Got what he wanted? He wanted a rubber bullet in the gut? I think not. He wants justice, but he has to take a rubber bullet to keep fighting for it.
He was in violation of the law. He was warned, repeatedly. If he wants justice now, he can try to sue the police department. Of course, the case will likely be thrown out because he is in violation of the LAW. If you can't pay the price, do NOT commit the crime. He knew EXACTLY what he was up against. Buncha idiots, IMO, getting EXACTLY what they deserve, when they deserve it, MOST times. I am NOT represented by these morons, and I AM one of the 99%.
You want us all to do exactly what you have done...and that will lead us where? Right here, where large groups of people are preparing for rioting and looting, and the end of the world. You're obviously incapable of making a good decision about your own future let alone mine or the future of this country. Your generation has brought this planet and this country to the brink of disaster by your inaction and cooperation. Your generation is the definition of the quote "All evil needs to prevail, is that good men fail to act". Your experiences in this scenario will not serve you, and your opinions are without soul. You must have forgotten that Liberty and Justice are things worth fighting for. Maybe you should consider that it's not the protesters who are the problem, maybe it was your willingness to go with the plan, even if it's a stupid terrible plan, that's the problem. These protesters have the empathy to care about more than themselves, and have attempted to throw a wrench into the gears and tried to change the course of a terrible, horrible, soulless plan. Now it's wonderful that we should all just get a job and shut our mouth. I'm sure they'd love to, as opposed to screaming all day and getting shot with rubber bullets, but there are some problems with this county. IN CASE you haven't noticed, there are no jobs. That's what 20% unemployment means. We have a government which should be a Republic Democracy, but in reality is a Oligarchy. And we are all being controlled by money, corrupt laws, and force. I'm glad you can all act oblivious. I can't ignore these facts, and you can't either, that's why you prep. What amazes me is you disagree with the means, but think...they aren't looting and setting buildings on fire. You complain about poop on a sidewalk, but I know these 25 year old unemployed kids see the bigger picture. What about when it gets bad? What about the race riots and the arson?
Sounds just like the ones that used to call us baby killers and throw feces at us ,and this one sounds like ones of the ones that used to egg them on !!
What do you suggest we do to fix the problem? The problem is that we no longer have a representative democracy, and the wealth of a country is being taken from the population and funneled to the few. Or is that not the problem?
Listen dude, in Vietnam, American soldiers were made to do terrible things. No one blames you. It's like I blame all cops for our police state, they are just playing their small part in being baby killers.
I think it would be better put, vote for truth, not lies, because he didn't do a damn thing he said he would. Case in point why we no longer feel that working within the system will bring the change we want to see. I think charisma was the Bush years. Really charismatic, but would never have done a dang thing with his life without his dad's connections.
Also, you assume that there is a reasonable candidate out there. Ron Paul being the best, but not perfect. Last person that wasn't a puppet was JFK, look what happened to him.
Don't call me DUDE and you have no idea what it was like ,you spout off about things you have no idea about just like Nam and this so called protest when in reality you don't do anything but run off at the mouth . You have no idea what a soldier does or has done for people all you and is the attention it gets you here and on other boards . These people if you haven't taken a hard look at them are being used by the people who want bring down what some of us have fought and bleed for !! I'm done so you go right ahead and spout all you want ,I been on this board for along time maybe I should look around more !!!!
I was just trying to be empathetic. I wasn't there obviously, but based upon my reading of the topic, Vietnam was not an enjoyable experience, and people did things they would never have done otherwise. I might talk a lot, but I am one of the only opposing views, and these protests have caught my attention. I speak from the heart, I'm not faking my beliefs. As for the rest I could say, I would never insult your service. My opposition is towards the Vietnam war, not you. And I call everyone dude, it's not disrespectful where I come from.
How could you have a opinion on something you've only read about ,and the ones telling the stories aren't always as truthful as you'd like to believe they are .remember it was the first war that was on TV every night and if the MSM had it's way it would have been scripted to their liking and their opinion just like your is faulty !! Now go play in the street and we all get lucky !!! DUDE
Talking with a few that served will fix the problem of reading someone else's noise. And "dude" is really disrespectful in any community other than the "downtown" areas. Don't, please, use it around me.
