One Rifle

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Tempstar, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    @arleigh, Warfare? With a .17 HMR! Would it be inconsiderate if I asked for Historical References? Thinking out of the box is a good thing, but I'm a little concerned with how the .17 HMR stacks up against even the mild mannered .762 NATO. Inquiring minds would like to know.
  2. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Not inconsiderate, but for CERTAIN on the silly side to ask, since it seems fair to assume there are none. If arliegh has made a choice for personal reasons (and that is NOT obvious from his post) then it's his choice, and I'm equally sure the AO has an influence, You need not agree, but you need to respect it.
    M118LR likes this.
  3. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Respect is well and good, Surviving could be another matter altogether. JMHO.
  4. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Add to that, bullet wounds aren't like TV. I see them come into our ER on occasion and even an arm wound with a .22 is a major trauma requiring surgery. Granted a .17 might not be a manstopper without a head or heart shot, but in a grid down situation it will be a death sentence.
    Brokor, Gator 45/70 and M118LR like this.
  5. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    But when was the last time you had someone in the trauma ward that received a bullet wound at even a pedestrian 800 Meters?
    If your talking wounds at distances of feet, thats one thing. If your treating Battlefield Injuries that's completely different. JMHO.
  6. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Oh, they are usually in feet for sure.
    M118LR likes this.
  7. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    It might be just my opinion, but it seems like there are allot of feet at 800 Meters.
    I was just pondering how long it would take you to run from 800 Meters to a range in feet that we could palaver about in the Trauma Ward? Did you really want to take fire from a Government Trained Operator all along that distance?
    Perhaps I'll choose to carry a .762 NATO. Call me Silly Sally.
  8. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    Only took me a year and a half to talk myself out of carrying a sharps if SHTF...cause sometimes it's more tactically viable to shoot over the wall instead of just through it..
    M118LR likes this.
  9. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Personally, I'd be avoiding gubmint types and most others I wouldn't see as a threat at 800 meters. Just me against Gov't trained operators? I'll end up losing anyway. Might as well give a few of 'em a bad infection from my nasty bullets to remember me by.
  10. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    Got one of those Chiappas. They handle very nice. And the choke is replaceable.
  11. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    I have and like the Savage 24's. From 410/22 to 12 gauge/3030 and with inserts makes it a great survival gun.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Inserts , unless they are full length, may not supply the range their bullet is designed for. equivalent to a pistol round .
    Mountainman and Brokor like this.
  13. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    The 24 does break down with the longest piece being the 24" barrel, 20" in Campers Companion version. Inserts I have are a 5" rifled 357/38 no name bought years ago and a 8" rifled 22LR Short Lane and they both work fine.

    Short Lane - Finest Shotgun Adapters, Always FREE Shipping

    This company has a much better variety then SL and insert lengths up to 18". Does anyone here have any experience with them?

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. Griff

    Griff Monkey

    RWS 48 in 5.5 mm with a mil-dot 3-9x variable scope.
    Yes, an air rifle.
    ...which will shoot clean through a rabbit's skull.
    Trapping is better. For that matter, so is farming. And caching.
    My rifle of choice is for food, not fighting.
    IMO, planning to use any hand-held weapon as the lynch pin of a defensive strategy is foolish.
  15. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    The only Threat you have while wielding a projectile weapon, is someone else wielding a projectile weapon to better use. (Unless of course you fail to select a projectile weapon that should accomplish all tasks that those to primitive to have projectile weapons shall vanquish you with!) So if you choose to carry a rodent rifle or less, I won't be surprised if you have no tales of vanquishing the big five. Just remember that only one of the critters on earth have the ability to carry projectile weapons. Choose wisely, it's not your ego or budget that could survive based on your actual decisions. More than My Opinion.
  16. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Thank you.
    oldman11 and M118LR like this.
  17. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    You are welcome. But all I've posted is the honest truth.
    You can't help those that refuse to help themselves. Just speak splain and let the chips fall where they may. JMHO.
    oldman11, 3M-TA3 and Dunerunner like this.
  18. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    .... in this scenario who do you call a "small calibre" mate ? I ask because I have literally shot 100s of hogs with .223/.222 over the years (and smaller rounds) and not seen a projectile bounce off a skull. Seem some less than impressive stops (but stopped nonetheless)when having to get through some hard baked mud on a hog from wallows but 5.56 in the noggin work very well. My preference is for .308Win however... ;)
  19. Andy the Aussie

    Andy the Aussie Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I agree that .22LR is not a good choice generally for critters, two or four legged, that can harm you. That's why I was clarifying what you called small/varmint rounds (given .223/5.56 is often considered such a round and mostly the enemy of poodles ;) ;) ). I have spent a good bit of time on foot in Africa and it is a turn up to realise you are the one being hunted. Or as the lioness said to her cub....look at that pudgy pink baboon....that may be breakfast..!
    3M-TA3, Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  20. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    .22 Cal. penetration test on fresh deer skull | Survival Monkey Forums

    Certainly not a good choice for animals like Bears and Cougars and the like. However a .22 lr. does far more damage than is given credit for. When I did this test the skull was still warm as I had just taken this deer with cross bow. The shot was from the side at 30 yards. The bullet was a plain lead 40 grain solid which mushroomed to about 3/8th of an inch . It exited the other side of the skull and was recovered under the skin . I was pretty shocked myself at the amount of bone fragmentation inside the head and through out the brain tissue. I was able to insert my middle finger into the exit hole. This was a 5.5 year old doe, not a little bambi . Mature , heavy well fed White Tail Doe.

    Africa is a continent loaded with big and small game. A .22 lr would be a great tool to have for small game but would not protect you from large predators. It is what it is. A .223/5.56 is much much more. But still would not be my choice for African big game. .338 comes to mind. But there is no one rifle that does it all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2017
    3M-TA3 likes this.
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