Poor mans EMP protection....

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Witch Doctor 01, Aug 12, 2017.

  1. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    "Electricity doesn't travel the core of the metal, but the surface"
    Electrical current does travel in the core of the material. RF travels on the "skin" or surface.

    "Ammo cans have rubber seals so there is no unbroken shielding. I have not seen them block AM or FM radio, wifi, or cellphone signals without the devices being individually wrapped in foil and plastic. Maybe I am doing something wrong"
    You're right on this, waves as small as the gap caused by the rubber can get in, but are heavily attenuated due to the direction changes as they bounce through the turns. I worked in a small lab testing different shielding for small integrated computers where we used a 3" piece of 500 mcm cable exploded by 300 joules of DC 50kv to generate a pulse. Without too many details, given away, most shielding would allow signals to re-radiate inside a sealed container if the amplitude was great enough, but were attenuated enough to cause no damage to the shielded components. Obviously no one knows what a high altitude EMP will do because no one has experienced one yet, and speculation is mostly built on the Carrington event of 1859. No solid state devices were around then, and frequencies of the solar flare were not noted. The differences are many when compared to an EMP from a nuclear device, but mainly that Carrington lasted over a day, and a nuke explodes in 500 milliseconds.

    Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  2. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    People often mix up Electricity and EMP and think of EMP as a powerful bolt of lightning type thing ( high powered static electricity). While they both have the same end effect on unprotected electronics as a end result, how they achieve the end result is quite different. EMP is more like a super high powered radio wave. The wave lengths in a EMP event of any nature are simply not very effective at penetrating the ground, the more conductive the ground the less effective those waves become. A simple calculation to determine a sub surface is to estimate the most likely Proximity+Concentration+Soil Conductivity = the appropriate depth. Another myth is that grounding protects things from EMP. Grounding only protects from the static electric and discharges it, Grounding does not protect from the actual EMP waves.
    Cruisin Sloth and Tempstar like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    ON large objects ungrounded they will hold the energy rather than direct it.
    Iron content in the ground is he determining factor. Even lightening will travel along the surface of the ground till it can find enough iron content to be absorbed.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Not just IRON, but ANY conductive Element.... like copper, tin, nickel, magnesium, Etc...
  5. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    @Thundersranch hit it on the head.
  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Electro magnetic pulse. The simplest way to think of it is this: It is the magnetic r/f field that induces voltage/current that fries stuff. (Somewhat over simplified, but will serve.) If there's a conductive material, there WILL be a voltage or current induced. What you need to do is put the conductive material where it shields the stuff you don't want fried.
    guidoLaMoto- likes this.
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Another Point, I would like to make is: in ALL the above Ground Testing conducted, and in ALL the EMP Events that have been cataloged, NOT ONE Issue has ever been seen on Underwater Submarine Communications Cables, whether Copper or Fiber... This is due to that Surface Effect model over a Conducting Plain... SeaWater is a GREAT Conductor, and Effectively Shields below surface Things from the EMP Effects except for things DIRECTLY Below, the source, bit these effects are still greatly attenuated, even in that case.... To this end, IF your /ground is not necessarily a Good Conductor, you can ALWAYS add some SALT, and then water the ground , to increase that conductivity....
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  8. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Mine is in a steel garbage can , in a burred 20 foot sea can down 6 feet for our cold storage .
    4 Midnite CC & a few inverters ,radios , flashlights etc . 3000 watt propane inverter in a can with oil & valves ready to find the bottle ..

    In forest fires , they cut power sometimes & BC is on Fire !
    Id reword that @Bandit99
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
    Bandit99 and ghrit like this.
  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    do you need help getting out ?
    Cruisin Sloth and Tempstar like this.
  10. guidoLaMoto-

