Just seen this confirmation of arson fires being set. Little shits need to be dropped in the middle of one of these fires! https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1303592773715546114
We got most of the back burnings done, little spots to get taken care of, but we got ahead of it and are now starting the push through sublimity toward the bigger burns! Looks worse then it is, but that ain't saying much! Half tempted to run north with what assets we have, looks like Silverton might be in trouble!
Irony now as the evac zone is ten minutes from my house, my in-laws are headed back to Stayton now that the air quality there is reportedly better than it is here. Either that or maybe it was when I told them what was for dinner tonight...
Lots of looting and arson going on down here ( And all over the hot zones) and there's some shootin going on! Cant share details, doubt the MSM will cover any of it, the National Guard is running a full blackout with the Sheriffs and state police! Reinforced road blocks, if you cant prove you live in the area, and are willing to be escorted, your photos and I.D. are taken and ran, and your turned away and told to GTFO! been awake 80 hours, and no rest in the near future! Lots of Cofveve and gateraid!
Can't say what is happening, but it's happening! Three "S" Shoot, Shovel, Shut the fuck up! We're at war here, no joke serious!
They just caught a guy inside the "Zone" doing bad things! They roughed him up pretty good while he was resisting, and he ain't going to be walking right, if ever!
"One mile east of Cheshire, grey Prius shooting firework into the brush. Oregon plate 824 JXC....Lane county scanner."
Marion county, Salem, South East Turner road 3300 block! Gold dodge extra cab 2wd with black trim Lic. GWX 88G, throwing Molotov cocktails at the airport grounds, heading south toward Turner! OPS on his ass, if seen, call 911
More, red Jeep in the Mollola area, and white Honda Accord with Texas plates! Both seen starting fires along the roads!
Good to get good ID on them. Now get ahold of them and sweat then some.. See just what they are willing to tell.
Good news here. News said the fire that was coming towards us is now heading the opposite direction. Still not out of the woods but will be sleeping better tonight.
We have friends from Eagle Point, near Medford, staying with us on the coast. They bugged out early day before yesterday before Stage 2 was imposed and highways closed. We keep monitoring the fire progress there and viewing their security cameras. I understand the Ashland fire is now a criminal investigation.
Lots and lots of looting, Marion county nabbed a bunch last night from the Stayton/ Sublimity area! F.B.I. and the MSM not reporting the truth, the bookings numbers don't jive! Claiming the agitators are not setting fires is false, and the FBI are not investigating, not a single special agent has even stepped foot in the Marion County justice center to investigate the arsonists!
It's almost funny - on the local FB groups I'm monitoring for news people will start conversations almost cut and pasted about the arson and looting not being real. Then people start responding with their own experiences including pictures and video, then all of the sudden commenting is shut down by FB and then poof it's gone like it never existed. I was even in the middle of watching a video taken by a friend of my cousin when it went poof. In the video she was hauling horses towards OC when traffic was stopped. Up ahead of them several officers were arresting a group of arsonists. Glad I got to see that part before it disappeared.
Lots of reports of looters in evac areas. We are pre-evac just a short walk from evac areas. A lot of my neighbors split yesterday as part of the caravan you may have seen in the news. I'm not leaving until I can see flames and that isn't going to happen here without arson. Even though more than half the housing here is now unoccupied there has been more traffic in my cul de sac than normal with vehicles I don't recognize. Pretty certain at least a few are casing the neighborhood, One of my co-workers mentioned the looting and made the statement of "How low can these people go?" Me: "About six feet if they try my house..."