Only the beginning....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CATO, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    Just about every conservative I know understands that there are some people on welfare that truly need help, my family was helped in some way or another several times times when I was a kid.

    The problem is there are so many people on welfare that do not need help and are too lazy and selfish to work and stop having babies, this is the fat I would like to see trimmed.
    Alpha Dog, ghrit and tacmotusn like this.
  2. ArmyRanger

    ArmyRanger Monkey+

    We need to get back to the days when families took care of each other instead of the government. Families should help each other out if you need it. You can't scam your family. For example, If my son/daughter needed help I would help them but I would also steer them towards being self-reliant. If they were not budgeting their money correctly or spending it on things they didn't need then they would have to get their crap together. There would be lower taxes because there wouldn't be many who could qualify for any government assistance, and I could use that extra money towards helping my family members while holding them accountable and getting back on their feet. No wonder families don't help each other, their good Uncle Sam takes real good care of them, at our expense. I am not saying that no one needs help, but I am saying that if the government got their nose out of it and have ones family help them out, their would not be people scamming the system and becoming dependant on handouts. Government welfare has created a culture that says that if your family member is in trouble, they can just go and get on welfare. No one is telling them to get a job, budget their money and learn how to live within their means. I don't know how we can change this culture of handouts but it is long overdue. Government assistance should be limited to extreme situations, where people who do not have family can qualify for short periods and there should be checks and balances. They should have to submit a weekly budget, get drug tested and have a plan in place working towards getting off welfare. Things happen, people do run into hard times, but the family and the local community should be helping, not the federal government. Social Security also needs overhauled. Everyone should have to invest a certain percentage of their income to qualify for Social Security. You should not be relying on Social Security for you only income, you should be investing a portion of your weekly paycheck and relying on your family to help if you need it. There should be some form of Social Security, but just like welfare, it should be severly limited. Social Security Disability should remain, but cut it back so that the families of the disabled have to pick up the slack. We all are already paying for it with our taxes. Let the people keep their money so that they can help their loved ones in a responsible manner that encourages people to be self-reliant. They will live happier lives, independant of Uncle Sam. And, men need to start being men and taking care of their responsibilities. If you have a kid and you get divorced, take care of your kid. Maybe, if a woman knows that her boyfriend is a lazy narccisitic dirtbag that couldn't care for a hamster, she won't have unprotected sex with him because he isn't going to help her if she gets pregnant and she isn't going to profit from welfare. We will see less unmarried women having unwanted kids, or in a perfect world, the guy would man up and fulfill his responsibilities because the government isn't going to do it for him. The point is that we have let the government meddle too long in our lives and it has totally changed our culture and it's time that we take it back, even if it stings a little.
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