Peak Oil- what it is and how it will impact your life

Discussion in 'Peak Oil' started by Minuteman, Aug 4, 2005.

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  1. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned looks like anyone that doesn't agree with fireplacegay should keep quiet...or he'll whip out "the mirror"...

    I'm done with you...Have a nice life...
  2. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I agree...and I tried to do that...
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Awright you guys, chill out.

    bnmb, we are cutting you some slack here since it is clear that you are having a little trouble with US English (which I have to say isn't too bad at all for a non-native) and we are having a bit of a problem with reading in what you are intending to say. It also behooves you to avoid citing spurious sources (like the old Soviet Union) to support your position, and take the time to understand some of the rather short sentences we use that assume some familiarity with the subject at hand.

    Our Fireplaceguy is a fairly new member, with a bit of an edge to his temper, but well on his way to becoming valued for his perspective. That and the language problem is about guaranteed to stir things up.

    We depend on clarity of communication, and obviously that's in short supply. Patience, guys, and don't get your knickers in knots due to differences of opinion and understanding.

  4. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    I was just about to say the same thing. This has run it's course.

    Most of us here are serious survivalists. I sure am. As such, I seek out truth a bit more diligently than the general population, for to prepare based on delusion or utopian thinking could be worse than not preparing at all. "Should'a, would'a, could'a" and "wish it were so" just doesn't cut it.

    I post in this thread because I recognize the seriousness of our fossil fuel dependence and that oil depletion is the key factor in that predicament. I really have read the entire thread, and in actuality, Minuteman did more than sufficient work regarding all the wishful thinking that swirls around this subject. From here on out, I'll stick to helping advance the understanding among those who want to understand.

    ETA: No temper in play here at all, GHRIT. If I ever get mad, you'll know it.
  5. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I'm sorry...what cutting me some slack means? Does that mean that I'm insulting anyone with my posts or my opinions, or I'm behaving inappropriate in some way, so instead of kicking me out, you cut me some slack? If that's the case, no problem at all...I don't want to impose on anyone or any thing...Just tell me to leave this forum, and I will.
    If I got that slack thing wrong, I apologize...this is the way i understood it...
  6. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Cutting you slack just means we are allowing for the differences in language that result in a misunderstanding of intent. Every language has a vernacular that can be easily misunderstood by someone unfamiliar with the common usage of a term or statement. We encourage people to express differences of opinion as long as they don't include personal attacks. We are all here to learn from one another and that can best be accomplished by listening to one another. Citing actual facts as opposed to here say or folklore is always helpful when making an argument for your point of view. We are all guilty of sometimes espousing opinions presented as facts instead of empirical data.
  7. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Ah...OK...Thank you.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    "Cutting slack" is another way of saying that errors (in this case of understanding our idiom) are being overlooked. No problem with you at this point, and if all keep it civil, there will be no problems. Stick with us, and you'll be writing/talking like a native in less time than it takes to tell.

    In any case, you won't be kicked out unless you violate the CoC.

  9. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    I see...Thank you
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    :lol: Thought so, but you have to admit that you were stirred into responses.

    And back to the topic of Peak Oil (or hydrocarbons in general ---)
  11. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    I believe in Peak Beer [beer]
  12. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    bnmb -

    You made a number of personal (and false) statements about me. Here's an example:"And you love mankind so much that you run around the world killing people over oil? And I dislike mankind? Are you saying that oil is a blessing for the mankind? Polluting air, water and food? Killing oceans and wildlife? I'm sorry, but I'm not the one willing to do anything to anyone in order to suck up as much oil as possible."

    That's a lot of words to put in my mouth, you know! It's actually pretty typical of the invective of the Left here in America, and it's not a respectable way to argue. Rather than validating a logically fallacious argument by defending against obvious untruths, I decided to play with your words. In reality, it was obvious from my first response to you (in which I pointed out that we are in Iraq and Afghanistan because of oil) that I am not happy about, or a supporter of such wars. Even if you missed that subtlety, you could at least see that I'm honest.

