Post Apocalypse Job Search

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by F. Ticious, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I think I will go to the river and have a bath.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Pray tell, what did you do with all the bear you haven't eaten?

    Gotta say, your neighbor is getting resupply from somewhere, and tipping him off that you are in the area is apt to trigger a search and destroy mission when his suppliers come in. It is not uncommon for the growers to put one of their number in full time residence at the garden.
  3. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    The limestone in the cave is very stratified so it is quite easy to get large flat pieces of stone to shape an improvised oven to cook the rest of the bear in. The bear only weighed maybe a 100 lbs after eviscerating and skinning., much less after flensing from the bones. The fat has been rendered and pieces of cooked heart and liver stored in the congealed fat. The bones are being boiled into broth. The rest of the meat is being slow roasted. My fire is set deep in the cave and the smoke is being drafted deeper into the cavern for some unexplained reason but this suits my purpose very well, as I do not wish to give away my campsite location by smoke.

    I carry coals out to the oven every hour or two and have enough wood down there to maintain my fire for at least another entire day. I guess Mr. Ghrits is correct in that I shouldn't waste much lap-top time listening to music but it is such a pleasant distraction from the day to day. I wish I had checked the site before I delivered my bat poop and note; now I am getting nervous. A search and destroy? OMG, ONOZ, OMG
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    No Problem, Frank....
  5. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    What a nice young man.
  6. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    I got a response to my welcome gift, he seems to be a most courteous young man, if I do say so myself. He hardly wasted any time answering my note and left a bar of Irish Spring soap with his letter! Apparently his name is Thursday and he must be lonely too, to have responded so quickly. Or maybe he just knows quality bat poop when he sees it.
    None the less, I intend to err on the side of caution with the young farmer and hope that we can establish a regular trade arrangement. Here is my intenede response:
    Dear Mr. Thursday,
    It is a pleasure doing business with you. As I mentioned, I have a quantity of this prime bat poop and I am sure that if you intend to increase the yield of your farm, you will have a need for more. Was that you I heard playing the Pan Flute last night? I always enjoyed Zanpheir and especially love the Theme from the Little Rascals! You must be quite talented to play such an eclectic selection?
    It occurs to me, that given your profession, one day you might also require my skills as an attorney. I do not have a flat rate for legal work other than no-contested divorces (you may have seen some of my billboards?) but I am equally sure we can reach some other compensation arrangement should the need arise.
    Your Humble Neighbor,
    F. Lee Ticious
    Molly (my opossum) has nine babies that are just beginning to leave her pouch
  7. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    How fortunate that you discovered your neighbor "Thursday" before he crept up upon your camp in the middle of some dark night and out of panic, you mistakenly shot him. this would have been most unfortunate, for several fairly obvious reasons. I feel certain that you will be able to reach a mutually beneficial trade agreement with the gentleman but a word of caution, trust no one!
  8. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Mr. Thursday
    RightHand likes this.
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Thursday does indeed look like a laid back kind of guy. Good luck and please be careful. You've come too far to risk complications.

    I've been meaning to ask, what are you feeding Molly to keep up her strength as a nursing mother?
  10. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Thursday Island, Little Rascals and The Young Rascals

    I wonder what an expatriate Thursday Islander is doing in your neck of the woods??? The world is full of inexplicable mysteries I guess, if a divorce lawyer has washed up in a bat cave post TEOTWAWKI.,_Queensland

    Perhaps you are confusing Little Rascals with Young Rascals???

    The Young Rascals - Groovin' 1967 - YouTube

    Perhaps Thursday was "Groovin' " with his pan pipes?
  11. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Ah the Jabberwockie......such fond memories of my youth as a boy soldier. I still have fond memories as a radio operator on exercise Jabberwockie, defending Fire Support Base JubbJubb either from a hole in the ground, or ranging around in old obsolescent WWII White M3A1 armoured cars. I still have an aerial photograph of that FSB and can clearly identify my "hole in the ground" at JubbJubb in 1969.

    White M3 Scout Car

    Whoever the author of the exercise was, they must have had an obsession with Lewis Carrol, or an infantile fixation on Lewis Carrol's poem. All the place name code names were Carollian references to Jabberwockie, which was probably not particularly good OPSEC.

    It always amused me in orders groups when the CO would deliver his orders on how his unit would penetrate bandersnatch.....he had a disconcerting practice of leaving a momentary pause between saying...bander and snatch...he didn't quite get what we were all trying to suppress giggles about, lol
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    And it brought back fond memories for me as the first editor of my high school literary publication, the Jabberwock. Even then, I had a closer relationship with words than with people
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    damn that looks exactly like the pics on another forum. - Message Boards

    That one maybe identified as a cottonmouth but I'm not going to grab it out of the water to investigate. Nope, not this monkey.
  14. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    Frank watch your drop off location because now he or they can hide and wait for your next drop off. Also travel different ways to and from your camp to make being tracked or followed easy. I would if possible set up for him to make another drop off in trade then follow him back to locate his exact location and watch for a couple hours to see possibly how many there are. As Sea pointed out watch for traps I have seen people take the sigle flare trip lines that use the 12ga flares and replace the flares with 00 buck they sit low to the groud and strike about wast high.

    [​IMG]But if you can locate the camp and how many it will give you the tactical advantage. I would also consider forming some security around my camp as well. Be safe we can on guess what others are thing and planning we never know for sure until it is done
    Cephus and RightHand like this.
  15. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Not down here Bro...

  16. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Frank, before you got that bear you didn't see any signs like this around did you?
    Bear Warning.
    chelloveck likes this.
  17. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    As I was sitting around my fire tonight enjoying more of my bear tenderloin (in moderation after last night's tummy thunder), I could once again hear the pan flute of my new friend Thursday. It is a haunting sound coming across the hills and stream and I envision him sitting in front of his own fire entertaining himself, and me as well. Even though I have Molly and the babies to talk to, I crave the companionship of another human being and I was so tempted to make a visit to Thursday. But, heeding the sound advice I have received from my friends here, I will resist the temptation in the interest of personal safety and the security of my homestead. I know that I should have spent a little time constructing some type of barrier wire around my camp but I was just too excited by the prospect of a trade partner and social companion to buckle down and actually do it. I'll worry about it tomorrow.

    I was able to pull a few of the cattails today so I had some of the shoots with my bear steak. It was quite delicious and I felt fully sated when I finished my meal. I haven't been able to locate any woodland strawberries yet so I made a little tea with the mallow I got yesterday. I was thinking in terms of "preventive medicine" in the event I experienced more digestive upset. So far so good in that regard.

    I wonder if Thursday knows any Irish folk music. I'll have to ask him when next we communicate. I would so enjoy sitting by my fire with my little possum family, listening to the strains of Rocky Road to Dublin.

    It's been an exciting day for this neophyte pioneer and I'm looking forward to what tomorrow will bring
  18. F. Ticious

    F. Ticious Monkey+

    Mr. Stang, if only I had either little bells or pepper spray with me, be assured I would have been more prepared for my nemesis. However, had he not ventured into my camp, I might have had to dine on Molly and what a shame that would have been. Think of the 9 orphans that would have been left without a pouch to sit in.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I hear Dollar weed is good to eat as a salad or boiled as a green.
  20. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Sorry man...That lil sign is meant for girlie men in time's of pussafication...Glad we will NEVER get there....hahahahaha

    Mountainman likes this.
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