Physical Conditioning Crucial To Survival Situation

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by Yard Dart, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    back and forth to the frig for snacks and beer does not count!!!!
    Seepalaces and Ganado like this.
  2. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    [lolol]@AD1 hey walking is walking... destination is not important!
    Seepalaces and AD1 like this.
  3. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Most of my jobs working and at home have been physically demanding , and now that I'm retired its nice to work at a different pace.
    I saw way too many folks die when they retired and they simply quit working and vegetated away .
    The best investment in my life has been riding a motorcycle because it causes me to wear a back pack every where I go.
    It weighs 30 Lbs. and I carry it while I shop and walk as much as possible with in a given area.
    I have a route in my area that is a perfect 5 miles takes exactly an hour but its half dirt roads and not very hilly but a good work out, especially wearing the back pack.
    Walking is nothing when it on the highway ,
    Chances are you won't be on the road if it is post SHTF,
    I seriously believe that it might be prudent to plan to be overland and walking during the night in the deep gullies and river beds to avoid others in order to get home in the event an EMP occurs while away.
    A good reason to have red lens for the flash light to avoid detection.
    Even more important to be in good enough shape to out run thieves .
  4. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    After about 3 years of avoiding the clang of weight and the grunts of straining men lifting said weights, I have returned to them.. I have discovered the most of the clanging and grunting are not coming from the men but from some very fit women of all ages. Some do offer encourament to a straining old guy and thank them with a smile and pump out another set.

    A couple of the other old guys have sugested that join them in the tai chi and yoga class's My legs are not quite up to that yet..

    And I know where all the red heads are hangin out now.. Hard not to hurt myself with the distractions.. MMMM, red heads!
    Ganado, Yard Dart and kellory like this.
  5. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    lol @Dont i hate going to the gym so I go late when few people are there (or early) my problem is there are 2 rows of 16 treadmills and it never fails that some 20 or 30 something guy gets on the treadmill next to me and starts running at 9 miles an hour. WHAT! can't you go to the other end? Do men clump up when working out? (I'm middle aged with some extra weight so it aint the body)
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes. Women tend to go powder thier noses in packs, and men tend to work out in groups. It's a social thing. (Least I've always thought so).
    It seems easier to keep your routine honest, and not cheat , when someone else is there to see. (I don't like working out, anymore than you do).
    Call it self-imposed peer-pressure. (Or misery shared is lessoned) it ain't about impressing you, it is about driving me.
    I don't have a membership anymore, but when I did, it was 2-3 times a week, after working a full day. You will use any available edge to keep yourself focused on pushing just a little harder.
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  3. Alanaana
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  19. Yard Dart
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