Panels are here!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by rsbhunter, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+

    price per watt

    Actually, it was under well under $300.00 a PANEL..for 235 watt panels...So they will either end up being a deal, or i might wish i had spent $300-$400 a panel and bought a different brand...I do know that these have a +3% range , no negative power loss (so advertised in their literature)...time will tell...rsbhunter
  2. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Sorry about that misquote on the price. I automatically think back to the pm you sent me where you said they were $400.00. It is still a much better deal then the other person was saying was to high. [drooling]
  3. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+


    Nadja, that was for the other poster, we (you and I) HAD talked about $400.00 per panel , for the Kryocera's.... And it came real close to me buying those...if the place i had bought them from hadn't come through on the panels being shipped by the very next day, i was going to go thru paypal, get a refund, and order the kryocera's.....but , i have 10 panels, like i said, i REALLY wish they were amaerican made, butat that price, i'll take a chance... you getting any rays over there?rsbhunter
  4. Nadja

    Nadja RIP 3-11-2013 Forum Leader

    Yes, just today, finally. My solar panels are all smiling again. All is well now. We are actually up to 63 deg. Weird weather this year for sure. Have a good evening. Nadja
  5. larryinalabama

    larryinalabama Monkey++

    Some of us fellers are just big kids and we buy stuff ahead of time.......just saying
    Cephus, rsbhunter and Nadja like this.
  6. rsbhunter

    rsbhunter Monkey+

    buying ahead of time

    Yeah, i am honestly a big kid....but i have learned way to many times, that alot of the old sayings are true, as we get "more mature" (old). One, "strike while the irons hot" is one i live by now. Way to many times, i have waited for a better deal, or til i had "the spare money" and missed out all together.As i type this, there is a WICKED storm heading thru the gulf states that looks to be VERY severe in nature....if it proves out to be that way, tomorrow you'll see on the news all the people trying to buy generators, candles, etc.....what i have been planning on for the last 35 years, is to one day, be in a place that doesn't have the hordes of people, that will be looking for others to provide what they didn't have the foresight to plan on needing, in a bad situation....As well as peace and quiet on a day to day one can plan for EVERY contingency...we do what we can with what we have, and hope we did enough....rsbhunter
    larryinalabama likes this.
  7. David Garza

    David Garza Monkey

    Liked your entries getting informed - great links, thanks!!
    Nadja likes this.
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