I'm a traditional jack of all homesteading trades... Built my current home and working on the next, doing everything except the foundation (having to do a lot of the foundation work on this one, because of the round walls, the slope of the land, and the presence of a dungeon (my half below grade room, that'll be used for quiet time, and a place to go in case of fallout). My GF insists we call it a basement... blah... dungeon sounds better... to peeve her off, I mortared in a foot long piece of chain in the stone wall! However, my cash cow is doing "Landman" work in the Oil and Gas Business. I work for individuals, figuring out if they have minerals available for lease or sale, working out their interests. Today, I worked at home, logging 5 hours... meanwhile, I fed and milked 5 goats, fed chickens, rabbits, guineas. Hauled hay. My only boss was me... except for a couple dozen dogs on the place....
Currently laid off from my semi regular job at a mine, operating a haultruck. Spent this week repairing tractors. lots of construction exp. incl desk jockey, custom jeep shop, mechanic, woodsman, .com tech, room service waiter, cook, tow truck driver..... I know thers something I'm forgetting...
I work for an evil multi-national banking conglomerate hell bent on world domination by breaking the backs of the downtrodden and destroying the economies of the world so that they can manipulate and control the currency of a new singular global economy, (read Citibank).