Pay it Forward

Discussion in 'Pay It Forward' started by melbo, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Hey Sea, if those Berreta 92 mags are still around I could give them a good home. Let me know.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Sorry Brad, I gave them away a while back.
  3. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    No problem. So do you still have the Barretta 92? If so would you be interested in trying out a holster for it?
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I gave my 92 to my father a while back; he never carries it. I did find another magazine, if you want it.
  5. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Sure, PM headed your way with adress.
  6. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    Conagher - did the brass arrive yet?
  7. Conagher

    Conagher Dark Custom Rider Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Yes and thank you.

    Now I need to clean up my reloading room to find things I don't use any more to help the pay it forward thread.....[beer]
  8. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member


    The idea is that someday they will need something and someone will in turn, Pay it Forward. seesaw
  9. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    I advance paid forward with the 7.7 and 308 brass (above)

    If anyone needs them I also have 30-06 brass that I'm willing to part with if you want to pay the shipping.

    I am looking for Berdan primers (any size)

    looking for Berdan depriming tools

    looking for 9mm Luger relaoding dies or 7.62x39 dies or 7.62x54R dies (will swap for 375 H&H dies if you need those)
  10. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner


    I'll take the .30-06 brass-please email me the cost of shipping to send you.

    And I'll PIF with 45 -lead roundnose 158 gr. bullets for .38/.357----Hornady # 3586.I'll pay shipping in CONUS.

    Will have more stuff if I can make time to clean out the boxes & crates-have been building a new 'loading bench & things are kinda wrecked.

    Will be working next 6 of 8 days- can't get on forums @ work-please email me : Can ship bullets on 25Jun when I work off.


    ----Gnarly [troll]
  11. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    Gnarly - email coming. i can't get the forum at work either - sux!
  12. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner

    Work has been interfering with everything else in my life!We've had some people off sick,some on's been intense there.We do 12 hr. shifts on a locked psychiatric unit + several trips a day to ER for admissions.Tomorrow & Tues. will be 6 shifts in 7 days.Don't get me wrong;I love what I do.But at least we oughta be able to check the forums if we're stuck there that much!
    Have been antsy to finish the latest reloading bench.It's mostly recycled/reclaimed stuff, but I'm ready for it to be usable.
    Appreciate your PIF of brass; maybe I'll have something you can use.
    Just lemme know about what I owe you for shipping.

    ----Gnarly [troll]
  13. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    brass is en route and should be there today or tomorrow. No charge but I appreciate the offer to pay.

  14. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Do to forgetfulness and impatience on my part I couldn't help buying a copy of " Gardening when itcounts, growing food in hard times copyright 2005"by Steve Soloman , newsociety $19.95 at
    the recent "energy fair" ) it was the last and only day I could attend)
    Its a great primer on gardening, whats important and why...
    I forgot I had a copy buried on one of my shelves(ordered from latoc).
    would trade my new copy , straight up for a reasonably clean copy of "patriots:surviving the coming collapse" J.W. Rawles...

    Perhaps even offer it up to a "sm escrow librarian" to issue out upon request???? Any Interest in that idea? We could work postage through paypal... ship to a third party who would hold both sides untilboth were satisfied?
  15. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner

    Let's keep it going!

    Thanx! GroovyMike.
    Anybody need the .38/.357 bullets from my earlier post?-GONE
    Also found some once-fired .38 Special brass today that I'll PIF-didn't get a chance to count it-prob'ly 50-75 rds. if anybody needs it.
    In the spirit of Pay It Forward,I'll pay shipping.[gone]

  16. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    Gnarly - the brass came back to me (a week ago) with a bad address. I'll resend late this week.
  17. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place

    Looking for a Right eye piece that fits on a M40 Gas mask that is tinted. The mask I just got has a cracked one (shattered). Also need a voice cover and a long drinking tube. Thank you.
  18. groovy mike

    groovy mike Immortal

    The brass is enroute again Gnarly.
  19. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner

    Sorry about the mailing hassle.
    ----Gnarly [troll]
  20. Gnarly

    Gnarly Authority Questioner

    Thanx, GroovyMike!

    Got the brass today.Would like to play some more 'Pay It Forward'....

    Up for grabs: one pair of S&W round-butt K-frame wood grips,factory.Used but usable.

    Or maybe somebody needs a set of factory wood grips for a Dan Wesson,small frame,same condition?

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