Exclusive — Michael Yon: Globalist-Driven Energy Crisis Has Put Europe on Brink of Freezing, Widespread Food Shortages Exclusive — Michael Yon: Globalist-Driven Energy Crisis Has Put Europe on Brink of Freezing, Famine
The Florida Current has been getting weaker if it shuts down warm water being transported to Europe which moderates the temp will be gone. Europe will be in a deep freeze with resulting crop failures
The UN just announced that Earth's population now stands at 8 BILLION! Projections are that we will reach 10 billion by the end of the century, and then it is expected to decline! SHTF and TEOTWAWKI does tend to have the effect of reducing the population!
So does educating women, allowing women control of their own reproductive decisions, the secularisation of societies, the development of representational democratic institutions, reducing poverty and increasing the education of populations generally, the provision of social services and universal healthcare, particularly for the aged, poor and infirm. In third world countries where there are no health and social service safety nets for the poorest members of society...a couple will pump out as many babies as they will think can provide care to them in their dotage in the hope that sufficient of their children being able to survive childhood mortality and become adults capable of caring for their parents. Free access to contraception, provision of sanitation, potable drinking water, the elimination of endemic parasitic diseases and epidemic diseases will also contribute to lower birthrates...need it be said that reducing the control by various religious faith confessions over populations would also reduce the propensity to outcompete rival religions by enlarging congregations via natural increase. Yes, war and civil conflict do have a reductive effect on populations, but so too does ideological and politically motivated genocide...
The UN lies. I wonder what their motivation could be... Countries with Declining Population 2022 America is looking down the barrel of population collapse Population Decline Is Bad For Us
At one time the USA was food independent but with a growing population imports of fiber and food (fruits, vegetables, fiber) have grown. The USDA in 2022 predicted we will shortly become food dependent. Makes it easier from the government to control the food supply. Like petro dollars following out of the US food dollars flowing out of the US weakens the dollar and adds to inflation. best course of action grow your own and stock up on rice , wheat etc.