    It may be that such a subtlety really didn't make it across the borders, so I'll tell you outright that I am often sickened by America's behavior abroad. Of course, if America wasn't doing the bullying, someone else would be. (I AM enough of a realist that I understand that to be a fact of life.) And, human nature being what it is, there are indeed plenty of other bullies hard at work right now. To ignore them while condemning America will get you nowhere here.

    I will also observe that this fight over oil is in a profound transition. In the past it has been largely an economic war, but it is on the way to becoming a fight for survival. That means things are about to get much worse. History demonstrates that the human race prefers fighting over most other activities, and it's already obvious that we'll fight FOR oil rather than fight to become independent of it. This is not just an American trait, and it isn't going away.

    Anyway, I find your use of English to be quite good. Better, actually, than some Americans. It's good enough that I think we both knew what we were doing here. At the point where this really turned personal, I should have disengaged rather than dissect your statements and make fun of them, so I will be the first to apologize.

    Nobody wants you to leave this forum. Personally, I would much prefer that you stay around and participate. You're probably aware that our news media keeps us quite in the dark about events around the world. Even with the internet, it is not always easy to track down the truth. You will find an outside perspective like yours to be most welcome here, and valued, along with any information you can provide that we don't have access to thanks to our lousy media.

    While on the subject of our media, by watching them you may have come to believe that all Americans hate our own country, and that this is acceptable or perhaps even fashionable. That is not true for all of us, and it is certainly not true of us here at the Monkey. We don't find it acceptable to insult our nation or to blame us for the actions of our government. We're not responsible for everything that's wrong here, let alone everything wrong in the world. We see what's wrong, and deplore it, but that doesn't mean we wish to see America harmed - by our own so-called leaders or anyone else. We love our country and we are very loyal to her. You may criticize our leaders all you want (we sure do!) but please do not condemn us as individuals or as a nation for their corruption and abuses.

    That brings me to my last thought - that beyond whatever you may think about us as Americans, I really hope you get to know us as people as well. (That's a big failing of Americans when meeting others, so don't be guilty of the same thing.) That will allow us to get to know you as a person too.

    You'll discover, among many other interesting things, that a bunch of us here are very passionate about alternative energy - myself included. Some of us even work full time in the field.

    So, please stick around, and let's move forward, ok?
  13. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    Yeah, when "stirred" I can do wisecracks and sarcasm with the best of them. Not my best trait, I know...
    With pleasure!
  14. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Sorry about that...I was angry, since I felt insulted and ridiculed...
    You wrote, I wrote...It doesn't matter...If this rock we call Earth goes to s***, we'll all go together...
    Just do not think that I'm prejudiced towards American people (not necessarily true about government)! Believe it or not, I work every day with 3 Americans, and I talk and socialize with quite a few more...There is a large number of US missionaries families (as they say about themselves) here from a certain religion who are my friends, although I'm a hard-core atheist!
    We do not discuss religion, and I certainly avoid to discuss US govt with them (I don't want to risk to say something to offend them).
    I'm not a child who would make a conclusions of the type: US govt bad=ALL Americans bad, and put all people in a same basket.
    I'm absolutely aware that people in the US do not hate their country...I mean, how could they?! A Country is NOT the same thing as government! That is a fact that many people overlook even here! A politician is NOT my Country! I would fight for my Country, but I'll be damned if I would fight for a fracking politician or a banker!
    And finally, I do not think anything bad about American people (just don't ask me about your govt), how could I? I drink coffee with them every day! Most of them are here over 4-5 years!
    I am truly sorry for offending you, and I apologize. If I messed up something above, or was unclear about something, please tell me, and I'll try to explain better.

    Yes, lets move forward...we wasted enough time and cyberspace by being silly...
  15. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    good quote
  16. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    The beer will never run out.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It will if Quigs and Clyde get a good start on the breweries.
  18. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    We invade Canada next - for the beer...... [beer]
  19. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Been there, done that. One too many trips over the border for a case of Molson before it was widely available in the US.
    Just tell the border guards, you were sightseeing..
  20. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Hmmm...there was a recipe for Egyptian beer somewhere...over 3000 yrs old recipe..I'd surely like to taste that!
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