Not posting a lot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hank2222, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    I was on a jury once for a personal injury case.

    This dude wanted $100,000 for "injuries" sustained in a minor fender-bender accident. The defendant admitted fault, so nothing to decide there. It was matter of how much the plaintiff should get.

    The injured party had some out of pocket expenses he could easily prove: Copays, time off work, stuff like that. We awarded him $1000 but found him 30% at fault. So he got $700.

    As we were leaving court, the lawyer looked more pissed than his client. That clown was probably woking on contingency, which means he only earned a few hundred bucks for all his work.

    Sometimes life is fair!
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