It's obvious you haven't got a c lue about what happened in Nam.... A thought for you... It's probably better to keep your mouith shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.... When you have lived it, seen both sides of it, you can talk about it... until then it's probably better not to show your ignorance Just my opinion
The problem is people LIKE YOU who think we live in a representative Democracy. We live in a Constitutional Republic! People should learn what that is and understand how it works. Here is a fine example. A Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what is for dinner. A Republic is two wolves and a sheep discussing what is for dinner, but the sheep has all the guns. The root of the problem is the Federal Reserve Bank. All levels of the government have been infiltrated with cronyism, bankster mentality, and a total disregard for American freedoms, as long as TPTB are profiting. There is, however, a few points I would like to address from your prior posts: We - the previous generations - are NOT doing exactly what we have done. We have become far more vocal and politically active than ever before, but we are doing so within the acceptable laws of our society. Those preparing to loot and riot are doing so not out of some noble sense of justice or self-sacrifice, indeed, quite the opposite. Your judgements of what I, and other patriots, are capable of are misinformed at best. Read these forums carefully, especially the posts regarding Constitutional rights, the 2nd Amendment, and the IRS. Our generation did NOTHING, and that brought us to the brink. We know that, and we are working to rectify our mistake. Another mistake we made was raising your generation, which is the very definition of "what have you done for me lately?". You call your passion soul, but it is anarchist selfishness. We know what Liberty and Justice mean. Many of us bear the scars from wounds we received while obtaining and assuring you have both. So, do not talk to me about my patriotism until you have stood my watch, walked my wall, fought my war, or served my Country. The protesters are the problem. They complain about Government spending then cost cities and states literally millions of dollars they do not have - policing and cleaning up after the protesters, where the Tea Party protestors never once cost a city a penny extra (they provided all their own facilities, cleaned up after themselves and protested so peacefully they were NOT heavily policed, even when they were OPENLY ARMED). The protesters violate laws that for some reason a Tea Party protest, for example, never once broke. You advocate anarchy, disorder, and the mob rule. The Socialist Workers Party in 1930's Germany fomented anarchy, disorder, and mob rule so they could step in and take OVER and bring order to chaos. The Occupy fools are playing RIGHT into the trap. Get over yourselves. Understand the system, and change it without giving TPTB a reason to ramp up the police state - ostensibly to "protect" law-abiding, hard working citizens from lawless and uncontrolled mobs, like yours. We are changing the course. The OWS fools may take the peaceful option off the table, however. These actions that they are taking can and may lead to open armed conflict. That means that they will likely cost millions of lives whether they meant to or not. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Get a job or shut up. I am one of the 20% unemployed, but rather than spending MY time yelling useless slogans and beating my chest, I am LOOKING for work. Again, your lack of knowledge is obvious. We do not live in a "Republic Democracy". We live in a Constitutional Republic. Look that term up. LEARN what it means, and understand it. We are being controlled by a corrupt bank run Government. The real power in the Nation is the Federal Reserve Bank. They control our money supply, they control our politicians, they control the laws. You obviously have a lot to learn. You have yet to postulate even one fully accurate fact. I personally prepare for the worst of ANY situation, be that a death in the family or a natural disaster the likes of which have never been seen. I disagree with idiots that are bringing the police state forward faster! What a bunch of entitled, self serving, lazy, whiny, useless humans! Those 25 year old unemployed kids are faced with having to work, possibly for the first time in their entire LIVES and want everything handed to them. I lived through race riots, arson, looting, and shooting. Those ended because they had a finite cause. This "occupy" movement has less cause than the Tea Party, and they are creating circumstances in which the Police must respond with escalating and increasingly harsh actions. Edit: I don't have a full college degree, yet when I am working I pull down upwards of 6 figures. I accomplished this through over 25 years of long hours, hard work, dedication to my success, and the desire to excel and make a good future for my children. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Oh, and because I worked my BUTT off, I was able to pay off over $25,000 in student loans in ONE payment. It was hard, but I worked, saved and paid. IT CAN BE DONE. You need to sit back and reassess just what the Occupiers are doing to change things. Avarice, I like you, for the most part, but your liberal attitude and knee-jerk finger pointing are wearing thin on me.