    guidoLaMoto- Monkey

    ???? After an effective EMP. there won't be any networks (radio, TV, internet) able to send out anything, so why do we need to save gizmos needed to receive anything? Of course, if you have a pre-branibox vehicle, storing the right alternator, generator/regulator or magneto in a Faraday cage might make some sense-- at least until your gasoline supply runs out.
  11. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Because that assumption is incorrect. More like scaremongering, actually.
    Btw , alcohol and wood gas can be used to power many "gasoline " engines.
    chelloveck likes this.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Someone seems to be regurgitating "Common Wisdom" that is Spread by those with limited understanding of the issues at hand... actually most FM & Over the Air Television Transmitters will likely survive an EMP, that is any distance, except directly underneath the detonation... The frequency bandwidth of the Final Amplifier Filters is so narrow, compared with Energy Distribution of the Burst, that in all likelyhood, they will survive.... Many of the Exciters will survive, due to their location inside the shielded Transmitter Buildings, and effective Power Supply isolation that is designed into them, in the firstplace... Also many of the Regional and smaller Backup Transmitters are still Vacumn Tube Based, and not subject to the EMP Pulse type distruction... Much of the Fiber Based Communication Pathways will also survive, as well due to also not being subject to EMP Pulses... and the Regeneration Stations along those Pathways have designed in shielding on both the Power Input Circuits, as well as their Backup Power Systems... The reason the Power Grid is so vulnerable is the LONG Distribution Lines intersect the EMP Pulse and collect the spreading Energy over their Lengths, and have no place to shunt it to ground, except at the Transformers in the Sending & Receiving SubStations... If the Regional Control Centers for the Grid would open all the Disconnectors at each end of the lines, just before the expected detonation, the Transformers would be saved, and the Grid could be Restarted rather quickly... 90% of the published HYPE, concerning EMP DISTRUCTION, is just that, HYPE... and Computer Modeling of events that have never been tested against Emperical Data, because there is actually very little Empirical Data, to compare with, since there hasn't been an above Ground Hydrogen Bomb Detonation for close to 50 Years, so no way to gather such Data... Ya'll do realize that only a Hydrogen Bomb generates an EMP, RIGHT? So North Korea isn't going to be Nuking us with EMP Bombs because all of theirs are Plutonium & Uranium Bombs...
    chelloveck and Witch Doctor 01 like this.
  13. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    The nuclear emp also disrupts the upper atmosphere for hours like a solar storm.
    It jams radio communications for hours after the blast and reeks havoc on the power grids that survived initial pulse. It's not just the initial pulse that wipes out everything.
    It's not over in less than a second.
    See starfish prime.
    I made a long ass post about about this last year I need to find.
    guidoLaMoto- likes this.
  14. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

  15. guidoLaMoto-

    guidoLaMoto- Monkey

    A couple points: A solar EMP would fry anything with a transistor or (especially) a microchip if unprotected. It would certainly fry anything connected to the grid (cf-Carrington Event).

    A Faraday Cage works by diverting the current equally around all sides so that the integrated sum of the charges inside the cage is zero. That's why you're safe from lightning in a fully roofed car. Does that also work for charged particles (as opposed to EM waves) flying thru the air? That question leaves the actual effects of an EMP in doubt.

    From the strategic point of view, using a nuclear explosion to create an EMP to hopefully destroy an enemy's electronics would be pretty dumb: you'd be risking nuclear retaliation with no assurance your efforts would even have any significant effects. You'd be smarter to just use your weapon as it was originally intended, as a physically destructive bomb, if you were going to use it at all.

    Kim Jong-un may have bad judgement when it comes to hair do-s, but he isn't stupid.
  16. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Solar EMP is no danger to electronics that are not connected to the power grid.
    Look at all the solar storms to knocked out power over the years. No complaints of small electronics being damaged.
    Also air craft were in the air above the effected region and none crashed. Now communications and advanced navigation aids were made nonfunctional until the solar storm ended or the air craft exited the effected area.
    If solar EMP destroyed electronics we would have all heard of broken down cars abandoned all over the solar storm effected region and air craft falling out of the sky.
    So it doesn't happen people need to stop wasting time and resources on this.
    The difference between solar EMP and nuclear is the amount of voltage that will build up on each meter of conductor out of thin air.
    Solar EMP will build up maybe several volts per meter at ground level.
    Another post I made tested vehicles made before 2000 against EMP. They were tested at levels up to 50kv per meter and the testing gear used was maxed out. Most vehicles suffered no ill effect.
    No effect was noted at all until 12kv per meter and only on some vehicles while running. Higher levels caused some vehicles to stall but all restarted with out any issues.
    No effect was noted on vehicles that were turned off during the pulse then started after.
    Nuclear EMP could easily make 1 million volts per meter. Everything is fried.
  17. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Hmm I wonder... would a strong EMP effect the magnetic field on a compass... the mind boggles....
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Electronic compasses perhaps, if electronic components are damaged....good old lodestone style compass...probably not. YBMV (Your bearings may vary) .ohno
    Witch Doctor 01 likes this.
  19. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Earth's magnetic fields are being disrupted, and they say actually moving .
    Any one with a compass that can be adjusted delineated can reorient the compass to compensate the changes and maintain map orientation . It is already required any way for all navigation. Where I am is 14 degrees off true north.
    It is likely that a very strong CME might be able to change things , not better not worse just different. and the unknown is for how long. Having star charts and knowing what your reading , even having a sextant might just make a difference in navigation during these times. Keep in mind that if oceans rise maps that have elevations will be of significant value. the navy has already made the calculations to this possible event , many have already taken action .
    No substitute for compass and maps ,if electronics are compromised ,it is quite likely that satellites will be neutralized as well ,no communications and no GPS .
    Another fly in the ointment is one no one talks about ,and that is; either a significant tsunami that has even more effect on the earth's orientation than they have in the past, or a more significant meteor strike, which would really shake things up good.
    Any thing teetering on breaking, will break loose, and those results would definitely need those capable of making do.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    General rule so far as the USN goes. The ultimate backup to all the fancy stuff is magnetic compasses and (used to be) sextant, even submarines had those things for fall back. (Yes, Verginia, sextants under water, coupled to periscopes.)

    The magnetic compasses used to be re-compensated after every yard period.
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    EMP theory 2018-04-11

    Stumbled across this while looking for old schematics.
    Posted By: Lancer, Apr 11, 2018 in category: Communications
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