OPSEC: insanity at times...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragonfly, May 7, 2012.

  1. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Is there a million like button?
    Gator 45/70 and groovy mike like this.
  2. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Nope. Unlike the Election laws of the nation, here it is one registered member, one (like) vote, as it should be. .... lol
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Unlike the electoral laws, the voter on SM has the option of withdrawing their vote if they feel that they had made a mistake, or had discovered what they had done once they had sobered up! : O
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Actually what I would like to see here at Monkey is the anonymous thumbs up (like) or thumbs down (dislike) statistic for statements made by all of us.
    I don't need no stinkin' do overs. ...... well at least most of the time.
  5. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    [peep] Depends how much I've had to drink
  6. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I had written a long winded and somewhat boring post on why this had happened....
    Luckily it got deleted by a wrong keystroke on my part!
    Suffice it to be said: The plans of mice and men often go astray!
    ...and you all know what has been said about "excuses"....I could offer you those, but I won't. I unfortunately like so many others, I have a built in mechanism that makes me human, and therefore prone to making mistakes from time to time....
    I started this simple thread to explain no matter how well you may think you know someone, no matter how many years and no matter that the person may have even been a major contributor (financially) to your cause....It may just come back and bite you in the end!
    I thought I knew this person, as I have known him for at least the past 14-15 years...I'll admit it, I was wrong! Now all I can do is to pick up the pieces and move on.....trying to salvage what I can.
    sgt peppersass and chelloveck like this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    WE indeed are all human...you at least have the courage to 'fess up to your failings.
    sgt peppersass likes this.
  8. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    Well,if the SHTF,I'm heading to Dragonfly's place.The rest of you comin'?
    sgt peppersass likes this.
  9. Redneck Rebel

    Redneck Rebel Monkey++

    Gonna take all of us to defend his stuff with all the security leaks he's got.
    STANGF150 likes this.
  10. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    Get a big RV and haul you and your stuff outta there asap. No more roomies trying to impress other folks with YOUR stuff. You are one of the elders on the tree, it's time to stop doing dumb things!
    STANGF150 likes this.
  11. snowbyrd

    snowbyrd Latet anguis in herba

    I'll store it for you.Gotta place that even I have trouble finding.....SURE, I am your friend, you can TRUST ME.?! My opsec was blown in the '90's, Oh well, Many a stash now.....Do the beggers get beans and rice, no they become, uh, dog food......
  12. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    i like the idea of posting them online
  13. LOL no disrespect to the poster but this thread resembles either a reach out for attention or a very naive move by a veteran here that should know better. At least #2 can be fixed with time and patience
  14. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I guess unless you are acutely aware of the particulars, it's somewhat easy to make a judgement call....No sweat, plans are already in progress to depart! As it stands, no one but myself knows what is about to take place on the 4th of next month or maybe the 5th, or the 3rd, or the 6th....
  15. sgt peppersass

    sgt peppersass Monkey+

    i know what you mean. I wanted to make aqaintences and co-workers think that I dont have anything. Its pretty obvious that everyone on SM has something worth of value to others, thats why we are on here, to share and help each other prepare. Its the knuckle heads that I know on a personal real life basis that I want to be more secure with.
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