What you are not seeing is behind these video's I know that in today's time's and with all these attorney's looking to sue L.E.O. and their depts that officer just didn't say well hell Im going to shoot this one. That officer knew that they had camera's and he would have to answer for it. These people are not true of heart about a cause and I dont meen all of them. They were given a lawful order to comply and made the choice not to and they chose not to for a reason. These officers have a job to do and a town or city to protect along with it's people. Look at the start of the video you can see where they have already spray painted city property and they say there is no damage being done. How would you feel you work for your home and to keep your neighbor hood clean. Then I come and spray paint a big Anarchy sign and down with the goverment on walls and other fixtures. I tell you what you would be calling the police to try and get it stopped and the city or county to come and remove it. I agree people have a right to free speech and the right to protest (lawfully). These video's and the one's prevoking the confrontation is taking away from the cause of any protest. If they had packed up and left the area that they were told to I think that would have made a stronger statement. Look they city are making those guy's leave they I think thats not right. But now you have look at those guy's come in here and try to take our town over and the police had to get involved. Whats wrong with them Im glad our police force took care of it. See the cause is lost public perception and as a long time L.E.O. I can tell you when you get the public behind you the people you protect and deal with everyday will help support you and stand by you in court. I am sworn to protect my county and it's people and then sencod my state and it's people. My citizens come first and if I have to use force to protect them and their property from outsiders I will and I have. These protester's dont understand or just dont care we do not want them coming to our home town doing this Bull$h!t let them do it in their home town's. We go to work and come home play with the family or drink a beer and shoot the breeze with friends. Wheather we are L.E.O., Work at McDonalds or shovel stable's we work and have that right. Most of these protesters are trying to claim that they are to good to do the jobs that we do and thank god this country for the most part still looks at a man that wors hard to move up will get the better jobs. You have to pay your due's I would rather follow a grunt beat cop Sgt. than a college degree Cpt. that has never been in the $h!t to get me killed and that is with any job. So for the most of these guy's need grow up it's time to be adult's before someone really gets hurt. Plus It was funny the video you could here in the guy's voice he was having a change of heart. He wanted it and he got it
I'm sad that even though I seek out information, it's not good enough. I read Philip Caputo's A Rumor of War. I thought it was a very thorough experience of someone who was there, as a rifleman and an officer, who had authority to speak on his own behalf, and I had the good fortune to listen. I didn't claim to be an authority. I do know what a Constitutional Republic is, but we don't live in one in actuality. We live in an oligarchy, the top few control the system, and the policies benefit few, and the population have as many rights as is convenient. I have educated myself, I have just come to different conclusions. Therefore, you think I'm as incorrect as I think you are. Working within the system, obedience, voting and attending rallies, will not change this system. I'm ready for this conversation to be over, I'm getting angry enough to ruin my day, and it's not necessary, because it wouldn't be possible to win, whether or not I was right. So I will excuse myself from the Freedom & Liberty forums for a few days and in a decade we will see who was right and who was wrong. Good day Gentlemen!
Phillip Capuito is one person with one set of perspectives what he may or may not have seen should be viewed as simply that... one persons view.... I understand that Vietnam was not a popular war hell it wasn't popular with those who fought in it... but the big difference is those who served know what really happened issues from both sides... Monday morning quaterbacking does no good for anyone... comparing Vietnam protests to the OWS is comparing apples and oranges.... finally your "baby Killer" comment was over the top uncalled for... and shows your ignorance and bias.... I support your right to free speech but realize that not all speech is accurate or true... try supporting some of the vietnam vets... talk with those that are willing to discuss things with you but don't be supprized if they refuse to talk toomany time have their words been discounted , taken out of context, and simply ignored.. then maybe, just maybe you will see a little bit of what really happened... Just my opinion....
The one thing consistent about the Vietnam "experience", is that there was no consistency. I heard it said that Vietnam was a different war for each person who went. This is probably true o a great extent for all wars, but especially for Vietnam, where the vast majority of us did not go or return with a unit, but rather as individuals arriving alone into an established group and having to individually establish our place in that group. We each had our own seperate "DEROS" date 12-13 months (depending on branch) away..and, for most, the basic goal was just to survive to that date. I have read probably 40 accounts of the tours of others over the years and, while all have basic themes and individual facets that are similar to my experience, none have really been all that close to the totality that I experienced. Thinking that one can get even a basic sense of the experience from the account of one person is just foolish. Add to that the fact that Phil Caputo had a highly unusual both a platoon leader in the early days and a journalist later in the war...and trying to extrapolate a real understanding from his account becomes a true exercise in futility. It is really too bad that your incredible arrogance and conviction that you were somehow chosen to be endowed with an understanding that far outstrips your experience and knowledge causes you to get so frustrated that you must retreat rather than actually listening and possibly learning from those who have lived what you merely conjecture. We may well be reaching a time when action outside the basic system of political reponse is needed. However, OWS' disjointed, disorganized and misguided rhetoric and disruption is unlikely to have any positive effects and is quickly alienating the majority to the point that they do more to distract from the real problems than to bring about any kind of positive change. As has been pointed out to me after my initial reaction to your childish "I'm going to take my ball and go home" post, you are young and live in a state where denial of reality is the norm (I speak from experience...having grown up there and dealing now regularly with refugees from there who have escaped, but still find it hard to accept the ideals of real liberty). I suggest you take Witch Doctor's advice and actually try to learn from the sources about what has gone in the past...but I'd put away the "baby killer" theme if I were you...lest you learn a lot more than you want to about human reactions.
What happened to freedom of assembly? The LEO'S are working for there employer and have forgotten there oath to the constitution.