Peak Oil- what it is and how it will impact your life

Discussion in 'Peak Oil' started by Minuteman, Aug 4, 2005.

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  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

  2. suvalley

    suvalley Monkey+

    Dare an Alaskan comment here? I better go read the whole thing, even though I have been on The Oil Drum for years, lol
  3. pegleg

    pegleg Monkey+

    Minteman, you sound just like Al Gore! "The only debate has been the timing. That debate is very nearly settled."

    Look up Thomas Gold on the web (see Oil Without End? Revisionists say oil isn't a fossil fuel. That could mean there's lots more of it. - February 17, 2003). Even in the 19th century, many scientists doubted the idea of "fossil fuel" for oil & gas. It's more likely that oil & gas are methane-related and that the earth contains, for all practical puposes, unlimited amounts. Dry wells have been re-filling, from below. We keep finding more and more supplies. It isn't running out; it's growing.

  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Pegleg: (Blashemer! :)
    Even if every single drop of crude oil IS "abiotic" (i.e. not fossil) it still takes a millennium to collect. Like the liquid saturating a potato you can only extract so much in a given time.
    So even if every field currently producing WILLdefinitely "refill itself in 10million years: It might as well belooked at with the current "fossil fuels"model.
  5. Lucky Johnson

    Lucky Johnson Monkey

    I spent the last hour or so reading the your articles on the first couple of pages, MinuteMan, and I can't help but think that we are now in the beginning of the transition phase, as mentioned on one of the articles. So many things in these articles, which I noticed were written 6+ years ago, were accurately predicted and are happening now. Sadly, many people are still uninformed. I find that out of those that I briefly talk to, only 1 or 2 realize something is wrong. Most don't want to know about it and continue to live in that state of denial because "seeing" would mean leaving the convenience of the "comfort zone". Until recently, I was an avid Facebook junkie, always sharing articles with my circle of friends and family. It's sad to know that out of the roughly 170 "friends" and 2 "subscribers" that I had, only about 5 of them really paid attention. However, I still try to talk to people and inform them, choosing my words carefully and observing their responses.

    Alex Jones comes to mind when I read these articles and make connections with the news that I read on his website. I'm sure many of you here are familiar with Alex Jones, but, in the case you are not, his website is

    Thank you for these very informative posts. I'm sure to come back and continue reading them where I left off. I just wanted to put in my two cents.
    dystopia likes this.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Thanks LJ. Yeah a lot of work and research went into this thread. It is eye opening to go back and read the early pages. A lot has happened since then.
  7. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    8 reasons why gas will hit $5 a gallon this year

    The price of gas is a widely covered news item these days. Oil prices have moved up from $75 a barrel in October of last year to more than $100 a barrel currently.

    ................The OECD estimates global demand in 2012 of 90 million barrels a day and global supply essentially equal to projected supply. Nothing about that state of affairs should lead anyone to a conclusion that prices will fall.

    Bottom Line - 8 reasons why gas will hit $5 a gallon this year
  9. Suerto

    Suerto Monkey+

    I too, am intimately familiar with the recovery of hydrocarbons process..
    I too, am familiar with the "peak oil" model, since I was born..
    I too am familiar with the abiotic theory of oil..

    Ultimately, oil is a commodity with a limited supply for the demand.
    The only reason why we have been blessed with cheap hydrocarbons here in the states (where the rest of the world pays up to $5 more per gallon) is because oil is tied to the american dollar..

    Oil peaked, then technology made it so that we could get to more of it..

    We are now, at the limit of our technology for recovering it. If there are massive pools of oil, out of the reach of current technology, we are drinking what we can get to, waaaay faster than our ability to retrieve..

    Its that simple.
    There's less of it, and more people wanting it.

    If they ever do accomplish detaching oil from the greenback, America will be in a world of hurt overnight, as, gasoline prices will double, some say even triple. (overnight)
    and is why the american government defends that position violently..
    Thats the ONLY reason why we in america, are paying some of the cheapest prices in the world, for petroleum products..

    just sayin
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member


    In some places breaking $3/gal!

    Or is there a new discoverey for supply and demand? Im confused.
    It couldn't be controlled pricing could it???
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Except on the West Coast... an apparent Refinery Fire in SoCAL, is going to raise Gasoline prices along the West Coast
    according to the Seattle Newspapers published today.....
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Oh yeah? Up a dime overnight, 20 cents this week. 365.9 today.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Not around here. Jumped 30 cents in a week
    over 4 dollars in many places. 4.15 at the closest station.
    talked to my favorite station owner, they will be dropping to 3.97 in the morning. w00t 5 cents.
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Our is on the way up. $3.85 last week, $3.97 today, 87octane
  15. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I have to admit that I am surprised that we are approaching the end of 2012 and have not seen some of the more dire predictions beginning to take effect. The discovery of, what would have been only a medium sized if that discovery a few years ago, such as the Bakken and the Marcellus has added to the supply and actually managed to show, for the first time in years, a very slight increase in US production. But the consumption rate of the world has not stopped it's relentless climb. If you go back and read some of the earlier posts and linked articles in this thread you will see where many of the prognosticators added the caveat that any new discoveries would only serve to postpone the inevitable and to extend the plateau period a few years. Most have cited 2015 as the point of no return. IF, and that's the catch, we don't do something drastic in the next few years to curb the worldwide oil gluttony, then our only hope of staving off the more dire forecasts is to hope and pray, that we somehow find some huge, very HUGE, new fields, or that science somehow comes up with a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Neither of those things appear to be very likely to occur.
    Quigley_Sharps likes this.
  16. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    welcome back MM ;)
    Minuteman likes this.
  17. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    After watching BP in the Gulf of Mexico, I don't believe in peak oil. Mater of fact I believe anywhere you drill in the gulf will yield the same results. This oil is the result of algea and dead marine life, over millions of years. This continues now. Peak oil not in our life time.
    Yard Dart and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  18. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Ahh, No ! First you have to have 4D seismograph of the area, Then if it's not leased from the Feds, Your not drilling.Period.
    Some blocks will never be leased due to National security/oil resevers, etc.etc.
    Beside's if you use that theory them any place on land should hold oil ?
    kellory and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  19. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

    Refineries is how they can maintain high prices. there problely hasn't been a refinery built in the US in tweny years.
  20. Troy brownrigg

    Troy brownrigg How my next home will be constructed!

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