Had a visit this morning with my buddy who is going through a sudden divorce similar to blackjack. He was on his way to meet a woman for breakfast who he met since he was hit with divorce papers and a restraining order. Life goes on - there is hope.
My buddy (not blackjack) has one on him too. In fact the PD took all his firearms out of the house and are holding them until the divorce is final and the order is lifted. TOTALLY SUX in the middle of turkey season for a hunter dude! But he hit it off with another gal and has already made an offer on another house. He'll get through it. But be VERY careful to play by the rules. A felony will screw up your record FOREVER.
BlackJack. It seems we all know people who have went thru a divorce or have went thru one themselves. Friendship is first and foremost. You have that here, a place to vent bounce ideas off or in general just veg out. Second of all my divorced friends and yeah I got alot of em after about 8 months they all seem to say about the same thing. They have more money now then when they were married. Third. if you so desire you could in fact get spousal support from her since she's working, check to make sure I'm not a lawyer. Lastly you now have the freedom to head to where you would like to be. If Mo. or Tx or your home town is where you want to be then you can get there. You also have the chance to pick the place you want to be when and if the bottom drops out. Sit down and think this thru, you know you will land on your feet. Thats what learning survival skills are about. Now all you have to do is figure out just where you would like to land on your feet. Do some serious searching and looking on line. You disability check may go farther in some places than it would in others. Like Ok. vs Ny. It will improve because you expect it to improve. Take care Be safe Poacher.