn't say he ever used this method - had just heard of it. Can't picture him self-mutilating if there is any other solution. Just a guess though
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    If you cover the Butt-end of the tick with Oil, it can't breath, and will back out, and no longer be dug in to the flesh.... .... ymmv...
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    WTF!! I leave you feeling top o' the word at post #416

    And in post #423 the seven plagues of an Eeegyptian Pharoah are afflicting you! WTF is happening? Have you been remiss in your religious observances...or is God having another little wager with Satan...a kind of Job revisited?

    I hope I have not been too insensitive to your plight, but thought that you might appreciate some light relief from your travails.

    Dead Skunk - YouTube

    It just goes to show, you just never know what's around the next bend once the flush button of life has been pressed!
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have always heard that is so but have tried it, used fingernail polish, oil, and vasline and it just didn't work.The tick just kept right on eating except it died and got stuck there with the fingernail polish. And the ember was actually a match head just blown out and also a needle heated with a match; yes, I have tried it and that didn't work either.
  12. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    This has been a most unfortunate evening. Poor Molly and the babies got sprayed a bit too, I am afraid. I would have like it , had she came to my rescue, but instead, she just stood there until she got a whiff of what was being thrown on her and decided it wasn't food and ambled back to her corner where she still sits glaring at me like I should have known better than to piss off a wood-pussy.
    All Thursday could manage between bouts of laughter and some kind of snorking sound, was to give me a bottle of shower gel, some shea cream, a bit of cologne, and I now smell like green tea, Bay Rum, Negro women, and skunk; not a very pleasant potpourri.
    I cannot tell if the sassafras infusion helped with my kilt but Thursday says it reminds him of root-beer and ganja. I am afraid my bear skin will be a total loss, but I'll move it further back into the cave and see if the scent diminishes over time. I intend to abandon my cave for a while as home to allow it to repair itself to a more pleasing aroma; nature tend to do that, so I have heard. I have been gathering boards and salvaging nails from the abandoned barn; I believe I will build myself a tree-house, closer to the river. I hope the tree thing doesn't frighten Molly; she apparently has decided to become a ground-possum.
    Molly ate the tick from my head and I believe she looked for more while I tossed fitfully, trying to sleep.
  13. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Frank, being ex navy I have, yeah friends that have woke up smelling of green tea, bay rum, Manilla rum,negro women,and skunk and still were ready for breakfast so it will pass and you will have one more memory of your journey back.Your cave will air out about the same time you quit smelling skunk in your own nostrils. Good luck.
    chelloveck likes this.
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Frank, re-think the treehouse idea. It would be a distinct change in the scenery that could draw the attention of unfriendlies.
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  15. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Frank and like ghrit said if it was to attention you would be trapped and if they had firearms a possible target. stay on the ground atleast you have the option to retreat.
    oldawg likes this.
  16. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I decided to explore around the old barn a bit more and did manage to find some items that I believe may prove useful. There is a steel anvil there, that I may eventually want to bring back to the cave, if the cave airs out. I might try my hand at black-smithing. There are numerous metal objects there, some sort of plow and I found a pulley made of steel that I believe I can free up from the rust and make function. I also found numerous canning jars in what appears to have been an old house foundation maybe? Naturally there are no lids but I might devise something suitable to use for canning purposes, maybe melted plastic? There are a lot of wasps here and several snakes too, so I have to be careful where I step and especially if I remove something from the ground that may be cover.
  17. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I seem to have found some type of ancient artifact, maybe a wheel off the Flintstone's car? This thing is maybe three feet across and I cannot lift it by myself, but I believe it might prove useful at some point in rebuilding civilization.
  18. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    This could prove most useful!
  19. carly28043

    carly28043 Monkey+

    That my friend is a millstone. Depending on the material they are worth thousands of dollars to homeowners looking to add a historical flavor to their landscapes. You have found an item that is not only useful, but has potential trade value.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Is that a sheet metal roof on the barn? You might be able to make a lid for that cauldron that could serve as a kiln for charcoal making.

    (And the old barn wood will save you some scrounging squaw wood for the fire, and will burn with far less smoke than unseasoned wood.)
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