Poor Man's Barter Items

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Ganado, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Wheel weights, both lead and lead free are heavy enough to get a fishing line out to the fish, or a rope over a branch. They're cheap enough that you won't cry when you snag one in the rocks and lose it. I barter labor with wheel weights now. You take all you can carry of raw/mixed weights. Sort out the good hard bullet casting lead from the trash, and dead soft lead tape weights. Properly dispose of the trash and bring me the soft lead.

    Labor is the one barter item that we'll never run out of. I'm not going to dig a well, but if the deal is good enough I'll hire laborers to do the job and I'll supervise. Same with any big job. Everybody needs something, some just need leadership. In a time when most have nothing left it'll be easier to find labor for hire at barter rates. The promise of work for a meal, a warm beer, and a place in the shade sounds pretty sweet when you're hungry and sun burned.

    How many tobacco seeds can one barter for a meal? A man could carry a fortune in a tiny envelope.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    You can barter advise, if what you know is worth anything.
    When you go to a third world country, in order to get any where you have to ask some one for information, that will cost you.
    Not too long ago people were not so free to share skills, this experience here with the internet is extraordinary.
    Too many take this information age for granted but that can all change in a moment.
    I remember a time when to learn a trade you had to work years up in the ranks to gain skills, and few people had only 1-2 or 3 trade skills under their belt.
    Things are much different now and most here are probably sporting a dozen skills or more, a very different world.
    We are the exception, not the rule. We come here to learn and share.
    Think of the many who could care less, until of course, it's too late.
    What will these have to barter with?
  3. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    "sealed" and "vacuum sealed" are two totally different animals >>> again, you sealed those matches against moisture - air filtration didn't mean crap - can't be saying that with food and other supplies that preserve better in a low 02 environment ...

    why anyone thinks that vacuum poly is some kind of magically different poly than a zip bag >>> make an air pillow on the vac machine - put it aside and just watch it deflate - it'll be totally flat within 6 months - the poly is air permeable just like any other poly
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