It has nothing to do with the number of Catholics in the world --it's about the power being levied. Unless you research the Catholic Church, it's history, the monetary connections, and its will to rule the world, you may never know the full extent. Remember, it's not about religion -it's about control. Their religion is a scam, always has been. Yet, the ages gone past tell another story (if one is willing to see it). There is a lot of religious "mumbo-jumbo" out there, from Christian extremists and others, but try not to be distracted. Just follow the money trail. Sooner or later you will see what I mean. Unfortunately, this is something that I cannot link for you and "prove" to you. A religious person will not listen to reason which is outside his/her belief structure. This is the conditioning that must first be broken before the truth can present itself. And while the world sleeps with the blankets of slavery pulled over their eyes, the real monsters sneak around in the night --and the divining serpent wraps its loving tail around your neck and slowly begins to squeeze.
I know Brokor, I was just "stepping on your toes" a bit here... I know exactly what you mean and you are absolutely right...I totally agree, and you do not have to "prove" anything to me...