Great news. I wish I was doing well enough to join in on one of the strikes going on. Couldn't do it, closing one extra day would killed me. The walk in and the rent wouldn't go down.
Nope, Not even close... The protesters decide, when they want to commit a crime, as part of their protest. They decide to throw a Rock or Bottle. They decide when they chose to "Breach the Peace". They decide when they chose to block Traffic, on a Public Street. Any of these things are Criminal Offenses, for which they may be Arrested, under the Statutes of California. Once an Law Enforcement Officer witnesses any Criminal Offense, his is bound by Statute, to effect an Arrest, of the Perp, PERIOD. If he has to put his LIFE in Jeopardy, doing so, He may legally use, whatever force is required to do so, and should the Perp resist, or not follow a Lawful Order, that is a separate Criminal Violation of the California Statutes, for which the Perp may be prosecuted. If you do NOT like the Statutes of California, change them, using the Legal Methods, under the Law. Otherwise, you are just aiding, and abetting, the Criminal and Lawless Elements. My Opinion.... YMMV....
BTPost hit the nail on the head these protesters decide to break the laws, these laws have been in affect way before this group of protesters come along. They provoke the violence then when they get it they act as if they are this group of christain munks who have been attacked by a evil overlord. The mentality of these groups are Im always a victim and never an offender. Also I agree with Seawolf1090 why are they protesting local goverment's it's not them go to the white house and protest the man they put in office. He's the one that promised the change O-dumba$$ remindes me of these tent preacher's that do all the healing makes the cripples walk, the blind see and cure the pleg. All these people load down the tent and feel the collection plate and preacher grabs a free meal, feels you with false hope, tells you a bunch of lies that the sheeple believe. Then grabs the collection plate and runs and all the sheeple got was their light's turned off because they gave the preacher the light bill money.
Yup. Bear in mind that the folks living in the area can impose restrictions on how their area is used, hence the ordinances imposed with the force of law. More restrictive than the Constitution, sure, but in place to allow control of those that would interfere with local life. If they want to put their nose in the way of my fist, they're welcome.
We've had this discussion before, I'm not going to get into it, we all know how each other feels on this issue. I'm just going to keep posting videos because I'm more sympathetic towards the protesters and the right to freedom of assembly. If the police didn't crash the party, we wouldn't have violence Oakland right now. If the police want to put their nose in the way of my fist, they're welcome. Oh wait, not moving when a cop says is a crime, not moving out of the way of the law is a crime, letting a cop walk into you is a crime. The list is endless.
Police Storm OWS San Diego in Predawn Raid, Journalists Arrested (Includes interview and first-hand account) So they showed up at 2AM to San Diego OWS and removed them and arrested some journalists. So we might see violence on the streets in San Diego.
I think it's kinda odd, one or two would be a coincidence, but 10 press badges and equipment is suspicious.
I will be watching all the "Fun" on CNN.... then when I have had enough, I will just walk over and turn the "Switch Off".... It is just one "Stupid bunch of Idiots" having it out with another "Stupid bunch of Idiots"... and a very good reason, NOT to live in a City, with either "Stupid bunch of Idiots".... ..... YMMV....
Well, one thing is sure and certain..... this Dog&Pony Show is becoming as big a draw for the mases as American Idol and DWTS - "Bread&Circusses"! Keep us distracted while Dot_Gov does nasty things in the dark of night.......
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Couldn't happen to a nice Guy..... I suspect that they were told to "Disperse" before this edited segment of video was taken. They did NOT disperse, and therefore were in violation of the California State Criminal Statutes, and subject to Legal Enforcement actions, by the Police. You violate the LAW, it is your problem, when things happen.... If that Idiot didn't want to get hit, he should have left the scene, when it was declared an "Illegal Assembly", instead of hang'en round, making videos. Duh... I wonder if he was Blond....
Just because you are holding a digital camera does not make one projectile proof...otherwise, Jimmy Olsen would have given ole Supes a run for his money
Where do we draw the line about when you can use less than lethal projectiles? I'd say, "when they pose a direct threat to police or citizenry or property." Arrest him if he's breaking the law, don't injure him.
keep in mind that many arrests result in injury to the LEO and or innocent bystanders... trying to disperse folks while using less than lethal means seems ok byu me... if you can't do the time don't do the crime... or the corrallary... if you gotta do something stupid knowing that folks may lob large rubber bullet your way maybe you need to reconsider the consequenses....
Actually, when a perpetrator poses a direct threat to police, citizenry, or property, lethal force can be used. I'd say the police were doing their jobs. Nicely. A rubber bullet sure is better than a real one, IMO. I'd rather not get hit with either, but if I had to choose...just sayin'. YMMV.
He got what he wanted, plus i kinda liked seeing him get it these people come to provoke an action then want to cry about it when they get it. Everyone want's to scream them poor hippie's look what the big bad police is doing to the poor souls. I call Bull$h!t on that what about they officer's? They are forced to watch this group who dont work and wouldn't work if they had a job, Forced overtime with no days off Im sure they would rather be home with their families rather than watching none deoderant wearing, peeing in the street, cry baby,we are the victim hippie's. What about the towns and cities forced to pay all this overtime, clen up and damage caused by these people who are not from their town or city on an already strained budget? Go Home Hippies, take a job and join the real world and let the rest of us who do work enjoy our town's and cities you are destroying. If you are 25 years old and have never had a job you have no say, you are part of the problem with our country.taser1 I am not say this is all the people that are there but it is a large percentage of them and we all know it like it or not.
They remind me of the ones that were waiting for us when we came home from Nam ,it seems things haven't changed much in 40 some years !!!