Permaculture: South Louisiana

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by Pineknot, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I think that the sooner you have the opportunity to stick stuff in the ground the better.... as one never knows when they may be needed... and hindsight is a mofo.... "words of wisdom" wikimybutt.... lol
    Pineknot and tulianr like this.
  2. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    Lol I will take that into consideration, my wife has a horticulture degree maybe she will help
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Macro and micro climate, soil, and water availability will dictate what may be feasible to grow. To conceal the true nature of what you grow, there are some things to consider.

    1. Most people who do not grow their own produce, rarely have any idea what the plants look like that produce the edible component that they buy in a supermarket. Things that might pass undetected by casual eyes might be root crops that are inter-planted with plants with similar looking foliage.

    2. Even if a fruit or vegetable looks like something they are familiar with...some people might be tentative if it is a different colour, shape or texture than what they are used to. try Black Russian tomatoes rather than the red Romanos or Beefsteaks.

    3. Don't organise your garden into formal rows, garden beds, staked trellises etc.....let it look like it is untended and wild...which is what a permaculture tends to look like anyway. This is especially important for concealing a garden from the air...

    4. Interplant edibles in between similar looking ornamentals.

    5. Use screening around your property boundary to deflect prying eyes.

    6. Plant in containers that are higher than the growth habit of the plants, but that allow adequate light. Make use of reflective surfaces to get light to shaded or out of the way spaces.

    7. Many weeds and wild plants are edible, and don't look like domesticated plants....just make sure that you have properly identified them before cultivating them and consuming them.

    8. Have a concealed root cellar.

    9. Grow fungi. Dark, damp places are eminently concealable.

    10. consider vertical gardening in places that are not observable from ground level.

    11. have a tree house garden.....high up a tree...with plants that have climbing habits. people don't often look up...and vines mixed up with the tree's foliage will be somewhat less noticeable. Climbing up your food tree may be something of a challenge for plant plunderers.

    12. Use cultivars that may be common in, say Africa, or say, Asia but are uncommon in the USA. Unfamiliarity may make the plants less attractive as food.

    13. Use aquaponics....the fish can be concealed in barrels or pools out of sight, in outbuildings, among trash, etc.

    14. grow rabbits and guineapigs in hutches, concealed as something else....oh.....and snails and frogs / ....are edible and have the eeewe factor that makes them very unappealing to randoms interested in your food.

    28 Fruits And Vegetables That You Had No Idea Grew Like That

    Everyday foods that don't grow how you might think. - Imgur

    oldawg, tacmotusn, tulianr and 3 others like this.
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